Basics Of Faith Series 


What Is Faith?

  1. Complete trust or confidence in someone or something (Dictionary).
  2. Strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof (Dictionary).
  3. True Saving Faith is Trusting in Jesus Christ Alone for our eternal life – Acts 16:31 (Evangelism Explosion).

“So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household”

 Faith is a journey, it is our life style. To get anything done in the Kingdom of God, we need to have faith in the word of God and also believe that it will work for us according to the will of our Father in Heaven. Romans 1:17

“For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.”


We shall look at Five Basic Keys Of Faith.

Hebrew 11:1-40

  1. Faith Is Trusting in God Not Our Own Strength and Abilities– Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall 
[a]direct your paths.

  • Faith is transferring our trust from money, possessions, human effort and ourselves onto God.
  • It is using God`s understanding and instructions above human set norms.
  • Our faith is seen in our obedience to God`s instructions and authority without engaging reasoning.

John 2:2

His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.


  • It is acknowledging the power of God as supreme authority above our way.
  • Faith is seeking God for direction in life and everything we do.


  1. Faith is Our Assurance, Hope and Confidence of Things Not SeenHebrews 11:1

“Now faith is the [a]substance of things hoped for, the [b]evidence of things not seen.”

  • Faith is the substance of things you believe God for. If you are believing God for a job, we shall see your desire by your faith.
  • Faith is the evidence of things not seen. Others have not seen what you are believing God for. You are the only one who has seen your expectations. Faith will make our expectations become evident for everyone to see.
  • Before we can handle our miracles, faith must be in place. Faith is the vehicle that delivers our expectations.
  1. Faith Gives Us Understanding Of Who God Is and His Abilities– Hebrews 11:3.

“By faith we understand that the [a]worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.”

  • Science cannot explain how God made the universe by his word only but Faith explains to us.
  • The things we see, were not made from the visible. In short faith created what we see now. It also means that whatever, we cannot see, can be created by the word of God we boldly speak in faith.
  1. Faith Commends Us Righteous Before God

Hebrews 11:4

By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, through which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts; and through it he being dead still speaks.”


  • Abel obtained a good report as righteous before God. God testified of his gift even though he was dead.
  • Faith will speak for you even when your absence.
  • Without faith, we cannot walk a life of righteousness. If we lack faith, we cannot receive salvation.

Ephesians 2:8

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,”

  • We cannot access salvation by grace from God if the link of Faith is missing.
  • Faith delivers our salvation and declares us righteous before God.
  1. Faith Makes Us To Please GodHebrews 11:5-6

By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death, “and was not found, because God had taken him”; for before he was taken he had this testimony, that he pleased God. But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”


  • Faith makes us to receive eternal life. When we believe in Jesus Christ, we shall have eternal life.
  • Faith in God gives us a good report and testimony before God and men.
  • We can only please God when our Faith is in place in our lives. When Faith is missing, we automatically, disconnect and distance ourselves from God.
  • Faith will make us to diligently seek God and he will reward us for trusting in him.

What Happens When We Start Walking By Faith?

  1. By Faith We Are Transformed –

2 Corinthians 5:17

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new”

We become transformed by Faith if we are in Christ Jesus.  We are transformed into a new creation, the old has gone. By Faith we start experiencing the divine nature of God in our lives. Sickness, poverty, lack and want, delays, confusion etc. are in the old nature. In our new creation we are not allowed to suffer again because Jesus paid the full price. By Faith in God`s word, let us take steps to actualize our real status in Christ Jesus.

  1. Faith Gives Us Strength To Push On in Life – Philippians 4:13

“I can do all things through [a]Christ who strengthens me.”

Paul drew his strength to do exploits in ministry from his strong faith in God`s grace. Faith and a consistent walk drew his strength from the Lord Jesus Christ with the Lord.

  1. Faith Brings Stability in Our Lives – Psalm 46:10

Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!


Faith brings Stability in the heat of trials, tribulations and challenging times. By Faith we shall access God`s protection, provisions and intervention. We cannot receive or please God outside beyond our level of faith.

  1. Faith Makes All Things Possible – Mark 9:23.

“Jesus said to him, “If[a] you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”

God makes all things possible to us if we only we believe. This means that our faith is our access to divine intervention. Our faith is the only thing that will limit God to perform. Where our faith ends, that is where God will perform.

2 Kings 4:6

 “Now it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said to her son, “Bring me another vessel. ”And he said to her, “There is not another vessel.” So the oil ceased.”

May our faith in God receive divine strength in Jesus name.


  1. Father I ask for grace to fully trusts in you and lean on your understanding in Jesus name.
  2. Father by faith we speak to every mountain be still in Jesus name.
  3. Father by Faith we begin to walk in the reality of our new creation in Jesus name.
  4. Father we thank you for answering all our prayers in Jesus name.



Walking By Faith – Generators of Faith

Faith is a journey, it is our life style. To get anything done in the Kingdom of God, we need to have faith in the word of God and also believe that it will work for us according to the will of our Father in Heaven. Romans 1:17

“For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.”


  1. God`s Word The Primary Source of Faith

The word of God is one of the generators of our faith because it contains the will, thoughts, revelations, insights, directives and counsel on every issue of life. The more we hear and read the word of God, the more our faith grows.

 Romans 10:17

 “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

 When we hear the word of God and hear it again, our faith grows to another level. This means that we constantly keep hearing the word of God to keep generating our faith to the next level.

Mark 7:25-26

 “For a woman whose young daughter had an unclean spirit heardabout Him, and she came and fell at His feet. 26 The woman was a [a]Greek, a [b]Syro-Phoenician by birth, and she kept [c]asking Him to cast the demon out of her daughter.”

This one woman heardabout Jesus. As a result her faith grew and she sought Jesus to heal her daughter.

