This month of May, we have been looking at the topic FAITHFUL STEWARDSHIP. And during the course of this topic; we have learnt a number of things among others;

God gives us responsibilities at a time
Everything we have comes from God so (its God’s)
That faithful steward serves, work or does things even when no one is there to support or help them or when no one is there to see them but they do willingly.
We also learnt that a faithful steward is loyal, constant, trustworthy and dependable.
How can we know we are a faithful stewards

By managing well our responsibilities that we are given by God
Grow people after you
By remaining faithful till to the end
Being faithful even in the small small things
Now today as we conclude on this topic: FAITHFUL STEWARDSHIP, we look at 10 KEYS TO MAINTAINING FAITHFUL STEWARDSHIP


Today we are going to talk briefly about the 10 keys that will help you and me to be able to maintain our being faithful stewardship.

The following are the keys;

– HUMILITY – Proverbs 15:33
Fearing God is an instruction to having wisdom. And Humility comes before honour.

Before God qualifies you to be a faithful steward, you must show humility. Humility of heart and deeds will cause God to honor you with great.

– FEAR OF GOD – Psalms 111:10
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. When you fear God you will have wisdom to handle everything in your care well. You will learn to care, value, and protect what God has entrusted in your hands. Then you will be a faithful steward.

– FAITHFULNESS – Matthew 25:28
God has invested in us the ability to multiply anything. We learn that when we fail to to put to good the ability God has invested in us, he will take even the little from you to give to him who has more. Unfaithful people will always give excuses.

We ought to have faithfulness for us to maintainor qualify to be called a faithful steward.

– SERVICE – Isaiah 1:19
Service to God is very important in our lives as children of God.

The bible tells us that if you are willing and obedient you and me will be eat the best in the land while you are still alive.

When you you offer a service to God genuinely and willingly, be assured that you will receive a reward. And when God rewards, it is always the best.

So for us to have the best, we must be able to be faithful stewards and be able to maintain the faithful stewardship.

– WISDOM – Proverbs 9:10
Wisdom is vital as the children of light. The bible says that we can only have wisdom when we start fearing the Lord. Without the fear of the Lord we can never have wisdom.

And when we have wisdom, will be able to manage what God has entrusted in our care well. We will be able to care, manage and protect because we have the fear of God(wisdom) in us. We will not misuse at all.

– TRUTH – John 14:6
We must have the element of truth in us all the time for us to be able to maintain or qualify to be faithful stewards. The word God says Jesus is the way the truth and the life. When we have truth in us that means we have Jesus in us.

In the absence of truth there is lies and then God is not involved at all.

Honesty work hand in hand as truth, If we are to maintain the faithful stewardship, we must be honesty with ourselves and everything at all times.

When we are faithful and honesty, opportunities will come to us all the time

– INTEGRITY – 1Kings 9:4-5
If you walk in integrity of heart you will be established

Integrity is one key that you need to maintain faithful stewardship. If you don’t have integrity you will misuse your responsibilities, opportunity and slander everything and everyone.

It will help you to follow instruction when need be, it will also calls you to displine

– CHARACTER – Hebrews 6:17
Charater is also important in us. With good character, we will be to protect the investment of God in our care. If we don’t have good character you will change, when you are in needy you will be someone and when you have you are another person. But that is not the kind of character God wants

– OBEDIENCE – Genesis 6:14
Noah was obedient to God when there were no signs of the rains, he was able to obey God to make the ark.

A good and faithful steward obeys instructions. You do not need to ask questions just do as you are instructed. The bible also says obedience is better than sacrifice.


– We have come learn that God is looking for faithful stewards.

– And also we have learnt how we can be a faithful stewards and also how we can maintain faithful stewardship.

Now it is up to us to choose to be faithful stewards or not and also to decide to maintain or not but one thing for sure is there are consequences either way.

You choose wisely you will have positive consequences or otherwise.

The grace of God is available help us maintain to be a faithful stewards.

Prayer Points

1. Father, thank you for your word that’s come today in Jesus name

2. Father may you give me grace to maintain the faithful stewardship in me in Jesus name

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