Divine is God`s ability, supernatural intervention and involvement
Direction is coordinated movement, well defined course, moving with a particular destination intentionally. Course of action.
Pathway is avenue, course, route, road, and means to get to your destination.
Therefore, I define Pathway to Divine Direction as God showing you coordinated movements, secrets and ideas in a well-defined course, avenue, and roadmap with intention of reaching your final destination or goal in life. Please not that they are both spiritual and physical in nature. Man is a Spirit, has a soul (Will, mind and Emotions) and lives in a body. God want you to access divine direction in all the three spheres.
Pathway to Divine Direction is for those who are action oriented. Those who are ready to defy the standard norms that limit their manifestation in life. Divine Direction for everyone who is tired of any form of limitations to their dreams, Everyone who is overdue to deliver, actualise and maximise destiny. Let me say that if you do not develop yourself, your God given vision, dreams, talents, gifting’s, and your capacity, you will be relegated to be a follower, spectator, and cheerleader for those who are investing their time into self development.
Saints, you are loaded. God created you heavy. He created you to dominate in your field. If you are a teacher, be the best teacher in town. If you are a cook, be the best cook around and let people buy your franchise. If you are a singer, be the world-class singer. If you are a designer, be the best designer in your life. Change your mind-set because God has already made a heavy investment in you. You are loaded. If you fail, you will not only fail yourself, but first your family, generations and above all your greatest investor, God in Heaven. All you need to succeed was deposited already in your at creation. Look inside and you will discover it right now. Your greatness is within you not abroad. After this service, may you discover your real you in Jesus name.

Let Me Share with you Two Pathways that lead to divine direction.
There are so many ways you can do things, so many modes of transportation i.e. water cruise, road, air, walking, running etc. The first thing one must do to access Divine Direction is to seek the way that will lead to where you must end faster than others.
“Ecclesiastes 10:15 The Labour of the Foolish Wears everyone of them, because they do not KNOW HOW to go to the City.”
God is the one who created life, so he knows HOW life should be lived. If you miss the HOW, then you have missed your life. Today, Many marriages are a source of death. Did God create marriage for this? No. We have missed the How. Many destined for greatness have ended us not reaching their destination.
God knows where you must go,ask him. He will never Go on your behalf, take the journey and move towards your destination. Have you ever-wondered why, people who keep trying, always always keep achieving? They could make mistakes but they learn their lessons and start all over again. Where you failed before, ask God to show you the right way and go try again. In 2011, I left formal employment, which was a very good paying job. At the time I was the had a Mercedes Benz. So you know it was a good job. The job paid for my entire tertiary education. When my time in that job come to an end, and I knew I needed to drop it. I asked God what the next assignment was and he showed me the way. I Entered business world. Unfortunately, the first one crushed. I sought God again to fine-tune the instruction he gave me. Went into prayer for a full and half year alone, then God showed one key pathway. I am still walking in it today. Imagine if I gave up after one major set back, when everything crushed, even MCCCI now, would have not been here today.Receive grace to depend on Divine Direction in Jesus name. God can show you the way out of debt; he can show you the way to the top. He can show you both spiritual and earthly matters.
In John 14:5-6 “Thomas said to him, “ Lord, we do not know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus answered, “ I am the way the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Thomas was with the way Jesus the way to the Father, yet he was ignorant of the way he was with for over three years.
Many of us are asking the way when the way lives right in us. Jesus is the way to Divine Direction. For those who are born again, you are entitled to access divine purpose, direction and secrets from Heaven at will by the help of the Holy Spirit.
If you are not born again, beloved you are missing the major part of your life. You need Jesus he died for you and I despite of shortcomings, sins and wrongs. Only He alone can save, cleanse and pardon us. If we confess our sins, repent from evil and ask him into our hearts, we too will be qualified to enjoy new life in Christ Jesus.
The starting point of greatness is a vision. Vision is an Image of where you must end. Your final destination. Only those who have awell-defineddestination will be focused and determined to get there. There is a particular thing you and only can do exceptionally well. Not every business is good for you. It is not every job you must do. At age 8 years you must have a picture of who you must be. At 16, you must know where you are going. At age 24 you must be very precise with what you want to do with your life. You discover your vision in reading the bible, books, meditation, prayer, fasting, thinking, reasoning and questioning things and God.
Habakkuk 2:2 “Write down the Vision/Revealation/Answer and make it plain on the tablet/paper/ipad/wall so that a herald may run with it”
The greatest asset one must own is a VISION. There is a big difference between a vision and a dream. A vision is real and happens when you are awake. A dream mostly is vague and happens in intervals mainly at night. A vision is more clear and precise than a dream. A dream can only mature into a Vision once when these five attributes are in place:
It is defined
It is written down for others to see and follow
It is able to attract others to buy into it
It is acted upon
It is sensible, profitable, feasible and attainable.
Vision has influence and power not only on yourself but on others too. Five things we must know about vision as ascribed by Habakkuk.