Mark 10:47

“And when he heardthat it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”

As Jesus was passing by, Blind Bartimeaus heard that Jesus was the one passing by. Constantly, he had been hearing many testimonies of the sick Jesus had healed. So he decided to shout aloud for mercy from Jesus.

Faith comes or grows by hearing not the doctors report, negative voices, but hearing the word of God.


  1. Miracles and Testimonies Grow Our Faith

When we see the acts of God, the wonderful works by his hand and the creations of God, our faith grows. When we hear how Jesus saved us, how he has purchased our place in heaven, how he has taken all our sicknesses and diseases, our faith grows to the next. When our faith Grows, then we can receive from God our miracles too.

Mark 9:23

 “Jesus said to him, “If[a] you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”

The condition for receiving our healing and divine intervention is that our faith must be in place. If our faith is adequate enough, all things are possible. What are these things that are possible by faith? We are talking of salvation, healing, prosperity, increase, business and career breakthroughs, ministry explosion, growth, long life, divine health etc.

Matthew 13:58

 “Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief.”

 Jesus went to his hometown; people there became familiar with him. As a result, their faith in him was very low. He did not do might works there not because he was not The Messiah but because of their unbelief. When we have unbelief and doubt, we are disqualified to receive from the hand of God, for without faith, it is impossible to please God – Hebrews 11:5.


  1. Boldly Speaking To The Mountains

Mark 11:22-24

 “So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God. 23 For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.24 Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.”

We all face various mountains on a daily basis. Some are spiritual and some are physical. However, the root of every affliction is spiritual. There is a spirit behind every affliction. When we speak to those maintains, we are simply addressing their spirits behind them.

The master gave us a formular, that we are to speak to the mountains of all kinds boldly the word of God.

We can learn from God, he speaks before he acts. That has been his formular from creations. What are we to confess? The word of God must be following out of our mouths as we confront all negativities and challenges of life.

Genesis 1;3 & 6.

Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.

 Then God said, “Let there be a [c]firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

Our victory is in our bold confession. God cannot act if our mouths are closed and void of his word.

1 Samuel 17:8 &11

 Goliath stood and shouted a taunt across to the Israelites. “Why are you all coming out to fight?” he called. “I am the Philistine champion, but you are only the servants of Saul. Choose one man to come down here and fight me!

 11 When Saul and the Israelites heard this, they were terrified and deeply shaken.Goliath was the mountain that shook and taunted the Entire Isreal Army daily. The entire army could not talk as a result God could not save them and fear entered the armed forces.

However, a 17-year-old boy called David who understood how God works, face the Goliath with the battle of words. He understood the covenant terms God has cut with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

1 Samuel 17:42- 45

 42 sneering in contempt at this ruddy-faced boy. 43 “Am I a dog,” he roared at David, “that you come at me with a stick?” And he cursed David by the names of his gods. 44 “Come over here, and I’ll give your flesh to the birds and wild animals!” Goliath yelled.

45 David replied to the Philistine, “You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies—the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.

The battle between Goliath and David was a battle of confession. David went against Goliath neither with age nor armory, but with the word of God. He invoked the heavenly armies led by the Lord Jesus Christ. That is how a 17 year by defeated the Giant Goliath.

Whenever we see ourselves defeated, let us check our confession. We must confess the word of God openly and loudly before we see the results.

Genesis chapter 1, God said and whatever, he said, he saw it. We are where we are today, because of what we confessed yesterday.



  1. Courage In God`s Presence

The presence of God generates our faith; it instills confidence, validates and increases our zeal to soldier on despite prevailing situations. Moses a great prophet of God, did dot depend on his abilities but relied entirely on the presence of God in his life. That is how Moses managed to liberate over three million Jews from Pharaoh`s bondage, the Lord Parted the Red Sea before Moses, water came from the rock and many good testimonies about him. People who enjoyed the presence of God:


  1. MOSES

Exodus 33:12-20

12 One day Moses said to the Lord, “You have been telling me, ‘Take these people up to the Promised Land.’ But you haven’t told me whom you will send with me. You have told me, ‘I know you by name, and I look favorably on you.’ 13 If it is true that you look favorably on me, let me know your ways so I may understand you more fully and continue to enjoy your favor. And remember that this nation is your very own people.”

14 The Lord replied, “I will personally go with you, Moses, and I will give you rest—everything will be fine for you.”

15 Then Moses said, “If you don’t personally go with us, don’t make us leave this place.16 How will anyone know that you look favorably on me—on me and on your people—if you don’t go with us? For your presence among us sets your people and me apart from all other people on the earth.”

17 The Lord replied to Moses, “I will indeed do what you have asked, for I look favorably on you, and I know you by name.”

18 Moses responded, “Then show me your glorious presence.”

19 The Lord replied, “I will make all my goodness pass before you, and I will call out my name, Yahweh,[a] before you. For I will show mercy to anyone I choose, and I will show compassion to anyone I choose. 20 But you may not look directly at my face, for no one may see me and live.

The faith of Moses grew in the Lord his God because he lived under the cover and presence of God daily. He enjoyed divine backing in his life.


  1. HEZEKIAHenjoyed great success because the Lord was with Him

 2 Kings 18:6-7

 “He remained faithful to the Lord in everything, and he carefully obeyed all the commands the Lord had given Moses. So the Lord was with him, and Hezekiah was successful in everything he did. He revolted against the king of Assyria and refused to pay him tribute.”


  1. JOSEPHbecame successful in a foreign land because the Lord was with him


Genesis 39:2

 The Lord was with Joseph, so he succeeded in everything he did as he served in the home of his Egyptian master.


  1. Kingdom Service

Another generator of our faith is serving God. When we serve the living God, our faith rest on his promises, which are true. Brethren let us never give up on our service to God; for in due season God will reward our labor in him.

 Malachi 3:16

16 Then those who feared the Lord spoke with each other, and the Lord listened to what they said. In his presence, a scroll of remembrance was written to record the names of those who feared him and always thought about the honor of his name.”

