The major motivation to pray is in the confidence we have that our request will be received and answers dispatched. There is prayer bank in heaven, there are only direct lines, which receive our prayers and dispatched our answers.

As we wrap up our series of Prayer that Works, we have learned several types of prayers, what prayer is, how to pray correctly and now we shall conclude our series on mastering, understanding and knowing the requirements for our prayers to work and receive instant answers from God.

We shall look at five Keys that will make our prayers work more effectively
1. Faith
2. Angelic Ministration
3. Watch and Pray
4. Understanding the Will of God
5. Praying in the Spirit

Faith is absolute trust in God and his ability to perform. Mark 11:24, “WHATEVER You ask for in PRAYER, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours”

Whatever is anything that is goodly and godly, if we ask and we believe, then it is ours.
2 Peter 1:3 “According to his Power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that has called us to glory and virtue.”
– The Anointing enables us to get all things we need to enjoy life and function to our optimal level both in spiritual and physical matters.
– God has already given us all things (cars, houses, marriage, children, education, career, good heritage, wealth, health, influence, long life etc.)
– For us to access these blessings, there is need for us to have the KNOWLEDGE God through Jesus. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17)
– God has called all of us believer to a glory (honour, great beauty) and virtue (high moral standing).
In Romans 4:20-21 Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through UNBELIEF. But was strong in faith, giving glory to God. And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able to also perform.

Faith in God means you have not alternative, no question doubt and unbelief. At the promise of God. Instead, we must be strong in the faith of whatever we are believing God for by giving Him glory even before we receive our expectations.
We must be fully convinced that is a promise keeper. What has God promised you? What are you trusting and believing God for ?
Remain focused and his ability to perform and you will testify in Jesus name.

Our prayers affect both the angels and demons. Ephesians 6:12 says that “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, and against the rulers of darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the Heavenly places. There are three heavens spoken about:

1. The Air or atmosphere above us and around us (Satan has his throne)
2. The Heavens where planets and stars are
3. The Third Heavens where God has his throne
Every time we pray the devil and his demons try to stop us.
Every time we pray in the spirit (tongues) angels are charged and dominate the demons to our advantage

Daniel Chapter 10:12 to 13, Since the first day you began to pray, your request was heard in Heaven, But for twenty one days the spirit of the Kingdom of Persia BLOCKED my way (Angel Gabriel Messenger of Good news). Daniel prayed and immediately his answers were dispatched. But the demons stopped Angel Gabriel until angel Micheal came to the rescue.

We must engage our angels to expressly deliver our answers. Angels are on stand by to do whatever we say (Psalm 103:20). Let us put them to good use.

3.Watch and Pray
in 1 Kings 3:16-28 Two women who were prostitutes stayed in the same house, the first one delivered and the other one three days later, there were no strangers in the house.
– All wickedness, witchcraft, afflictions are within our family lines, close relations and not strangers. (18). A man`s enemies will be his own household (Matthew 10:36).

The other woman slept on her child and died at night. She rose at midnight and took my son from besides me. (18-20) Wickedness is real.
– There are people who are busy looking for how they can take over your career, life, destiny, marriage and all the blessings of God on your life. Whenever, we become prayer less, the enemy finds it easy to steal, kill, and destroy what we have. You cannot afford to be slothful and prayer less as a believer.
– All the evil happens at night when men are sleeping. When you sleep let your spirit be alive and awake to keep watching.
In the morning when she rose to give suck to her child, the child was dead. But when I considered it in the morning it was not my son.(21)
– A lot of people have been robbed yet they can not discern and differentiate what is theirs and what is not.
– Anything that is not good is not yours give it back to the owner in warfare prayers.
– I pity Christians who are not ready to fight for what is rightfully theirs but in the hands of the wicked ones. Stop crying it is time to FIGHT a good fight of faith.
– There can never be recovery without confrontation.
– Christianity is a fight not a club.
– Finally this woman got her child back in verse 27.
Jesus said WATCH and PRAY (26:41). Many are busy PRAYING without WATCHING. Whenever you see a job opening Watch and Pray, in Life Watch and Pray.

The word of God is the will of God for his children. Therefore, we can only know his will when we read what he has said in the bible.

Jeremiah 29:11, I know the PLANS I have for you, plans to prosper you not to harm you but to give you a hope and future.
– God`s plans a great, prosperous and will never harm us.
– His plans are greater than our thoughts and no eye has seen, nor ear heard what God has in store for us who love him (1 Corinthians 2:9)
– When others are losing it, God is set to add more to every kingdom minded person (Matthew 6:33)
We must confess the word of God and it will come to pass in our lives.

1 Corinthians 2:10 the spirit searches ALL THINGS, even the deep things of God.
– There are many things our optical eyes can never see, especially what happens in the spiritual realm. We need the Holy Spirit to open our spiritual eyes.
– Often times, people we love so much, call our friends are often times are close and dangerous enemies. We confide in them, they know our next moves and use that against us.
– May God open our spiritual eyes of understanding?
Romans 8:26-27, in the same way the Holy Spirit helps us in our weaknesses, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.
– We all have weaknesses because we are flesh and blood. In our own power, we can not over come those weaknesses, we need the help of the Holy Spirit.
– There are time we do not know how to and what to pray for, but the Holy Spirit intercedes for us.
– The Spirit will only intercede for us according to the will of God
– We must be word full to enjoy the ministry of the Spirit.
– Pray in tongues/ Spirit will boast our faith and answers come speedily.
– Angels get instructions when we pray in the spirit and demons can not understand this language.
– Praying in tongues, gives you an upper hand in warfare. No wonder the church is attacked on this matter as well.

1. Father I believe every word, promise and prophecy you have said over my life in Jesus name
2. Father in the name of Jesus, I activate the ministry of angels over every affairs of my life in Jesus name
3. Father I refuse to take less than what is originally mine according to my redemption package in Jesus name
4. Father it is settled in my spirit, soul and mind, that your will and plan for my life is to prosper me and make me a blessings to my generation in Jesus name
5. Father help my by your spirit to be awake in my spirit in Jesus name

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