Bible Study : Numbers 34, 35 &36 & 2 Corinthians 7-9.
Devotion: Deuteronomy 28:1-13
1. To enjoy the Blessings of God, there are conditions.
2. Obedience to follow ALL his Commandments is the key to God’s unlimited blessings
3. If we obey He promises many blessings
4. He shall set us above ALL nations.we shall be blesses in the city and country, our children will be blessed, our kitchen will never run dry, whereever we go we shall be blessed, God will fight for us, God’s blessings will be evident on all we do, etc FinAlly
5. Secret to all the blessings in life, lies in our OBEDIENCE to God.
Prayers of Thankgiving
1. Father We thank you for blessing us in this beautiful day with life in Jesus name
2. Father in Heaven, we thank you for you have said if we obey, you will bless us in Jesus name
3. Father we thank you for our 3rd day of prayer and fasting in Jesus name.
Prayers of Supplication
4. Father we ask for grace to continuously reverence your Holy name in Jesus name
5. Father By your Holy Spirit, baptise me to fully obey your instructions all the days of my life in Jesus name
6. Father, you said that if I obey your commandments, You will set me above All Nations. Set my life, family, children, works of my hands and ministry above ALL nations in Jesus name
7. Father as I obey you Lord, may all these blessings come upon me (mention them)
8. Father in Jesus name, because my heart is set to fear you, let your blessings rest permanently upon my life in Jesus name.
9. Father thank you for answering our prayers in Jesus name

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