SCRIPTURE: 1 Samuel 1:1-18.
Welcome to June Our Month of Power of Prayer.

In Samuel 1:7 YEAR AFTER YEAR, Peninnah would Taunt Hannah as they went to the tabernacle (church). Each time Hannah would be reduced to tears and would not eat.

NOTE: Crying never changes anything neither does Hunger Strike.

In verse 9-10, for the first time Hannah stood up and went to pray and fast.
In deep anguish, crying bitterly as she PRAYED to the Lord.

If you are going through hard times, that is the time to PRAY, FAST and Make Serious commitment to God.
In Verse 11, she made a vow to the Lord saying if you give me a son, I will give him back to you.
Whatever you are going through, if you can pray, you will come out. Make a vow as a symbol of your commitment and God will answer speedily.

Stop Crying and Start Praying.

According to Dr Theo Wolmarans in his book , How To Pray Correctly, He states that the bible talks about 10 different Kinds of Prayers. Just like each sport has its own rules, so each kind of prayers has different rule. You can not play golf or tennis with football rules.

Prayers of Supplication (1Timothy 2:1)
Prayers of Intercession
Prayers Thanks Giving
Prayers of Repentance (2Peter 3:9)
Prayers of Consecration (Psalm 51:10)
Prayers of Healing (Matthew 8:17)
Prayers of Warfare (Ephesians 6:11)
Prayers of Confession (Psalm 118:17)
Prayer of Authority (Ephesians 1:22)
Prayer of Enquiry (1 Samuel 30:8)


Year after year, Hannah would go to Shiloh (church) to complain, tell God how Panini would miss treat her, how that she was barren. (1 Samuel 1:12).

If you are suffering and they are encouraging you to PRAY and FAST, the possibility of coming out, are very slim. Hannah was tired of bareness to an extent of losing appetite for barbeque, buffet and drinks. All she wanted was a child. The rival mocked her. That pushed her to God in PRAYER. There is power in Power. (3-8).

To get God attention and our answer, we must base our prayers on the written word of God. God has exalted his WORD above his NAME (Psalm 138:2)

God will only answer prayers made in faith with reference to his word. All the thoughts, plans and promises of God are written down in the bible for us to make use of.

In verse 9, she got up and went to pray this time not to complain. She prayed like a drunken woman even the priest Eli could not discern. That did not distract Hannah in prayer.

She cried bitterly to God in PRAYER to the Lord, God is the one who answers prayers.

For our prayers to be effective, we need also to vow to give God all the glory. Whatever, we get by prayer can only be kept by prayer.

God was just waiting for Hannah to make up her mind.

In the end Eli, spoke the priestly blessing on her (17), saying “GO IN PEACE”

Hannah gave birth to one of the greatest prophets, called SAMUEL.

Peninnah was giving birth to many children who made no IMPACT. While Hannah, labored in prayer and a great child of destiny was birthed.

It does not matter who has gone ahead, when your time comes, you will catch up and over take in Jesus name.


In Exodus 15:22-25, After Moses led the Israel (3million people) from the Red Sea into the Dessert of Shur, for three days they travelled into the desert, they could not find water. When they came to Marah, they find water and were so excited, you know that feeling. Yet there was another Big problem. The water was BITTER. The entire nation grumbled against MOSES.

Thank God for MOSES. HE PRAYED, CRIED and INTERCEEDED to the Lord (25). Immediately God showed him a piece of wood. He threw it into the water and the water became fit to drink.

Whatever bitter situation you are going through, If you can PRAY, you will come out in Jesus name

In Exodus 32, when the people saw that Moses had taken too long 40 days and 40 Nights with God at Mount Sinai, they told Aaron to make them a “Some gods/Golden Calf.

Aaron told them to contribute all the rings from ears of their wives, sons and daughters. He moulded the calf. They started worshipping the idol rather than God. This raised the wrath of God.

In verse 7 God told Moses to Go down the mountain. God was ready to rain his fierce anger and blaze against them to destroy them. But Moses interceded saying that what are you angry with your people. Nations will laugh at you God that you had an evil intention to slaughter your people in the dessert. Change your mind about this terrible disaster you have threatened against your people.

In verse 14 God changed his mind or he repented of the evil he had thought to do against his people.

Moses brought strong reason before God and saved 3 million Israelites from the wrath of God as results of rebellion and idolatry.

For that husband who has gone astray, wife intercede, Man intercede for your wife, children, church and nation.

Finally, God will only hear our prayer made in faith not in complaint.


-Father in Heaven, answer me when I call in Jesus name
-Sweet Holy Spirit, teach me how to PRAY in Jesus name
-Father turn every bitter situation affecting negatively into positive in Jesus name
-Father I stand on behalf of my family and nation. Preserve and prevent us from destruction of any king in Jesus name

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