Bible Study: Joshua 4-6 & 2 Thessalonians 1-3.
Devotion: Genesis 32:24-28.
1. Jacob Was Left Alone: Oftentimes we face challenges alone. Jacob wrestled with an agel of the Lord all night.
2. He was tired of his position of swindling people and living in hiding. He wanted his story to be re rewritten for good this time around.
3.When the angel saw that he was not winning, he dislocated Jacobs hip out of the socket. Jacob never gave up but put up a galant fight to defeat the angel in order to get the blessings he needed so much.
To move from where you are to where God wants you to be, you need to fight a good fight both in the body, spirit and faith.
4. I will not let you Go: Until Jacob received his blessing he was ready to fight. Do not give up too early. Fight until you get what you want in life. Finally,
5.What is You Name: The problem Jacob had was in his name. What is your name? Names give us identity and influence our behaviour. If your name has a negative meaning, change it. Jacob had his name changes to Isreal(chosen one). God does not bless groups but our individual inputs will be rewarded by Him. Receive God’s grace to fight alone in order to get your expectations in life in Jesus name.
Prayers of Thanksgiving
1. Heavenly Father we thank for your loving kindness, grace and mercy in Jesus name
2. Thank you for renewing our strength to work, pray and fast like the morning dew in Jesus name.
3. Father thank you for our 37th day of prayer and fasting in Jesus name.
Prayers of Supplication
4. Father in heaven, give us grace to walk and fight alone for our blessing in Jesus name
5. Father in Heaven, we ask that may you change every negative identity in our lives that is responsible for our inability to receive blessings from you in Jesus name.
6. Father I receive the spirit of strength, boldness and courage to fight for what belongs to me in redemption in Jesus name.
7. Father every blessing that is mine been diverted from me, i recollect by force in Jesus name.
8. Father the same way you blessed Jacob and changed his story, as we conclude our prayer and fasting, bless me and change my story in Jesus name.
9. Father thank you for answering our prayers in Jesus name.

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