His Plans Are Better Than Ours:

Bible Study: 2 Corinthians 10-13 & Numbers 35-36.

DEVOTION : Jeremiah 29:11
1. God Knows the Plans He Has for each one of us.We need to find out his thoughts over our Lives.
2. He says His plans are to Prosper us: God wants us to prosper in all areas of our lives, spiritually, mentally, physically, health wise, in our careers, busineses and ministry.
3. His Plan Are Not To Harm us: God’s plans are safe and are aimed at preserving us and ALLTHINGS around us. Let us put everything under His care.
4. To give us Hope: No matter what you are going through, there is hope for. If Jesus could heal a paralytic man of 38 years at Bethesda, surely there is hope for all of us( John 5:1-14). Finally,
5. God Has A Great Future for us: When men write you off, remember God has a future for you. Even if you have messed up or do not see it, believe Him who created you, there is a better future begining now for you in Jesus name.
Prayers of Thanksgiving
1. Father thank you for today because your mercies are new every morning
2. Father thank you for the great plans you have for me in Jesus name
3. Father thank you for giving me hope and a future in Jesus name
Prayers of Supplication
4. Father renew my strength daily like the morning dew (psalm 110:3)
5. Father show me the great plans you have for me in 2018 in Jesus name
6. Father I ask that you prosper me in everything I do (career, business, works of my hands and ministry in Jesus name).
7. Father I reject every harm around my family , community, work place, my property and destiny in Jesus name
8. Father give me hope and show me the great future you have for me in Jesus name.
9. Thank you Father for answered prayers in Jesus name.

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