Scripture: Jeremiah 29:11
As we conclude on Divine Direction, we must realise that God has great plans, great intentions for each and every one of His Child. It is our duty to ensure that we comply with his guidelines, laws and regulation in order to experience the reality of Divine Direction in our lives. Whenever, we are walking in Divine Direction, God showers us with blessings. There are many blessings but we shall only Look at four today.
Whenever we walk in Divine Direction and Gods will, He sets a hedge to Protection and Preservation around us, our children, family, works of our hands, ministry, and all that concerns us.
Job 1:11 “Have you not put a Hedge around him, His household, around all that he has on every side. You have blessed the works of his hands and his possession have increased in the land”
God`s Protection and Preservation supersedes that of all insurance companies put together. His Protection covers you as a person, your family, and the works of your hands, all your possessions and preserves them. He also preserves all that you have forever as long as you continue to be under His Divine Direction and covering. His protection is from the first to the fourth generations. When God protects you, He also Preserves you from destruction. He puts a hedge around you and the devil cannot do anything about it.
Exodus 13:21 “The Lord went ahead of them. He guided them during the day with a pillar of CLOUD and he provided LIGHT at night with a pillar of FIRE. This allowed them to travel by day or by night.
God has got best interest for each one of us. It is in our best interest that we stay in the will of God for our lives.
From today, as you stay under God`s Divine Direction, may you enjoy round about Protection and Preservation in Jesus name.
When God blesses a man, the same blessings rests also on his family, those around and nations too get the effect of God`s blessings.
Genesis 12:2“I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all the peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
God blessed Abraham, made him a great nation, put a hedge of protection on his life, and also made him a conduit of blessings for prosperity in his time, and in our generation and those to come. Prosperity is God blessing you now, Keeping those blessings and passing them with increased value from one generation to another generation, is God Posterity. It is living legacy. A man who God blesses, the blessing is evident in him, his children, ministry and many generations long after he is gone to be with the Lord. The blessings of God on your life will not die with you but your generation will celebrate the doing of God through you in Jesus name.

Jeremiah 29:11“I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
God knows the plans He has for you. So ask Him he will show you. We all were created with one purpose for our lives; the purpose may not be the same. If you do not discover your purpose, you will not be successful, fulfilled and satisfied. You will not live your full life. Your manufacturer knows you better. To function to optimal level, we need to ask God to reveal to us his purpose and plans for our lives today.
God`s plans purpose for each one of us, is to prosper us, to make us successful, to make us achieve our full life, to make us actualise all our dreams, goals and aims.
His plans for us is to guarantee us a glorious future because in Him we have hope. Beloved do not give up on your life, there is hope for you. Your end shall be great as you stay in God`s plan and will for your life in Jesus name.
Psalm 2:8 “ Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the Earth your possession.
If we ask God all the blessings of nations will be ours. He can make nations our inheritance. Meaning the best of each nation s of the world is yours if you ask him. This means that let us ask God for big and major impact on nations. I see you taking the gospel to nations and the Lord paying you back with your everyone of your desire. He says the ends of the earth your possession. It means, no nation will reject you, it means nations of the world will cooperate to favour you and their best of blessings shall be yours too.
Isaiah 1:19“If you are willing and obedient, you eat the good things of the Land”
Our key to accessing the blessings of God is our willingness to be led by God and our Obedience to following instructions the Lord gives us. IF we do, He says, we shall eat the good things of the land. As you are willfully obey every instruction from God, the good things of the Land shall be your possession in Jesus name.

1. Father I ask you to set a hedge of protection and preservation over my life in Jesus name
2. Father make me great and a blessing to the nations of the World in Jesus name
3. Father I ask of you, show me that one purpose you created me now in Jesus name
Father you said ASK, now I am willing and obedient to your word. I ask of nation as my inheritance and the best of the land as my possession.

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