Catch Little Foxes

We have a glorious year before us right now. To fulfil all the prophesies, plans, dreams, aspirations and all goals set for 2018, our strategy must be different from the one we used in 2017. For every child of God, you shall walk in blessings. To do so first arrest all LITTLE FOXES before they spoil our destiny. Such as poor time management, hatrade, lust, greed, selfishness, sexual impurities, drunkenness, strife, failure to evangelise, pray, study the word, abandoning fellowship etc
Songs of Songs 2:15 says that ” Catch for us the LITTLE FOXES that spoil the vine.”
Vine means your labour, career, ministry, marriage, health, finances or livelihood. We must take sin out of our lives if we must make impact and maintain it to the glory of God in Jesus name.
Bible Study: Leviticus 24-26 & Romans 1-3.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
1.Father we return all the glory and praise for every good thing you have showered on us for the first 3 days of 2018.
2.Father in Heaven, thank you for giving us 2018 once again in Jesus name
3. Father we give you thanks for the life, family,ministry,marriage, careers and every blessing you have placed in our hands in Jesus name.
Prayer of Warfare
4. Father in the name of Jesus Christ, write my name in the book of life in Jesus name
5. Father in the name of Jesus, any little fox (mention them) that want to disqualify me to enter Heaven, i flush and reject them in Jesus name.
6. Father this area of my life(mention them), where i saw defeat in 2017, may i overcome in 2018 in Jesus name
7. Jesus you who knew no sin, became sin for me, so i might be made the righteousness of God in Jesus (2 Cor 5:21). From today, Holy Spirt transform and empower me begin a new chapter of righteousness in Jesus name.
8. I disconnect myself, from evil family parterns, habits, traits, associations, friendships and behaviours in Jesus name
9. Begin to appreciate God for answered prayer in Jesus name

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