17 th June, 2018.

James 4:3, tells us that “Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it about your lust.”

It is possible to pray hours, days and years without receiving answers from God. That is referred to as PRAYING AMISS. If you may wish, leave your bed and camp on the mountains. If you pray in a certain way that Heaven does not recognize, it is a waste of time, your answers will never come anytime soon.

Therefore, if our prayer must bear fruit, there is some knowledge we must discover from the word of God and consciously apply them daily in our lives, for guaranteed answers from heaven.

With this background, what specific truths must we know and consciously put to use?


1. GOD WANTS US TO ASK HIM (James 4:2): Whatever is godly and goodly, we are told to ask God, certainly He will give us. James tells, “Ye have received not, because Ye ask Not”. The only way God will hear us, is when we ask. He has given us dominion and free will over the affairs of life (Genesis 1:26). If Heaven must intervene into our earthly affairs, we must give permission.

In Matthew 7:7, says ‘ Ask and it shall be given to you. Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.
Before we can receive anything, we must ASK. Prayer is the conduit through which heaven supplies our needs here on earth.

For us to obtain mercy and answers from God, we must have strong courage and boldness in prayer to God. If we do, we shall find grace to help us in times of need. This confidence is only for born again children who are living in right standing with God both in righteousness (What Jesus has done through redemption) and Holiness (our walk in purity before God) 1 Peter 2:24).

The sins, shortcomings and weaknesses, take away our confidence in prayer. However, whenever, we ask for the mercy of God and we repent from our sins, God hears and the Holy Spirit will witness to us that we are clean and are forgiven by faith before God.

2 Timothy 1:7 God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of POWER, and of LOVE, and of a SOUND MIND.

Fear is what paralysis our faith in prayer. That is why Paul charged young minister Timothy that God has given us Superior POWER over all other powers on earth, Love and a sound or sober mind.


Love is another very important factor if our prayers must be answered by God. John 13:34-35 says a new commandment I give you, that LOVE ONE ANOTHER; as I have loved. By this (Love), shall all men know that you are my disciples.

No matter how anointed you may claim to be, if your heart is void of love, you are not a child of God. Jesus said that people will only know that we are his disciples when we love one another, even the people we do not like, our enemies and those strange and difficult and special one. Offense and forgiveness will hinder our prayers.

Our feet must spread good news not hatred, divisions and discord. (Isaiah 57:2).

How do you know that you will go to heaven, by the love you have not only for God but his people, including those who you deem as your adversaries or enemies.

Our gifts, tithes, prophetic seed and all must be made in love. If we give when we have unsettled issues with our brothers or sisters, we must first reconcile before we God can accept our offerings. (Matthew 5:23-24.
Now you know why most of our prayers go unanswered??

Matthew 6:33, tells us to seek the face of God FIRST above self-interests. Then EVERYTHING else will be added to us. All the materials and earth comforts we wish for and so much labor for will be ADDITIONS.

Today the church folks and the world too, are busy chasing physical, seen and material stuff; by so doing we are missing God in the process. The kingdom of God means living by the word of God, winning souls, living a hoy and righteous life and above all living under the dictates of the Holy Spirit.

In Genesis 24:1. We are told of a friend of God called Abraham who was blessed with LONGLIFE, WEALTH and great HEALTH. If we put God first in our lives, the best of life shall be our portion and our answers will receive speedy answers in Jesus name.


1. My Father in Heaven, I ask today for both my spiritual and physical needs. I trust Heaven to intervene and provide for I will never need in Jesus name.
2. Father we come BOLDY before your throne of grace. Answer us speedily whenever we call in Jesus name
3. Father, give me a heart to love others not only those I like but everyone. Especially the lost with your good news.
4. Father give me a heart to be kingdom focused and minded not on things in Jesus name

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