Scripture: Matthew 19:4-6

God is a pioneer, founder and architect of the institution called marriage. A marriage is a union between a Man and Woman. We must understand that even though Marriage is made is Heaven, it needs Earthly maintenance. Literally, everyone looks forward to getting married. However, the glamour, flamboyance, glory and excitement that come with the ceremony, are not a determining factor that a marriage will last. The couple must have full knowledge of what is required of them and daily put to practice these critical truths and requirements in their marriage.


Many times we teach marriage using formulae, traditions and other people`s experience. The truth about marriage is only found in the bible which outlines the requirements God, the manufacturer and author has put in place for it to function properly.


G =           GOD

M =          MAN

W =          WOMAN

C  =           CHILDREN

C =            CAREER


C =            CHURCH

C =            COMMUNITY



The second highest relationship on Earth after salvation is marriage. There is a reason why God created man both male and female. We have a specific role to play according to his plan for marriage and life.

Man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife. This is referring to the union between a man (male) and a woman (female). God has never made any provision for man to desire and worse enough to marry fellow man or woman marrying fellow woman. That is a deliverance case.  Parents must also respect this covenant of marriage. They must no longer treat and control their children as if they are still dependents. This will not only affect the young marriage, but will also frustrate them.

The two (man and woman) will become one Flesh Means: They Enter Into A Covenant of Marriage. Everything about them becomes one. No one must speak about himself or herself but as one. My car is now our car, my money is now our money, and my house now, is our house. My parents now, are our parents. Any married person who speaks like a single person, will soon leave that marriage.

What God has put together, no man should split or Put asunder or Separate. No Man must come between a husband and a wife. No parents must do this; neither girl friend nor boy friend must have a relationship with a married person. If you do you, God will fight and punish you himself. You have broken the law. NO Man!! Nothing must come in between the married couple. As wife, your pre occupation is your own husband, take care of him, love him, feed him, and satisfy him. Leave no room for single girls to come near him. Take care of yourself and make yourself attracted for your husband. Men whatever another woman has, your wife has better. Cultivate it and you will be satisfied all the time.


Please not that the moment you enter marriage covenant, you are not allowed to have any sexual partner than your wife. Deuteronomy 5: 18, “You shall not commit adultery“ 21 “You must not covet your neighbour`s wife.”

Hebrews 13:4 “Marriage should be honoured by all, and the marriage bed kept pure. God will judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery.”

God has highly esteemed marriage covenant. Whoever, must enjoy this blessings must ensure they keep the marriage bed pure. God will personally punish all adulterers. If we have messed up before, now is the time to make things right. Let the wise hear, in Jesus name.

A covenant is not a feeling. Even if you have been fighting before as a couple, the covenant is till in force. It still stands, irrespective of your circumstances. Once you say I DO, you cannot say I DO NOT ever and you cannot come out. It will only end when one spouse dies. Till then, keep enjoying the company of each other.




Marriage is glorious, but it`s glory is not automatic; it calls for responsibility, commitment and effort. Any marriage that will last is one, is where husband and wife work as a team, take responsibility for their actions and make every effort to ensure that it flourishes.

Ephesians 4:2-3Be completely humble and gentle; Be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the spirit of unity through the bond of peace.”

Humility, gentleness, patience and love are fruit of the spirit that must manifest in both husband and wife. Both must make deliberate effort to keep the spirit of unity in spirit, body and purpose through peace not violence.


There should never be a moment when we lose our love for our spouse in marriage. Those things that pushed us to get married, will also keep us stay married. Keep the romance of love burning. Ephesians 5:33 However, let each one of you LOVE his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she RESPECTS her husband.”

To love your wife as a man, is loving yourself. To respect and honour your husband as a woman is respecting your self.

Make every effort to keep your private love life alive and up to date. Man (male and female) by nature is a love being. Where there is no love, then the foundation of marriage has cracks.

Have you wondered why some men follow young girls? Personally, I do not think it is right. However, let look at what makes those elderly men to do so.

They seek to have some fun, they want to play, they want to bring their youthful days alive again, and they want to explore their inner energies. The question is, why don’t they do it with their wives back home?

Whatever the reason, wives make your husband feel younger, do not become like his mother. He wants to have fun and light moments, it is a must.

A couple that stays together not only PRAYS together, but also PLAYS together. Be a PRAYING and PLAYING couple. Have fun and do things together as a family.

May the Lord bless our marriages.


  1. Father help me to respect the marriage covenant in Jesus name
  2. Father from today I make a fresh commitment to take responsibility, be committed and make every effort to build a godly marriage in Jesus name
  3. Father renew our zeal for each other as before in Jesus name
  4. Father may honour your name in our marriages and family in Jesus name




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