I will pour out my spirit on all people. Sons and daughters will prophesy. Old men will dream dreams.young men will see visions.
Devotion Joel 2:28.
1. The Lord is pouring out the SPIRIT on all people who are ready and willing.
2. The Holy Spirit will transform our lives to function to our full capacity. I do not know what status you in currently, you will be transformed to function to your fullest in Jesus name.
3. Age not withstanding, you are annointed to serve God as a mouth piece of peace, love, reconciliation and to spread the gospel
4. Even old men will not be left out they will dream dreams.
Finally, God is raising the energetic young men to see visions into the future. God will raise young men with divine ideas,inventions, discoveries and multi million corporations. I congratulate you for receiving the Spirit of the Lord in Jesus name.
Bible Study: Numbers 4-6 & Romans 7-10.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
1. Father I thank you for this end time out pouring of your Spirit in Jesus nane
in Jesus name
2. Father we thank you for qualifying us by grace not qualification to partake of this great dispensation of your Spirit in Jesus name.
3. Father thank you for our 5th day of prayer and fasting
Prayers of Supplication
4. Our Father in Heaven, remove every heart of stone and give us a heart of flesh in our lives in Jesus name
5. Father anything that will hinder me from receiving the free gift of your Spirit, remove it in Jesus name
6. You said that sons and daughters will prophesy. Use me Holy Spirit as a mouth piece of restoration, blessings, peace and to preach the Gospel in Jesus name
7. You said old men shall dream dreams. Cause our fathers to dream and pioneer the way we should follow in Jesus name
8. You also said that young men will see visions. Cause us and our children to generate ideas, inventions, solutions and answers to the challenges of the world today and tomorrow in Jesus name.
9. Thank you Father for answering our prayers in Jesus name

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