 God is watching our actions and listening to our words. He is aware of our situations. Let us then, continue fearing him and offering our service to him. For he faithfully rewards those who seek him diligently – Matthew 6:33.

Prayers of Supplication

  1. Father I set my heart to serve you with faithfully for the rest of my life in Jesus name.
  2. Father open my eyes of understanding that I may know you via your word daily in Jesus name.
  3. Father led me daily by your presence in Jesus name.
  4. Father I speak boldly to every mountain and goliath standing before me in Jesus name.
  5. Father as I serve you, may I enjoy long life, wealth and divine health and leave a good heritage in Jesus name.



Scripture: Matthew 19:4-6

God is a pioneer, founder and architect of the institution called marriage. A marriage is a union between a Man and Woman. We must understand that even though Marriage is made is Heaven, it needs Earthly maintenance. Literally, everyone looks forward to getting married. However, the glamour, flamboyance, glory and excitement that come with the ceremony, are not a determining factor that a marriage will last. The couple must have full knowledge of what is required of them and daily put to practice these critical truths and requirements in their marriage.


Many times we teach marriage using formulae, traditions and other people`s experience. The truth about marriage is only found in the bible which outlines the requirements God, the manufacturer and author has put in place for it to function properly.


G =           GOD

M =          MAN

W =          WOMAN

C  =           CHILDREN

C =            CAREER


C =            CHURCH

C =            COMMUNITY



The second highest relationship on Earth after salvation is marriage. There is a reason why God created man both male and female. We have a specific role to play according to his plan for marriage and life.

Man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife. This is referring to the union between a man (male) and a woman (female). God has never made any provision for man to desire and worse enough to marry fellow man or woman marrying fellow woman. That is a deliverance case.  Parents must also respect this covenant of marriage. They must no longer treat and control their children as if they are still dependents. This will not only affect the young marriage, but will also frustrate them.

The two (man and woman) will become one Flesh Means: They Enter Into A Covenant of Marriage. Everything about them becomes one. No one must speak about himself or herself but as one. My car is now our car, my money is now our money, and my house now, is our house. My parents now, are our parents. Any married person who speaks like a single person, will soon leave that marriage.

What God has put together, no man should split or Put asunder or Separate. No Man must come between a husband and a wife. No parents must do this; neither girl friend nor boy friend must have a relationship with a married person. If you do you, God will fight and punish you himself. You have broken the law. NO Man!! Nothing must come in between the married couple. As wife, your pre occupation is your own husband, take care of him, love him, feed him, and satisfy him. Leave no room for single girls to come near him. Take care of yourself and make yourself attracted for your husband. Men whatever another woman has, your wife has better. Cultivate it and you will be satisfied all the time.


Please not that the moment you enter marriage covenant, you are not allowed to have any sexual partner than your wife. Deuteronomy 5: 18, “You shall not commit adultery“ 21 “You must not covet your neighbour`s wife.”

Hebrews 13:4 “Marriage should be honoured by all, and the marriage bed kept pure. God will judge people who are immoral and those who commit adultery.”

God has highly esteemed marriage covenant. Whoever, must enjoy this blessings must ensure they keep the marriage bed pure. God will personally punish all adulterers. If we have messed up before, now is the time to make things right. Let the wise hear, in Jesus name.

A covenant is not a feeling. Even if you have been fighting before as a couple, the covenant is till in force. It still stands, irrespective of your circumstances. Once you say I DO, you cannot say I DO NOT ever and you cannot come out. It will only end when one spouse dies. Till then, keep enjoying the company of each other.




Marriage is glorious, but it`s glory is not automatic; it calls for responsibility, commitment and effort. Any marriage that will last is one, is where husband and wife work as a team, take responsibility for their actions and make every effort to ensure that it flourishes.

Ephesians 4:2-3Be completely humble and gentle; Be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the spirit of unity through the bond of peace.”

Humility, gentleness, patience and love are fruit of the spirit that must manifest in both husband and wife. Both must make deliberate effort to keep the spirit of unity in spirit, body and purpose through peace not violence.


There should never be a moment when we lose our love for our spouse in marriage. Those things that pushed us to get married, will also keep us stay married. Keep the romance of love burning. Ephesians 5:33 However, let each one of you LOVE his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she RESPECTS her husband.”

To love your wife as a man, is loving yourself. To respect and honour your husband as a woman is respecting your self.

Make every effort to keep your private love life alive and up to date. Man (male and female) by nature is a love being. Where there is no love, then the foundation of marriage has cracks.

Have you wondered why some men follow young girls? Personally, I do not think it is right. However, let look at what makes those elderly men to do so.

They seek to have some fun, they want to play, they want to bring their youthful days alive again, and they want to explore their inner energies. The question is, why don’t they do it with their wives back home?

Whatever the reason, wives make your husband feel younger, do not become like his mother. He wants to have fun and light moments, it is a must.

A couple that stays together not only PRAYS together, but also PLAYS together. Be a PRAYING and PLAYING couple. Have fun and do things together as a family.

May the Lord bless our marriages.


  1. Father help me to respect the marriage covenant in Jesus name
  2. Father from today I make a fresh commitment to take responsibility, be committed and make every effort to build a godly marriage in Jesus name
  3. Father renew our zeal for each other as before in Jesus name
  4. Father may honour your name in our marriages and family in Jesus name





Proverbs 14:12, Proverbs 16:25- There is a way that seemeth right unto men but the end thereof are the way of death
DIVINE: Like God or a god.
DIRECTIONS: Guidance or supervision of action or conduct.
-So from the dictionary definitions….divine direction simply means ‘’being guided by God’’.
Beloved we need to be guided by God because he created us and knows best where we are going. He knows best why we are here on earth and he is the only one who knows the end from the beginning, he is the alpha and the omega. Missing just one turn in life can cost you a lot of years, you waste a lot of valuable time, and sometimes it can even destroy you or lead to death. It’s not everything that looks ok to our human eye that is fine. Testimony: Bishop Oyedepo in Japan. A lot of problems that people have now is because they got involved in things that God was not involved in. So what is it that qualifies us to be divinely led?
To be divinely led, you must first know where you are going, I mean where are you being led to? There must be a destination. Beloved before God can guide us, we must take time to first discover why we even exist. We are predestined even from the womb, there is a grand plan for our lives, he foreknew us, he called us all for a particular purpose, he justified us and our portion is glory but we cannot see this glory until we first locate our assignment. This is the first and most important key. So vision or purpose is God’s plan for your life but divine direction is the steps you take to fulfil that plan.

