As many as are redeemed of the Lord, divine direction is your covenant right in Christ Jesus. Every believer of the word of God stands on an advantageous position than the un- redeemed. You are highly positioned, favored, distinguished and sort after creation. We must understand that divine direction is your covenant right if you are redeemed. Every person walking in divine direction carries solutions, which the world needs. If you carry solution of the world, you will be celebrated.
Daniel stood out in his time, because he walked in divine direction. Only Him had the key to save the lives of the magicians, wise men and his fellows brothers. God showed him the dream Nebuchadnezzar had, even though he was not there physically. As you consciously walk in divine direction, you will become a highly sort after person; locally and abroad in Jesus name.
Whenever God leads you, He also supplies everything one of your needs. Where God leads you, are always a place of increase, enlargement and a place void of luck and want. As long as God is your shepherd, He will lead you to where your job is, where your breakthrough is, where your celebration is. When God leads you, you enjoy greener pastures (Psalm 23:1-2). Where others are struggling, you are permitted to access greener pastures, victory upon victory. Lack and want is mainly a product of disregarding Divine Direction. Can you imagine a stubborn sheep that refuses to be led by the Shepherd? Starvation, lack and want will be the daily portion. Each time we experience lack and want, let us check our position of Divine Direction. Did God confirm that move you made? That business partnership you entered into? That new job you got? That marriage you entered into? It is wise that we seek the position of God in every matter before we act, to avoid lack and want in our lives. When God is leading you, your lines will fall into pleasant places, because it is your heritage in Christ Jesus (Psalm 16:6).
Everyone who has this understanding, that Divine Direction is their covenant right, are solution providers. May I say that; the mountains we face, those troubles and hard times, they come to believers for our lifting and promotion. Take heart, God will use that situation for your lifting to the glory of God.
Daniel found himself in a very risky and troublesome situation. The king had a dream and he summoned magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and astrologers to tell him the dream he had. The King wanted an interpretation of his dreams. The sad part is that he never told them the dream he had dreamed of. All the wise men said no one on earth can do what the king ask. Daniel 2:1-10) This show us that the power of darkness are limited. Only God is the ALL KNOWING GOD.

God needed only one man called Daniel to represent him and prove that all solutions are with God. In verses 14-22, As the wise men were going to be put to death, Daniel took the risk and spoke to the Arioch the commander with wisdom and tact. He asked for more time. He went to his house and explained the matter to his friends, Hannaiah, Misheal and Azariah. They began to pray to God of Heaven concerning this mystery. They prayed hard because their lives were at stake together with the rest of the wise men in Babylon. After prayer; they praised The God of Heaven. Finally, we see Daniel revealing the dream exactly the way the king had dreamed earlier on from verse 38-46. Your promotion and lifting is in the solution you provide to others. Every trouble you are going through, is not to kill you but to promote you and reveal the power of God to the unbelieving world.
I speak to you now; if you believe this, the world will celebrate because you are a born again solution carrier. Nation will seek your audience for their solutions. As you walk into Divine Direction, may you solve the puzzles to all the problems you and others are facing in Jesus name.
He gives wisdom to the wise, knowledge to the discerning, he reveals deep and hidden things. God reveals secrets and makes known to us what shall be in the later days (28). The Secret of the Lord are with those who fear him and he will show them his covenant (Psalm 25:14). We are custodians of the secrets of the Lord. Keys to divine health, prosperity, preservation, deliverance, salvation etc are with you and I who believe and fear God. He alone shows us the His Covenant. May the Holy Spirit show secrets that will not only transform our lives, but also the lives of many in Jesus name.
King Nebuchadnezzar fell on his face and worshiped Daniel. Of a truth it is, that your God is a God of gods, and Lord of Kings and revealer of secrets. (46-47).
God is waiting for you to step up like Daniel did. Through you and I, God wants to humble the proud of this world. He is ready to use you to provide for much needed solutions and the proud too will bow down to seek the face of the living God. Everyone who carries the name of Jesus carries power to make every knee to bow down, because the name of Jesus is the final authority in Heaven and on Earth.
Through you many will be saved in Jesus name. May the proud be humbled by your testimony, great insights, secrets and manifestation of God`s power in your life in Jesus name.
1. Father in the name of Jesus Christ I ask that you lead to walk in Divine Direction.
2. Father I as I walk in Divine Direction, may I experience abundance and supernatural providence in Jesus name
3. Father Make me a solution carrier to my generation in Jesus name
4. Father, reveal to me the Kingdom Secrets that many may glorify your Holy Name. in Jesus name

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