1. Vision Breeds Focus on its Visionary and Followers:
Any person of vision is focused; they are drunk with a strong desire to see their vision deliver the expected results. Vision has stronger ability to make you stay on course. That is why you see a person of vision they will tell you things which sometimes do no make sense to an ordinary mind.
2. Vision Must be Written Down Plainly
If you have a vision and you have not put it in written it is still a dream not a vision. Vision is action oriented. Pen it down. Vision has an attribute of strategic thinking. It changes your mind-set and enhances the power of imagination. What seemed hard before putting it on paper, it will soon seem visible because you have well articulated and pointed out every piece of detail about your vision
Vision Starts Alone But Ends with Multitudes
A vision is contagious/transferable/infectious/communicable. People can buy into your vision. Once you sort out every detail, people will buy into it. People with a vision a few but there are millions of people out there willing to follow a sensible, feasible, profitable and attainable vision. That is why there will only be one CEO in a company but many employees, Many members and pastors in a ministry but one Founder. People of vision attract multitudes. Focus and improve on your vision, sooner than later, multitudes will come to seek your audience and they will not come empty handed.
Vision attract Important People
Your vision will determine and select the type of destiny helpers. The quality of your vision will determine the quality of your destiny helpers. So work on it very well. Present it professionally. The way you package it, is the way people will address you. Heralds are important people in authority with influence and affluence. These are not ordinary people they are decision makers and well connected. Your vision must be beneficial to the poor, the middle class and the rich. These are people who make sure the vision becomes a reality
Vision Has Potential To Make You Run
There is a huge deposit of energy in vision. Every vision-oriented individual has great energies. If you are been forced to go to that church, to love your spouse, office, finish your assignment, then you do not buy into that vision. You may not feel like doing it, but the moment you buy into it, your energy levels automatically go up. People of vision are not lazy, they work hard. They push even when all things are against them. I want you to honestly answer these two questions to yourself. Do you to to bed because it is night? Or because you have achieved every item on the list for the day?
God is ready to show and restore your life. God saw that people needed planes to travel the world faster than boats, canoes and cart. So he gave the vision to Orville and William Wright two brothers, sister and their father to discover Aero Engineering with little resources but great initiative. At that time, no one believed a metal kite could fly. So based on their limited thinking, the whole world mocked them especially at home. Today the plane has evolved to make life better for humanity.
He raised ITC giants like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, to revolutionalise the technology industry. Today we have Apple and Microsoft.
God wanted African churches to embrace prosperity and grow mega Faith Gatherings. He raised his generals in Pastor Enoch Adeboye and Bishop David Oyedepo among others.
God is looking for whom to give divine ideas that will change not only your life, family, others around you, your community, nation and generations to come.

I pray for you this week, may you discover why God created you in Jesus name.
Prayers Points
Father I thank you because you created me for great exploits. I am loaded with purpose in Jesus name
Father as your child, show me the way to my greatness in Jesus name
Father give me a vision in form of a divine idea, multi million dollar invention and discoveries in Jesus name
Father use me to reach to those who are doubting that you are alive in Jesus

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