2. BE WILLING TO BE LED…Proverbs 8:23- Directions from God are actually instructions that come in the form of his word and the Holy Spirit. But are willing to follow these instructions? Because sometimes what is demanded of us may be the most inconvenient time. Believe you me, most of the men of God you see doing the craziest things are really called but their unwillingness to be led and instead doing what they want has landed them into their own predicaments and they end up compromising a lot just to entice members because God is not with them. Uncle Jonah ended up in the belly of a fish not because he didn’t hear Gods voice, he did but chose not to follow Gods instructions, the children of Israel where led by God throughout the wilderness but they got into so much trouble each time they refuse to heed to an instruction and God called them a stiff necked people. A lot of us are like that with God even now and I leave you with this one question, are you willing to be led by God?


As a born again child of God, Know that to be divinely guided by your heavenly father is a your birth right.As long as you are properly born again, divine guidance is your right…you just have to believe it and live with that consciousness unless you have doubts of your relationship with God.

4. THE WORD.PS 119:105
-A lamp is a light that is there to guide you in darkness and that is exactly what Gods word does for us. It’s not always that you will hear the audible voice of God, sometimes God can give you a revelation from his word and your spirit man bears witness that it’s an instruction from God. Gods word is the most sure word of prophecy.

-Beloved each time you have an important decision to make and you don’t know what to do, pray about it in the holy ghost, commit the matter to God in your understanding and then speak in the heavenly language and if your heart is flooded with peace, then God is saying go ahead but of you have no peace, please don’t go ahead. The spirit of God acts as an umpire in our hearts.

Divine direction is so important and should be lifetime experience, we make decisions every day and God doesn’t tell us everything all at once no, so we must keep our heavens open to hear from from God from time to time. Every major step we take in life should be traceable to an instruction from God. A lot of genuinely called people are so frustrated now because everything they try is not working because they lack Gods guidance. Its not everything you see working for someone that you must copy no.

1. ISAIAH 48:17-GUARANTED SUCCESS-When God leads you to a place, success is always guaranteed. He can never lead you to failure.
For as long as the children of Israel stayed under Gods leading…they enjoyed divine protection and angelic covering. When God is leading you, he will always dispatch his angel to guard you.
In life there is a way people can struggle, push and stress just to get one little thing done but when God is involved, we enjoy sweetness breakthrough. We do things with ease. The bible says by strength shall no man prevail, not by power nor by might but my spirit says the lord.
When God is your shepherd, he will lead you to green pasture why other are in dry and parched lands, he will lay a table for you in the presence of your enemies and cause your cup to overflow…with only goodness and mercy following you. While the famine was raging in the whole region, Joseph had plenty because he received a divine instruction and put it to work.

Beloved we will save ourselves a lot of valuable time and achieve more if we involved God in every decision we make and allow him to be the captain of our lives. A lot of people are crying in wrong marriages because they got married without asking God first. LET’S RESOLVE TO BE DIVINELY GUIDED FROM TODAY ONWARDS.

1. My father, in the name of Jesus, from today I resolve to be led by you. Take over the leading of my life.
2. My father in heaven, forgive me for all the times I have ignored your leading or disobeyed your instructions. I repent lord have mercy.
3. My, father in heaven, wherever I took wrong turn in life and destiny, help me to get back on the right track and recover my wasted years.
4. My father in heaven, teach me to be sensitive to you leading, from today, may I never miss my divine path again.

Image may contain: one or more people


Divine is God`s ability, supernatural intervention and involvement
Direction is coordinated movement, well defined course, moving with a particular destination intentionally. Course of action.
Pathway is avenue, course, route, road, and means to get to your destination.
Therefore, I define Pathway to Divine Direction as God showing you coordinated movements, secrets and ideas in a well-defined course, avenue, and roadmap with intention of reaching your final destination or goal in life. Please not that they are both spiritual and physical in nature. Man is a Spirit, has a soul (Will, mind and Emotions) and lives in a body. God want you to access divine direction in all the three spheres.
Pathway to Divine Direction is for those who are action oriented. Those who are ready to defy the standard norms that limit their manifestation in life. Divine Direction for everyone who is tired of any form of limitations to their dreams, Everyone who is overdue to deliver, actualise and maximise destiny. Let me say that if you do not develop yourself, your God given vision, dreams, talents, gifting’s, and your capacity, you will be relegated to be a follower, spectator, and cheerleader for those who are investing their time into self development.
Saints, you are loaded. God created you heavy. He created you to dominate in your field. If you are a teacher, be the best teacher in town. If you are a cook, be the best cook around and let people buy your franchise. If you are a singer, be the world-class singer. If you are a designer, be the best designer in your life. Change your mind-set because God has already made a heavy investment in you. You are loaded. If you fail, you will not only fail yourself, but first your family, generations and above all your greatest investor, God in Heaven. All you need to succeed was deposited already in your at creation. Look inside and you will discover it right now. Your greatness is within you not abroad. After this service, may you discover your real you in Jesus name.

