Bible Study: Deuteronomy 1-3 & Galatians 1-3.
Devotion: Job 1:5, 18 & 3:25.
1.In Job 1:5 Job had one fear in his heart. It was that may be his children had sinned cursed God in their hearts. So he took on the role of mediator instead of raising them up in the fear of God.
2. As a father he wanted the best for them. But he missed on training them while they were young to walk in the fear of the Lord according to proverbs 10:26.
3. In verse 18. He got the news he was avoiding to recieve one day. All his children,were partying one day when suddenly a great wind struck the four corners of the house and killed all of them in one day.
4. In Chapter 3:25 Job lamented by saying” For the thing I greatly feared is come upon me. That which i was afraid of is come unto me.” Fear is a cage. It is an illegal tenant occupying space for free while tormenting you.
5. 2 Timothy 1:7 tells us that” For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”
Remove fear of premature death replace it with long life Isaiah 65:20). Remove hatrade replace it with love,replace fear of defeat with power and sound mind.
Whatever you nurse will grow. Both Fear and Faith will produce results but fear will destroy you while faith will build you.
What are you afriad of today? Get rid of it before it gets rid of you by the word of God.
Prayers of Thanksgiving
1. Father Thank you for the spirit of sound mind, power, discipline and love you have given us in Jesus name.
2.Father thank you for faith tbat delivers to us the heavenly blessings
3. Father thank you for today beginning, we shall walk in faith and not in fear in Jesus name.
Prayers of Supplication
4. Father in the name of Jesus Christ, I cast out every spirit of fear out of my life in Jesus name
5. Father I activate the spirit of power, love, discipline and sound mind in Jesus name
6. Father in Heaven, every spirit of fear tormenting my life, family, ministry, career I cast you out in Jesus name.
7. Father this one thing (Mention it) that i fear most and am afraid off all the time, deliver me by your word in Jesus name.
8. Father deliver us from fear of poverty, divorce, premature death, failure in life and examinations, not having children, not getting married, etc in Jesus name
9. Father thank you for answering our prayers in Jesus name.

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