Four Reasons Why Only God Deserves Our THANKSGIVING.

1.He Can Not Lie: God is not man, if he has said it, he will perform it (Numbers 23:19.
2. He Will Never Forsake you:God will never abandon you, fail you nor leave you alone, He will accomplish what He has started in you (Deuterony 31:6).
3. He Does Not Change: He says I am the Lord I change not (Malachi 3:6). Only God is dependable and reliable. Man will change to favour himself depending on the situation.
4. He Neither Slumber nor Sleep(Psalm 121:4):The fact that He is so mindful of you, he keeps watching over you day and night. You are special to him.
These among several reasons, entitle God to receive our thanksgiving and oblige us to appreciate Him everyday and night. DECEMBER Our Month of THANKSGIVING.

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