Let Me Share with you Two Pathways that lead to divine direction.
There are so many ways you can do things, so many modes of transportation i.e. water cruise, road, air, walking, running etc. The first thing one must do to access Divine Direction is to seek the way that will lead to where you must end faster than others.
“Ecclesiastes 10:15 The Labour of the Foolish Wears everyone of them, because they do not KNOW HOW to go to the City.”
God is the one who created life, so he knows HOW life should be lived. If you miss the HOW, then you have missed your life. Today, Many marriages are a source of death. Did God create marriage for this? No. We have missed the How. Many destined for greatness have ended us not reaching their destination.
God knows where you must go,ask him. He will never Go on your behalf, take the journey and move towards your destination. Have you ever-wondered why, people who keep trying, always always keep achieving? They could make mistakes but they learn their lessons and start all over again. Where you failed before, ask God to show you the right way and go try again. In 2011, I left formal employment, which was a very good paying job. At the time I was the had a Mercedes Benz. So you know it was a good job. The job paid for my entire tertiary education. When my time in that job come to an end, and I knew I needed to drop it. I asked God what the next assignment was and he showed me the way. I Entered business world. Unfortunately, the first one crushed. I sought God again to fine-tune the instruction he gave me. Went into prayer for a full and half year alone, then God showed one key pathway. I am still walking in it today. Imagine if I gave up after one major set back, when everything crushed, even MCCCI now, would have not been here today.Receive grace to depend on Divine Direction in Jesus name. God can show you the way out of debt; he can show you the way to the top. He can show you both spiritual and earthly matters.
In John 14:5-6 “Thomas said to him, “ Lord, we do not know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus answered, “ I am the way the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Thomas was with the way Jesus the way to the Father, yet he was ignorant of the way he was with for over three years.
Many of us are asking the way when the way lives right in us. Jesus is the way to Divine Direction. For those who are born again, you are entitled to access divine purpose, direction and secrets from Heaven at will by the help of the Holy Spirit.
If you are not born again, beloved you are missing the major part of your life. You need Jesus he died for you and I despite of shortcomings, sins and wrongs. Only He alone can save, cleanse and pardon us. If we confess our sins, repent from evil and ask him into our hearts, we too will be qualified to enjoy new life in Christ Jesus.
The starting point of greatness is a vision. Vision is an Image of where you must end. Your final destination. Only those who have awell-defineddestination will be focused and determined to get there. There is a particular thing you and only can do exceptionally well. Not every business is good for you. It is not every job you must do. At age 8 years you must have a picture of who you must be. At 16, you must know where you are going. At age 24 you must be very precise with what you want to do with your life. You discover your vision in reading the bible, books, meditation, prayer, fasting, thinking, reasoning and questioning things and God.
Habakkuk 2:2 “Write down the Vision/Revealation/Answer and make it plain on the tablet/paper/ipad/wall so that a herald may run with it”
The greatest asset one must own is a VISION. There is a big difference between a vision and a dream. A vision is real and happens when you are awake. A dream mostly is vague and happens in intervals mainly at night. A vision is more clear and precise than a dream. A dream can only mature into a Vision once when these five attributes are in place:
It is defined
It is written down for others to see and follow
It is able to attract others to buy into it
It is acted upon
It is sensible, profitable, feasible and attainable.
Vision has influence and power not only on yourself but on others too. Five things we must know about vision as ascribed by Habakkuk.

1. Vision Breeds Focus on its Visionary and Followers:
Any person of vision is focused; they are drunk with a strong desire to see their vision deliver the expected results. Vision has stronger ability to make you stay on course. That is why you see a person of vision they will tell you things which sometimes do no make sense to an ordinary mind.
2. Vision Must be Written Down Plainly
If you have a vision and you have not put it in written it is still a dream not a vision. Vision is action oriented. Pen it down. Vision has an attribute of strategic thinking. It changes your mind-set and enhances the power of imagination. What seemed hard before putting it on paper, it will soon seem visible because you have well articulated and pointed out every piece of detail about your vision
Vision Starts Alone But Ends with Multitudes
A vision is contagious/transferable/infectious/communicable. People can buy into your vision. Once you sort out every detail, people will buy into it. People with a vision a few but there are millions of people out there willing to follow a sensible, feasible, profitable and attainable vision. That is why there will only be one CEO in a company but many employees, Many members and pastors in a ministry but one Founder. People of vision attract multitudes. Focus and improve on your vision, sooner than later, multitudes will come to seek your audience and they will not come empty handed.
Vision attract Important People
Your vision will determine and select the type of destiny helpers. The quality of your vision will determine the quality of your destiny helpers. So work on it very well. Present it professionally. The way you package it, is the way people will address you. Heralds are important people in authority with influence and affluence. These are not ordinary people they are decision makers and well connected. Your vision must be beneficial to the poor, the middle class and the rich. These are people who make sure the vision becomes a reality
Vision Has Potential To Make You Run
There is a huge deposit of energy in vision. Every vision-oriented individual has great energies. If you are been forced to go to that church, to love your spouse, office, finish your assignment, then you do not buy into that vision. You may not feel like doing it, but the moment you buy into it, your energy levels automatically go up. People of vision are not lazy, they work hard. They push even when all things are against them. I want you to honestly answer these two questions to yourself. Do you to to bed because it is night? Or because you have achieved every item on the list for the day?
God is ready to show and restore your life. God saw that people needed planes to travel the world faster than boats, canoes and cart. So he gave the vision to Orville and William Wright two brothers, sister and their father to discover Aero Engineering with little resources but great initiative. At that time, no one believed a metal kite could fly. So based on their limited thinking, the whole world mocked them especially at home. Today the plane has evolved to make life better for humanity.
He raised ITC giants like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, to revolutionalise the technology industry. Today we have Apple and Microsoft.
God wanted African churches to embrace prosperity and grow mega Faith Gatherings. He raised his generals in Pastor Enoch Adeboye and Bishop David Oyedepo among others.
God is looking for whom to give divine ideas that will change not only your life, family, others around you, your community, nation and generations to come.

