Beloved welcome to our new month of July. The Lord has been gracious to us at both individual and church levels, in every way from January to date. He is a faithful God.


All of us are running our own race. Many know that they are running, while a good number also do not know that they are running. While others are running other people`s race, yet still, others are busy running by pulling and slowing others down. By the grace of God run very well and lift others along also in Jesus name.


Paul the greatest of all Apostles said in 2 Timothy 4:7, that “ I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”  Paul admonishes us that we must fight a good fight, it is not good enough to fight, and we must FININSH the race well. Also to finish well, we need to keep our faith in God`s word and his ability to perform.


Beloved, no one can run this Christian race without GOD enabling you to do so.  God is ready to guide our steps; by strength shall no man prevail (1 Samuel 2:9). There is no great man, pastor, evangelist or great servant of God, who does not recognize the HAND and GRACE of God at work in their lives.


Please note that, when you run alone it is called a RACE. When you run with God it is called G-RACE. July our month of GRACEFUL LIVING.




Isaiah 43:2 God is saying “When you pass through the WATERS (Many Storms of life), I (Your God) be with you; when you pass through the RIVERS (Many Challenges of life), they will not sweep you over. When you walk through the FIRE (tribulations and hard times), you will not be burned; the flames (Sudden events and trials) will not set you ablaze.


Graceful Living means God standing with you in every situation you are going through. God did not promise to take away the raging Waters, nor make the rivers disappear, not the fire to be put off, nor did he say that the flames would not suddenly pop up at us. He said:


Ø  In Waters, I will be with you.

Ø  The Rivers, will not sweep you over

Ø  Fires, will not burn you

Ø  Flames will not set you ablaze.


What you are going through will not kill you, it will not sweep you over, it will not burn you down, neither will it set you ablaze.


When you are doing what God has commissioned you to do in your ministry, marriage, family, business, career and life, the Lord working with you, and confirming the word with SIGNS (of his presence) following,(Mark16:20) that is what is called GRACEFUL LIVING beloved.


From today onwards, enjoy sweatless victories as you enjoy GRACEFUL LIVING in Jesus.





At age 75 year old, God spoke to Abram to leave his family, his nation, father`s house to a land God was to show him. What God gave Abram was a BLESSING. Many of us are looking for hard currency. Blessing is living under open heaven and empowered to succeed. Genesis 12:1-5.v At 100 years he had Isaac the son of the PROMISE (Genesis 21:5). Do you know the clock God is using for your life?


May I speak to someone, who feels they are behind everyone in everything, May God cause you to rejoice like Sara did atage 91 years when Isaac was born (Genesis 21:7) in Jesus name. May God give your early satisfaction.



When Elijah had killed all 400 prophets of Baal, he told King Ahab to go, eat and drink while he went up to pray(CHARGING HIS SPIRIT). (1 Kings 18:41-42). In verse 44, Elijah told Ahab to start off after they getting satisfied and energized with food and drinks(ENERGY). Mind you, King Ahab had amodern, start of art and very fast chariot(motor cade). As Ahab rode to Jezreel, the Power (GRACE) of the Lord came upon; he ran ahead/before/outran Ahab all the way to Jezreel(46).


That is the graceful Living. May this be your realm from this month and for the rest of your life in Jesus name.


In Acts 8:39-40 “When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord, suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. Philip, however, appeared at Azotus and travelled about, preaching the gospel in all towns until he reached Caesarea.”


Philip was another disciple who enjoyed speed in his ministry by the power of the Holy Spirit. There are many ways to move; one can walk, run, cycle, use motorbike, vehicle, boat, train and plane. The plane (air-travel) is the fastest of all modes of transportation.


From today, what take others 5 years, may you get in five days in Jesus name. Enjoy the speed of the Lord in everything your hands touch in Jesus name.




In Acts 19:11-12;God anointed Apostle Paul a former murderer with POWER to perform never seen before and strange MIRACLES. The dead came back to life, evil spirits were expelled, diverse diseases were instantly healed, when handkerchiefs and aprons that had mere touched his SKIN, were placed on them. Grace is better than labor. We must realize that the one who anoints is God. From today, I break permanently the spirit of struggle, hindering your evidence in Jesus name.


In Acts 10:38, How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with POWER; who went about doing good, healing all that were oppressed of the devil; FOR GOD WAS WITH HIM. You need God to see extra ordinary results in your life.  God is all you need. With you and God working together, are enough to shake your business world, ministry, life and career.





  1. Father I believe in your grace to fight a good fight and finish well in Jesus name
  2. Father I Ignite the grace for SPEED in all areas of my life, career, family, business and ministry in Jesus name
  3. Father I refuse to be under pressure but agree to move with your clock for my life in Jesus name
  4. Father validate my call, talents, ministry, career and family with undeniable proofs, signs and wonders in Jesus name
  5. Father I give full room to you. May I keep my faith in you gracefully to the very end in Jesus name.
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