The Blessing of Serving God

Scriptures: Psalm 112:1:1-10 and Jobs 1:1-10
Serving God is not a reduction. Instead it is promotion and elevation in life.
From Psalm 112:1-10 the following blessings are laid down for everyone who serves God;
1. Fearing God and obeying his commandments brings joy
2. Our children will be mighty and successful everywhere
3. Wealth and riches are suppose to be in our houses
4. Even in darkness light will dawn for the upright
5. Good will come to us when we lend generously
6. The righteous will never be shaken
7. Bad news will not make us afraid
8. Confidence is ours as we rest our hope in the Lord
9. We shall be remembered forever because we are a blessing to the needy
10. Our enemies will be defeated before our very eyes

Now let us look at a man called Job that God blessed in Job 1:1-10.
1. We are told he was Blameless and upright: He conducted his affairs without corruption
2. He feared God and shunned evil
3. He had seven sons and three daughters
4. He had a lot of possessions or wealth
– 7000 sheep ( He was into textile industry)
– 3000 camels (camels carried heavy duty goods. Today we can say he had 3000 trucks carrying heavy goods so he monopolized Transport sector)
– 500 Yoke of Oxen (Oxen was used for ploughing. Meaning he was a commercial farmer of his time)
– 500 female donkeys (female donkeys are used for transportation. In today’s terms, you can talk of a fleet of land cruisers, range rovers, Mercedes Benz etc)
– Also he had a huge household so he had mansions
– Finally he was the greatest in the east.
5. God was proud of Jobs to an extent where he bragged about him to Satan (8)
6. Also God had put a hedge of protection around his life, family and around all he had (10)
7. God blessed the works of his hands and his possession increased greatly.
As a matter of fact, we can see that serving God is neither a loss nor waste of time but has blessings attached and all of them have been highlighted above. May you serve God with joy in Jesus name.

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