Scripture: Genesis 2:16-25
God is a pioneer, founder and architect of the institution called marriage. A marriage is a union between a Man and Woman. The two form a home. A home is the smallest unit of society. Our homes are so important to God and to the entire world. Criminals, pastors, engineers, and responsible people are raised from homes. Children learn from their parents by observation. Every well-raised person, they come from a good home. When you see a badly behaved child who grows into an adult, they were raised in a bad home.
However the case, God wants us to build Good, responsible and Godly homes. A good home begins with God at the centre. If you want to be sure you will go to heaven, ask your wife or your husband. They know better besides, God and Satan. However it is not too late to change the direction and course of your marriage into what God expects us to be.
What Are Some of Fundamental Truths about Building a Godly Home?
We must remember, that the way you treat your husband or your wife, children and dependants are watching. You are the example they are seeing concerning marriage. If a marriage is full of love, respect, harmony, peace and stability that is the example you are showing and teaching your children. However, if there are fights, cheatings, financial instability and indiscipline, night outs, failure to provide for the family and disrespect, that is the example you too are showing to your children. Whichever, case, soon and very soon your children will do exactly as you have shown them. The pattern will become generational and more sophisticated.

Before God, both man and women are equal and have same privileges but play different and complementary roles. For instance a man was designed to work and care for his family. A woman has special ability to carry children and keep the family together. So no one is superior to another the two must live together as one and function as a team(Genesis 1:26-28).
To be the head it means he is the vision carrier for the family. He is to provide and ensure the family is protected. The first thing a man needs is not a woman, it is self-discovery. A man must discover his purpose, vision and mandate why God created him. The worst tragedy to a man is not lack of money in his pocket. It is lack of vision and self-discovery. What gives a man self worth and esteem, is the vision he carries. Money and other things will follow the vision (Genesis 2:7-8)
Reasons Why God Created Man/Male?
I. The first thing God created before man was the Garden. Garden symbolises the WORKS of a man (Genesis 2:5). Work and achieving results is what gives a man self worth and value. Man is a goal getter.
II. God created man to take care of His estate here o Earth. Man is a caretaker of God`s creation and interests here on Earth. Every job you are doing, the works of your hands, ministry and your family, you are just a temporal caretaker.
III. God created man to be productive and to provide solutions and results.
IV. God created Adam to operate the same Creative IQ so that he can continue to CREATE things, solutions, and reproduce after his own kind, so that God could rest. (Genesis 2:20). He names all the animals exact the way God wanted him to name them.
V. God created man when he had already made all provisions he needed here on Earth (Genesis 2:5- 14. Eden was place of prosperity, it was a beautiful garden with all sorts of trees that produced delicious fruits, soil was very fertile, a river with four tributaries (Pishon has Gold, aromatic resin and onyx stones, Gihon, Tigris and Euphrates). From this example, God created man to have at least four streams of income.

After Adam had done his work successfully by naming all the animals, he was left alone with no one to talk to and take care of him and a companion. It is the Lord who said that, “It is not good for man to be alone. I will make him a suitable helper” Genesis 2:18-24.
God has given special ability to women to conceive, incubate and give birth not just to children but the vision of their husbands. Women have this ability to nurture, grow and ensure the vision for the family grows into maturity. A man does not function well without a woman. That is how God created things to be.
He who finds a wife, finds a good things and obtains favour from the Lord (Proverbs 18:22) A man would have been struggling before, the moment he marries things begin to work because God gives you favour when you find wife not a knife. There is a difference between the two.
Two are better than one (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12). Marriage is a better life; it is for our improvement and satisfaction. One will chase a 1000 while two; wife and husband will chase 10,000. Life of a couple is ten times better than when they were single and apart. From God`s plan marriage is glorious, better and so enriching and fulfilling.
Man and women were created to complement and support each other. Not to fight and humiliate each other. This is the plan of God and how he intended things to be from the beginning.
Women before you marry that man, get attracted to his VISION not his VERSION. Vision is where he is going, why God created him for and where he is going. The rest will fall in place. Version is referring to his appearance, looks, pockets, and financialstature. This will make you end up in misery.
Each time a man does not LEAVE and CLEAVE to his wife, the marriage will not stand (Genesis 2:24).
God has given women multiple abilities. They can manage their careers; families and also find time to serve God. Proverbs 31.
From the beginning the enemy of marriage is Satan. His aim is to steal, kill and destroy this beautiful instruction called marriage (John 10:10). He sponsors divisions, strife, hatred, infidelity, sickness, poverty, attacks your finances, health etc. When problem come, it means the devil is at work. Couples they begin to fight each other. You have a common enemy the devil not flesh and blood.
HOW DOES HE OPERATE (Genesis 3:1-7)
1. He will tempt you to break the laws of God
2. He will make you question the integrity of God
3. He will show you the mistakes and weaknesses of your spouse
4. He will offer fake pleasures but have lasting consequences such as drinking, sex outside marriage and infidelity etc
5. He will take you away from God and fellowship with other believers
6. He will condemn and accuse you of your unworthiness
7. He sponsors fear
Overcome the enemy by staying united as a couple to God, in his word, fellowship and obeying all the instructions required to build a successful and Godly home from the bible.
How far we shall go in career, ministry, and life is dependant on our ability to keep our homes and marriages according to the plan of God. May we receive grace to build Good and Godly homes in Jesus name.
1. Father I ask you to reveal to me my vision and purpose for my life in Jesus name
2. Father I make up my mind to build a good and Godly home from today in Jesus name
3. Father I ask for grace to play my role exceptionally well in Jesus name
4. Father we close every door we have opened for the enemy in our marriages and family in Jesus name

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