Bible Study: Deuteronomy 27-30 & Colosians 2-4.
Devotion: John 10:27.
1. Jesus said my sheep hear my voice: If you are not his sheep you MAY not hear God. He speaks to us through dreams, physically, through inspiration, through his prophets and majorly via his infallible word in print.
2. I Know Them: Jesus knows his own. You can fake it. It is either you know Him or not. Accept him as Lord over your life to be counted amongst His own. Have you accepted him?
3. They Follow Me: how do you follow the one you do not know? First we must follow him to know his ways and how he does things.
The first key to breaking news grounds, levels and records in life, is to hear, follow him and obey his commands.
This month receive the grace to hear God’s voice, to be known by Him and men, as well and to follow keenly his commands and statutes in Jesus name.
Prayers of Thanksgiving
1. Father thank you for February, what a great month you have blessed us with.
2. Father thank you our theme of BREAKING New Grounds.
3. Father we thank you for the grace to hear your voice, the privilege of knowing you and obeying your commandments in Jesus name
Prayers of Supplication
4. Father begining now, we receive grace to break new grounds in Jesus name
5. Father we come out of every comfort zones that will hinder our testimonies, new results, records and levels in Jesus name.
6.Father open my spiritual eyes and ears to hear you audibly and to see where you are taking us this month in Jesus name
7. Father write my name not only in the book of life but also in the books of faithful and consistent stewards in the kingdom in Jesus name.
8. Father this month, i ask for grace to obey your word and apply correctly all your instructions in Jesus name.
9. Father we thank you for answering our prayers in Jesus name.

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