4/40 DAY OF PRAYER AND FASTING. Devotion: Psalm 81:10 says that “I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.” We must realise that we serve a mighty God. He is the one who brought the Children of Isreal out of Egypt. Spiritually, Egypt was a place of restoration for Jacob and his Descendants during famine in the times of Joseph. Later on Another King who knew nothing about Joseph ruled Egypt and for the next 400+ years Egypt became a place of Terror, affliction, slavery and operation for Isreal(Genesis 46 and Exodus 1:1-18).Then They cried out to the Lord and He sent Moses to deliver them. This entire process seemed like a dream, an impossible task but God did it. Because they cried out to the Lord. What situation are you facing? Today open your mouth wide cry out to the Lord in faith and see how the Lord will perform as you call on Him in Jesus name.
Bible Study: Numbers 1-3 & Romans 4-6.
Prayers of Thanksgiving
1. Father in Heaven, I thank you for this today our 4th day in the new year
2. Father we thank you for your grace upon our lives in Jesus name
3. Father we thank you for you are not man that you should lie. Thank you for guaranteeing to answer all our prayers in Jesus name
Prayers of Supplications
4. Father in the name of Jesus, deliver me from every oppression my life, family, career, finances and destiny
5. Father every evil word spoken against my marriage, spouse, children, ministry and works of my hands, i cancel in Jesus name
6. I speak to the works of my hands. May I eat the Good of the land in Jesus name
7. Father we pray for those oppressed by the devil in health, finances, career, marriage, ministry and destiny, to be deliveres in Jesus name
8. Father we speak life to my family,MCCCI family, the church and body of Christ. Lord let your word spread and souls saved in Jesus name
9. Father we thank You for answered prayers in Jesus name

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