by Pastor Blessings Mainsa

SCRIPTURE: Deut 28:1-14

What is a foundation?
-The basis or groundwork of anything.
-Deuteronomy 28 lists some of the blessings that God has promised us and if we have to access these blessings, we must build a solid foundation in which they are to stand.
-Architects tell us that no matter how beautiful a building is , its only a matter of time before cracks begins to show if the foundation is weak.
– we can there therefore draw lessons from an architectural building in the building of our godly foundation that qualifies us for God blessings.
1. We define the purpose of our building and like wise must first discover our purpose in life because our blessings are tied to our purpose JER:29:11

2. Clear the land and likewise this means you have clear out the hindrance of sin. Repent if you are a believer and give your life to Christ if you are not Isaiah 59:1-2

3. You start digging according to architect s measurements. This symbolises labour, work. You have to be a hard worker to qualify for God blessings. Prooverbs14:23, prov 12:24, 1st Thessa 4:11-12

4. In the process of digging, sometimes we meet stones, old foundations or tree stamps. We then must root them out, or break them. Likewise there is a place in Christianity where you must root out satanic plantations and deposits, destroy evil foundations and wage war against forces of darkness blocking your blessings. Jer 1:10, Matthew 7:19, 2nd Cor 10:3-5

5. You look at material requirements and come up with a budget. This symbolises planning and sticking to ones plans requires discipline. Failing to plan is planning to fail. We have to be planners and be disciplined for God to entrust us with his blessings. Lk 14:28, prov 25:28,

6. After the budget , all the resources may not be there and we must trust God. Blessed people are people with earth moving faith, for without faith it is impossible to please God. Faith as little as a mustard seed can move mountains. If you have the money you go and buy in the right quantities and this represents organisation, excellence and order. Our God is perfect and orderly and expects the same from us. To do things with excellence 1st cor 14:40. Matt 5:48

7. Materials are mixed in specific quantities in obedience to builders specifications. This is equated to obeying Gods commands . if we break them, there are consequences Deut 28:1
8. You start building which symbolises, building yourself in Gods word. Psal3:6, psalm119:162, Joshua 1:8,

9. You look at the work done and are grateful for the milestone. This is gratitude to God. Gratitude in small things qualifies you for bigger breakthroughs. 1st Sam 17:34-37

10. You pour water for a number if days and this symbolises consistency and focus… You must be focused and consistent in all your spiritual exercises to see Gods blessing, not on fire today and back to old ways tomorrow finish what you start. Phil 3:13-14

10. If you build your foundation correctly, it means you qualify to build the rest of the house…. This symbolises faithfulness! If you are faithful in small things , you can be trusted with big things but can God trust you with his blessings? Lk16:10.

People who have built their lives in the above godly principles are what we call men and women of strong character. Therefore , strong Godly character is a fundamental requirement to qualify for Gods blessings . Some people have been blessed but because their character(foundation)was weak, the blessing destroyed them.

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