I pray for you this week, may you discover why God created you in Jesus name.
Prayers Points
Father I thank you because you created me for great exploits. I am loaded with purpose in Jesus name
Father as your child, show me the way to my greatness in Jesus name
Father give me a vision in form of a divine idea, multi million dollar invention and discoveries in Jesus name
Father use me to reach to those who are doubting that you are alive in Jesus


As many as are redeemed of the Lord, divine direction is your covenant right in Christ Jesus. Every believer of the word of God stands on an advantageous position than the un- redeemed. You are highly positioned, favored, distinguished and sort after creation. We must understand that divine direction is your covenant right if you are redeemed. Every person walking in divine direction carries solutions, which the world needs. If you carry solution of the world, you will be celebrated.
Daniel stood out in his time, because he walked in divine direction. Only Him had the key to save the lives of the magicians, wise men and his fellows brothers. God showed him the dream Nebuchadnezzar had, even though he was not there physically. As you consciously walk in divine direction, you will become a highly sort after person; locally and abroad in Jesus name.
Whenever God leads you, He also supplies everything one of your needs. Where God leads you, are always a place of increase, enlargement and a place void of luck and want. As long as God is your shepherd, He will lead you to where your job is, where your breakthrough is, where your celebration is. When God leads you, you enjoy greener pastures (Psalm 23:1-2). Where others are struggling, you are permitted to access greener pastures, victory upon victory. Lack and want is mainly a product of disregarding Divine Direction. Can you imagine a stubborn sheep that refuses to be led by the Shepherd? Starvation, lack and want will be the daily portion. Each time we experience lack and want, let us check our position of Divine Direction. Did God confirm that move you made? That business partnership you entered into? That new job you got? That marriage you entered into? It is wise that we seek the position of God in every matter before we act, to avoid lack and want in our lives. When God is leading you, your lines will fall into pleasant places, because it is your heritage in Christ Jesus (Psalm 16:6).
Everyone who has this understanding, that Divine Direction is their covenant right, are solution providers. May I say that; the mountains we face, those troubles and hard times, they come to believers for our lifting and promotion. Take heart, God will use that situation for your lifting to the glory of God.
Daniel found himself in a very risky and troublesome situation. The king had a dream and he summoned magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and astrologers to tell him the dream he had. The King wanted an interpretation of his dreams. The sad part is that he never told them the dream he had dreamed of. All the wise men said no one on earth can do what the king ask. Daniel 2:1-10) This show us that the power of darkness are limited. Only God is the ALL KNOWING GOD.

God needed only one man called Daniel to represent him and prove that all solutions are with God. In verses 14-22, As the wise men were going to be put to death, Daniel took the risk and spoke to the Arioch the commander with wisdom and tact. He asked for more time. He went to his house and explained the matter to his friends, Hannaiah, Misheal and Azariah. They began to pray to God of Heaven concerning this mystery. They prayed hard because their lives were at stake together with the rest of the wise men in Babylon. After prayer; they praised The God of Heaven. Finally, we see Daniel revealing the dream exactly the way the king had dreamed earlier on from verse 38-46. Your promotion and lifting is in the solution you provide to others. Every trouble you are going through, is not to kill you but to promote you and reveal the power of God to the unbelieving world.
I speak to you now; if you believe this, the world will celebrate because you are a born again solution carrier. Nation will seek your audience for their solutions. As you walk into Divine Direction, may you solve the puzzles to all the problems you and others are facing in Jesus name.
He gives wisdom to the wise, knowledge to the discerning, he reveals deep and hidden things. God reveals secrets and makes known to us what shall be in the later days (28). The Secret of the Lord are with those who fear him and he will show them his covenant (Psalm 25:14). We are custodians of the secrets of the Lord. Keys to divine health, prosperity, preservation, deliverance, salvation etc are with you and I who believe and fear God. He alone shows us the His Covenant. May the Holy Spirit show secrets that will not only transform our lives, but also the lives of many in Jesus name.
King Nebuchadnezzar fell on his face and worshiped Daniel. Of a truth it is, that your God is a God of gods, and Lord of Kings and revealer of secrets. (46-47).
God is waiting for you to step up like Daniel did. Through you and I, God wants to humble the proud of this world. He is ready to use you to provide for much needed solutions and the proud too will bow down to seek the face of the living God. Everyone who carries the name of Jesus carries power to make every knee to bow down, because the name of Jesus is the final authority in Heaven and on Earth.
Through you many will be saved in Jesus name. May the proud be humbled by your testimony, great insights, secrets and manifestation of God`s power in your life in Jesus name.
1. Father in the name of Jesus Christ I ask that you lead to walk in Divine Direction.
2. Father I as I walk in Divine Direction, may I experience abundance and supernatural providence in Jesus name
3. Father Make me a solution carrier to my generation in Jesus name
4. Father, reveal to me the Kingdom Secrets that many may glorify your Holy Name. in Jesus name


Scripture: Jeremiah 29:11
As we conclude on Divine Direction, we must realise that God has great plans, great intentions for each and every one of His Child. It is our duty to ensure that we comply with his guidelines, laws and regulation in order to experience the reality of Divine Direction in our lives. Whenever, we are walking in Divine Direction, God showers us with blessings. There are many blessings but we shall only Look at four today.
Whenever we walk in Divine Direction and Gods will, He sets a hedge to Protection and Preservation around us, our children, family, works of our hands, ministry, and all that concerns us.
Job 1:11 “Have you not put a Hedge around him, His household, around all that he has on every side. You have blessed the works of his hands and his possession have increased in the land”
God`s Protection and Preservation supersedes that of all insurance companies put together. His Protection covers you as a person, your family, and the works of your hands, all your possessions and preserves them. He also preserves all that you have forever as long as you continue to be under His Divine Direction and covering. His protection is from the first to the fourth generations. When God protects you, He also Preserves you from destruction. He puts a hedge around you and the devil cannot do anything about it.
Exodus 13:21 “The Lord went ahead of them. He guided them during the day with a pillar of CLOUD and he provided LIGHT at night with a pillar of FIRE. This allowed them to travel by day or by night.
God has got best interest for each one of us. It is in our best interest that we stay in the will of God for our lives.
From today, as you stay under God`s Divine Direction, may you enjoy round about Protection and Preservation in Jesus name.
When God blesses a man, the same blessings rests also on his family, those around and nations too get the effect of God`s blessings.
Genesis 12:2“I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all the peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
God blessed Abraham, made him a great nation, put a hedge of protection on his life, and also made him a conduit of blessings for prosperity in his time, and in our generation and those to come. Prosperity is God blessing you now, Keeping those blessings and passing them with increased value from one generation to another generation, is God Posterity. It is living legacy. A man who God blesses, the blessing is evident in him, his children, ministry and many generations long after he is gone to be with the Lord. The blessings of God on your life will not die with you but your generation will celebrate the doing of God through you in Jesus name.

