Prophetic Release For December

Welcome to the brand new month of December, our month of THANKSGIVING. This month is symbolic for FINISHING or ENDING of the year. You will end well. The same God who has seen you from January To November, He will see you through from this December to the next December and beyond in Jesus name;
• The Lord will shield you from harm, premature death, misfortunes, failure, stagnation, delay, loss and disappointments
• The glory of the Lord will rise upon you in every area of your life, career, marriage, children, finances, ministry etc
• Before you call, the Lord will answer you. Where you expect ONE blessing TEN will answer to you, Where you expect TEN, HUNDRED will answer and where you expect a HUNDRED, a THOUSAND will answer in Jesus name.
• The Lord will sustain you to finish strong with you this year in all your endeavors.
• The Lord will defend and deliver you, he will exchange lives for your sake.
Psalm 2:7-9: I will proclaim the Lord`s decree:
He said to me, “You are my son: today I have become your Father, Ask me and I will make the NATIONS your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possessions”

• From today as the Lord remains your FATHER, go and travel the globe
• You are preserved in the air, on land and on water in Jesus name.

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