Bible Study: Deuteronomy 31-34 & 1 Thessalonians 1-3.
Devotion: Matthew 25:1-13.
–1. We are told of the story of ten bridesmaids. Five wise ones took the lamps with oil and the other five ones did not take any oil in their lamps.
-It is an error for a christian to start a day, new job, any project, get married, or do anything without the anointing.
-What made the difference between the two groups was the OIL. Oil signifies the ANOINTING.
–2. At Midnight, they all slept. We can all do the same work but our results will not be the same. What makes the difference is the ANOINTING.
–3. The Groom came at unexpected hour: Challenges and opportunities of life will present them in an expected manner and times. What makes us to respond and stay on top of things is the Anointing.
–4. You do not secure the anointing in the challenging moment, we must ensure our ANOINTING levels are full and intacked daily before events happen to us.
–5. Buy for yourself: The anointing is free but not cheap. Meaning it is open to everyone who needs it.However, It has demands and there is a price for it. It will demand righteousness, prayer and fasting, soaking in the word and also facing challenges head on.
–6. I Know You Not: The anointing releases a sweet smelling fragrance of ACCEPTANCE. When you have the anointing, things will work for you.
-Where others are falling and failing, you will succeed by the ANOINTING.
-What makes the difference between those making it and those not in all areas of life, is the Anointing.
-Anointing gives you speed and makes you a preferred choice.
-Receive Grace to keep the anointing running daily, in Jesus name.
Prayers of Thanksgiving
1. Father thank you for the second day of February in Jesus name.
2. Father thank you for the anointing to break new grounds from today in Jesus name.
3. Father thank you for our 33rd day of prayer and fasting in Jesus name.
Prayers of Supplication
4. Father renew our strength with anointing this morning in Jesus name
5. Father we ask for fresh anointing to break new grounds this morning in Jesus name
6. Father by this anointing may we excel and provide solutions to the challenges of life in Jesus name.
7. Father by your anointing we receive acceptance in everything we do and everywhere we go in Jesus name.
8.Father by your anointing give me speed and grace to maintain it in Jesus name.
9.Father thank you for answered prayers in Jesus name.

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