Jeremiah 29:11“I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
God knows the plans He has for you. So ask Him he will show you. We all were created with one purpose for our lives; the purpose may not be the same. If you do not discover your purpose, you will not be successful, fulfilled and satisfied. You will not live your full life. Your manufacturer knows you better. To function to optimal level, we need to ask God to reveal to us his purpose and plans for our lives today.
God`s plans purpose for each one of us, is to prosper us, to make us successful, to make us achieve our full life, to make us actualise all our dreams, goals and aims.
His plans for us is to guarantee us a glorious future because in Him we have hope. Beloved do not give up on your life, there is hope for you. Your end shall be great as you stay in God`s plan and will for your life in Jesus name.
Psalm 2:8 “ Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the Earth your possession.
If we ask God all the blessings of nations will be ours. He can make nations our inheritance. Meaning the best of each nation s of the world is yours if you ask him. This means that let us ask God for big and major impact on nations. I see you taking the gospel to nations and the Lord paying you back with your everyone of your desire. He says the ends of the earth your possession. It means, no nation will reject you, it means nations of the world will cooperate to favour you and their best of blessings shall be yours too.
Isaiah 1:19“If you are willing and obedient, you eat the good things of the Land”
Our key to accessing the blessings of God is our willingness to be led by God and our Obedience to following instructions the Lord gives us. IF we do, He says, we shall eat the good things of the land. As you are willfully obey every instruction from God, the good things of the Land shall be your possession in Jesus name.

1. Father I ask you to set a hedge of protection and preservation over my life in Jesus name
2. Father make me great and a blessing to the nations of the World in Jesus name
3. Father I ask of you, show me that one purpose you created me now in Jesus name
Father you said ASK, now I am willing and obedient to your word. I ask of nation as my inheritance and the best of the land as my possession.


Scripture: Genesis 2:16-25
God is a pioneer, founder and architect of the institution called marriage. A marriage is a union between a Man and Woman. The two form a home. A home is the smallest unit of society. Our homes are so important to God and to the entire world. Criminals, pastors, engineers, and responsible people are raised from homes. Children learn from their parents by observation. Every well-raised person, they come from a good home. When you see a badly behaved child who grows into an adult, they were raised in a bad home.
However the case, God wants us to build Good, responsible and Godly homes. A good home begins with God at the centre. If you want to be sure you will go to heaven, ask your wife or your husband. They know better besides, God and Satan. However it is not too late to change the direction and course of your marriage into what God expects us to be.
What Are Some of Fundamental Truths about Building a Godly Home?
We must remember, that the way you treat your husband or your wife, children and dependants are watching. You are the example they are seeing concerning marriage. If a marriage is full of love, respect, harmony, peace and stability that is the example you are showing and teaching your children. However, if there are fights, cheatings, financial instability and indiscipline, night outs, failure to provide for the family and disrespect, that is the example you too are showing to your children. Whichever, case, soon and very soon your children will do exactly as you have shown them. The pattern will become generational and more sophisticated.

Before God, both man and women are equal and have same privileges but play different and complementary roles. For instance a man was designed to work and care for his family. A woman has special ability to carry children and keep the family together. So no one is superior to another the two must live together as one and function as a team(Genesis 1:26-28).
To be the head it means he is the vision carrier for the family. He is to provide and ensure the family is protected. The first thing a man needs is not a woman, it is self-discovery. A man must discover his purpose, vision and mandate why God created him. The worst tragedy to a man is not lack of money in his pocket. It is lack of vision and self-discovery. What gives a man self worth and esteem, is the vision he carries. Money and other things will follow the vision (Genesis 2:7-8)
Reasons Why God Created Man/Male?
I. The first thing God created before man was the Garden. Garden symbolises the WORKS of a man (Genesis 2:5). Work and achieving results is what gives a man self worth and value. Man is a goal getter.
II. God created man to take care of His estate here o Earth. Man is a caretaker of God`s creation and interests here on Earth. Every job you are doing, the works of your hands, ministry and your family, you are just a temporal caretaker.
III. God created man to be productive and to provide solutions and results.
IV. God created Adam to operate the same Creative IQ so that he can continue to CREATE things, solutions, and reproduce after his own kind, so that God could rest. (Genesis 2:20). He names all the animals exact the way God wanted him to name them.
V. God created man when he had already made all provisions he needed here on Earth (Genesis 2:5- 14. Eden was place of prosperity, it was a beautiful garden with all sorts of trees that produced delicious fruits, soil was very fertile, a river with four tributaries (Pishon has Gold, aromatic resin and onyx stones, Gihon, Tigris and Euphrates). From this example, God created man to have at least four streams of income.

