Our Membership

(1) Membership in this ministry is open to all persons wishing to join themselves and such persons shall be expected to satisfy the following conditions:

  • That they can prove that they are born-again by confession of the Lordship of Jesus Christ and believe that God raised him from the dead.
  • That they will register themselves as members and be active as workers in any service in line with their choice, talents, ability and calling.
  • That they will explicitly and willingly subscribe to the practices and beliefs of the ministry.

(2) All members in clause (1) above shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

  • Accept all the duties, responsibilities and rights of membership.
  • Attend meetings of this ministry regularly and that they will be committed supporters of the vision, objectives, programmes, and activities of the ministry.
  • Be ready to support and partner with the ministry financially and materially.
  • All member must actively participate in soul winning both at church and personal levels (Proverbs 11:30).
  • Prayer is very central to the effective Christian living and all members must give it utmost attention it deserves. Acts 2: 42.

Core Services

  • Adherents

    An adherent is anyone who attends meetings or activities of this ministry and is born again; who for some reason(s) has not registered as a member but willingly subscribes to the Statement of Fundamental Beliefs and/or offers freewill service and support to this ministry as unto the Lord.

  • Registration Of Members

    A register will be maintained of all members of this ministry. This register will contain the names, vital statistics, addresses, date of registration as a member and all other relevant details.

  • Termination Of Membership

    Termination of membership in this ministry shall be based on one or more of the following grounds:

    1. Voluntary written withdrawal of membership.
    2. Propagation of doctrine and practices contrary to those set out in the Statement of Fundamental Beliefs and sound biblical doctrine as taught by this ministry.
    3. Any proven immoral act or unchristian conduct where the person(s) involved are not willing to repent or corrected according to the teachings of the Bible.
  • Discipline

    1. The displinary committee to be lead by an appointed DIRECTOR shall be the designated authority to handle all disciplinary matters and shall, on this aspect, report directly to the president.
    2. Before any personal charge against a member of this ministry is formally proceeded with, the Director shall ensure that the parties have attempted to resolve the matter privately in a Biblical way. (Matthews 18:15-17)
    3. In the event of a serious differences arising between or among members of this ministry and where reconciliation cannot be effected by the parties involved, they (parties involved) shall have the right to appeal to the Direct Leadership involved i.e. cell group and service group who shall ensure that the matter is heard from all parties. Thereafter, Director shall ensure that it is resolved biblically.
    4. Where the Director feels the matter ought to be heard by the board, s/he shall formally request for the meeting with the President for further guidance.
    5. Where guilt is established in the case of a member(s) in the wrong(s), the Director shall counsel the member(s) and recommend corrective and or disciplinary action(s) to the President who shall give further guidance.
  • Rights of Members

    It will be the right of those who are members of this ministry to:

    1. Receive the ministry of the word of God.
    2. Take part in all activities of the ministry.
    3. To be eligible for appointment to one or more official position(s) in this ministry.
    4. To pay tithes and give offerings of all kinds into this ministry.
    5. To solicit help, guidance and counsel from the leadership on any matter.