Write Down The Vision Make It Plain

Then the LORD replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.Habakkuk 2:2.
As we come the close of the year 2017, write down your vision clearly in print. Break it down into hourly, daily, weekly and monthly mile stones.

A vision is like a pregancy. You will lose taste for some foods,throw up, nausea etc. During this stage it will not make sense to others apart from yourself. Only you see the end from the beginning others may not see anything but a dreamer and enthusiast in you. Eyes on the ball. Just like no one admires the foundation, do not fall for the trap of gaining approval from people. Many will be happy to see you struggling and on the floor.

The pregnancy only starts making sense in the sixth to nineth months.
Build capacity along the way. Once you have built enough stamina to handle all shocks and stress as it comes, then you will manoeuvre through to make it to the top.

Finally in the end it will speak. While Experience is the best teacher, it does not necessarily mean you reinvent the wheel.Tap into the reservoir of massive talent, experience and abundant knowledge and wisdom for those who have walked down your path. In the end, the vision will speak loud enough for you to hear especially, those who did not see it from the beginning.

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