Thanksgiving to God carries tremendous power that the kingdom of darkness can not withstand.
The power in thanksgiving is a mystery every believer must tap in.
It can not be explained how a battle is won by just singing praises to God.
In 1 Thessalonians 5:18 we are commanded by God to give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus.
Thanksgiving is the will of God for us! If you want to live in the will of God start giving thanks to God.
The best place you can ever be in life is to be at the center of God’s will for your life .
Thanksgiving is the will of God for you.
1. Guaranteed perfection, Wholeness and completion .
Thanksgiving brings about the completion of God’s blessing for your life. The leper who came to give thanks to Jesus was made complete ,perfect and whole Luke 17:11-19.
God will not end at just giving you a job , He will not end at giving you only a business idea, He still wants to promote you. As you give thanks, your life will be made whole and complete.
2. Thanksgiving expands your capacity to receive more from God.
If you are not thankful, God can not entrust you with more of his power. David was grateful to God for the power God gave him to kill a bear and a lion, in return God helped him to defeat the philistine, more victory and more power 1 sam17:34 -37.
Receive more strength and power to defeat the enemies of your career, health,marriage, children and destiny.
3.Gratitude brings about multiplication, nothing multiplies without thanksgiving
John 6:11-12. May your bread be multiplied as you give thanks in Jesus Name.
4. Thanksgiving breaks the yoke of bondage and opens prison doors Acts 16:25. .are you in bondage? Start glorifying God now and you will be set free.
5. Thanksgiving changes your status in life psalm 28:5.
Be grateful to God and God will beautify your life, He will lift you up from the low place in life.
Remember where you were yesterday, the accidents he saved you from, the mysterious provisions of God and the protection .Go on and thank God for his mercy.

Value and see where you are today and sincerely ask yourself what you did to merit the blessing. Hold dear what God has done for you.
Give thanks to God.

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