Scripture Nehemiah 1,2:1-9.
– Nehemiah was an ordinary servant at the palace serving at the table of King Artaxerxes.(Nehemiah 2:1).
– When Hanani his brother told him about the state of the Jews who returned from captivity, how things were not going well for them, he was greatly troubled.(Neh1:3).
– Furthermore, when he heard that the wall of Jerusalem had been torn down and gates destroyed, he wept, fasted and prayed to God for days.(Nehemiah 1:4)
-As he served the King, the King noticed that something was wrong with him. So the King asked what he could do to help?(Neh 2:2-4)
-Because he was in prayer for Judah, God gave him unprecedented favour in the eyes of the King.The king also made provisions for him to access free building materials. (Nehemiah 2:4-8).
– Nehemiah faced aggressive opposition from Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Amorite (9-10).
What lessons can we pick from Nehemiah?
-He got concerned about the state of his nation. Zambia today is fighting evil powers of Witchraft, sorcery, gayrights, poverty etc. The Church must stand up and condemn this evil from off our nation.
– Nehemiah Prayed. What we are facing is a spiritual battle. It must be conquered in both the place of prayer and action. We must voice out and put our petition as a united front. If the church continues to sleep, going to church will soon become illegal. The bible tells us to SUBMIT first to God,RESIST the devil not to entertain him, only then will he flee. (James 4:7).
1. Father we thank you for our beautiful nation of Zambia.
2. Father in Heaven, we reject, repel and renounce every demonic agenda over Zambia in Jesus name
3. Father we uphold and declare the four corners of this land, your dwelling place.
4. Father just like Dagon could not stand as your mate side by side, defend your name and this land in Jesus name.(1 Samuel 5:1-12)
5.Father we thank you in Jesus name.

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