1. To fear God is a big blessing
2. To fear God is to delight in His commands
3.If we fear God our Children will be mighty in the land.
4. God will fill our houses with wealth and riches in Jesus
5. Even when there is bad news everywhere and calamity, God promises Good news will come to us freely
6. The Lord assures us that we will never be shaken but will be remembered throughout history in Jesus name
BIBLE study : Numbers 14-16 & 1 Cor 1-3.
Prayers of Thanks Giving
1. Father we thank you for this privilege to be counted among those who fear you in Jesus name
2. Father we thank you for your grace to obey and delight in your precious commandments
3. Father we thank you for the grace to fast on this 10th day in Jesus name
Prayers of Supplication
4. Father in the name of Jesus, we receive fresh fire, grace and desire to fear you.
5. Father circumcise my heart to delight in your commandments all my life in Jesus name
6. Father, may our children be mighty men of the gospel, industries, inventions, multi million dollar inventions and discoveries in Jesus name
7. Father may i be a good example to my generation in Jesus name
8. Father fill our houses with wealth and riches in Jesus name
9.Father we thank you for answering our prayers in Jesus name

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