Lord I Need a Second Touch

Bible Study: Deuteronomy 4-7 & Galatians 3-6.
DEVOTION: Mark 8:22-25.
1. One day Some people brought a blind man to Jesus
2. For some reason Jesus took him outside the village to heal him.
3. This time he used a very strange fomular. He had spit on the man’s eyes and put his hands on him.
4. He asked him if he saw anything. His response was i see people but they look like trees. Jesus knew something was still not right within the man.
5. So he touched him a Second time. This time his eyes were opened and his sight was restored. He saw everything clearly.
6. Finally, one touch, one breakthrough, one house, one miracle and healing may not be enough. We need a second touch for perfection and making our miracle permanent.
This man saw people as trees. If he was not perfectly healed, he would have been the most famous serial killer in history. Then Jesus realised he needed to be fully restored for him to be able to fulfill destiny. How far you go in life depends on what you see out of life. If your eyes are good you will see good. If they are bad you will see bad. Receive your second touch to make your miracle permanent in Jesus name.
Prayers of Thanksgiving
1. Father I thank you for you mercies that are new this morning
2. Father thank you for the second touch that is available to perfect our miracles today
3. Father thank you for the blessing you have in store for us your children today in Jesus name
Prayers of Supplication
4. Father i ask that you renew my strength today like the morning dew in Jesus name (Psalm 110:3)
5. Father perfect my eyes today so I may be able to see very clearly in life in Jesus name
6. Father I need a second touch over my career, ministry, works of my hands, marriage, children and destiny in Jesus name
7. Father restore my sight fully so that i may be a solution provider and not a problem maker to my society in Jesus name
8. Father open my eyes to see clearly opportunities as they come and respond by providing solutions in Jesus name.
9. Father I thank you for answering our prayers in Jesus name.

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