After Adam had done his work successfully by naming all the animals, he was left alone with no one to talk to and take care of him and a companion. It is the Lord who said that, “It is not good for man to be alone. I will make him a suitable helper” Genesis 2:18-24.
God has given special ability to women to conceive, incubate and give birth not just to children but the vision of their husbands. Women have this ability to nurture, grow and ensure the vision for the family grows into maturity. A man does not function well without a woman. That is how God created things to be.
He who finds a wife, finds a good things and obtains favour from the Lord (Proverbs 18:22) A man would have been struggling before, the moment he marries things begin to work because God gives you favour when you find wife not a knife. There is a difference between the two.
Two are better than one (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12). Marriage is a better life; it is for our improvement and satisfaction. One will chase a 1000 while two; wife and husband will chase 10,000. Life of a couple is ten times better than when they were single and apart. From God`s plan marriage is glorious, better and so enriching and fulfilling.
Man and women were created to complement and support each other. Not to fight and humiliate each other. This is the plan of God and how he intended things to be from the beginning.
Women before you marry that man, get attracted to his VISION not his VERSION. Vision is where he is going, why God created him for and where he is going. The rest will fall in place. Version is referring to his appearance, looks, pockets, and financialstature. This will make you end up in misery.
Each time a man does not LEAVE and CLEAVE to his wife, the marriage will not stand (Genesis 2:24).
God has given women multiple abilities. They can manage their careers; families and also find time to serve God. Proverbs 31.
From the beginning the enemy of marriage is Satan. His aim is to steal, kill and destroy this beautiful instruction called marriage (John 10:10). He sponsors divisions, strife, hatred, infidelity, sickness, poverty, attacks your finances, health etc. When problem come, it means the devil is at work. Couples they begin to fight each other. You have a common enemy the devil not flesh and blood.
HOW DOES HE OPERATE (Genesis 3:1-7)
1. He will tempt you to break the laws of God
2. He will make you question the integrity of God
3. He will show you the mistakes and weaknesses of your spouse
4. He will offer fake pleasures but have lasting consequences such as drinking, sex outside marriage and infidelity etc
5. He will take you away from God and fellowship with other believers
6. He will condemn and accuse you of your unworthiness
7. He sponsors fear
Overcome the enemy by staying united as a couple to God, in his word, fellowship and obeying all the instructions required to build a successful and Godly home from the bible.
How far we shall go in career, ministry, and life is dependant on our ability to keep our homes and marriages according to the plan of God. May we receive grace to build Good and Godly homes in Jesus name.
1. Father I ask you to reveal to me my vision and purpose for my life in Jesus name
2. Father I make up my mind to build a good and Godly home from today in Jesus name
3. Father I ask for grace to play my role exceptionally well in Jesus name
4. Father we close every door we have opened for the enemy in our marriages and family in Jesus name



 Beloved welcome to our new month of July. The Lord has been gracious to us at both individual and church levels, in every way from January to date. He is a faithful God.


All of us are running our own race. Many know that they are running, while a good number also do not know that they are running. While others are running other people`s race, yet still, others are busy running by pulling and slowing others down. By the grace of God run very well and lift others along also in Jesus name.


Paul the greatest of all Apostles said in 2 Timothy 4:7, that “ I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”  Paul admonishes us that we must fight a good fight, it is not good enough to fight, and we must FININSH the race well. Also to finish well, we need to keep our faith in God`s word and his ability to perform.


Beloved, no one can run this Christian race without GOD enabling you to do so.  God is ready to guide our steps; by strength shall no man prevail (1 Samuel 2:9). There is no great man, pastor, evangelist or great servant of God, who does not recognize the HAND and GRACE of God at work in their lives.


Please note that, when you run alone it is called a RACE. When you run with God it is called G-RACE. July our month of GRACEFUL LIVING.




Isaiah 43:2 God is saying “When you pass through the WATERS (Many Storms of life), I (Your God) be with you; when you pass through the RIVERS (Many Challenges of life), they will not sweep you over. When you walk through the FIRE (tribulations and hard times), you will not be burned; the flames (Sudden events and trials) will not set you ablaze.


Graceful Living means God standing with you in every situation you are going through. God did not promise to take away the raging Waters, nor make the rivers disappear, not the fire to be put off, nor did he say that the flames would not suddenly pop up at us. He said:


Ø  In Waters, I will be with you.

Ø  The Rivers, will not sweep you over

Ø  Fires, will not burn you

Ø  Flames will not set you ablaze.


What you are going through will not kill you, it will not sweep you over, it will not burn you down, neither will it set you ablaze.


When you are doing what God has commissioned you to do in your ministry, marriage, family, business, career and life, the Lord working with you, and confirming the word with SIGNS (of his presence) following,(Mark16:20) that is what is called GRACEFUL LIVING beloved.


From today onwards, enjoy sweatless victories as you enjoy GRACEFUL LIVING in Jesus.





At age 75 year old, God spoke to Abram to leave his family, his nation, father`s house to a land God was to show him. What God gave Abram was a BLESSING. Many of us are looking for hard currency. Blessing is living under open heaven and empowered to succeed. Genesis 12:1-5.v At 100 years he had Isaac the son of the PROMISE (Genesis 21:5). Do you know the clock God is using for your life?


May I speak to someone, who feels they are behind everyone in everything, May God cause you to rejoice like Sara did atage 91 years when Isaac was born (Genesis 21:7) in Jesus name. May God give your early satisfaction.



When Elijah had killed all 400 prophets of Baal, he told King Ahab to go, eat and drink while he went up to pray(CHARGING HIS SPIRIT). (1 Kings 18:41-42). In verse 44, Elijah told Ahab to start off after they getting satisfied and energized with food and drinks(ENERGY). Mind you, King Ahab had amodern, start of art and very fast chariot(motor cade). As Ahab rode to Jezreel, the Power (GRACE) of the Lord came upon; he ran ahead/before/outran Ahab all the way to Jezreel(46).


That is the graceful Living. May this be your realm from this month and for the rest of your life in Jesus name.


In Acts 8:39-40 “When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord, suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. Philip, however, appeared at Azotus and travelled about, preaching the gospel in all towns until he reached Caesarea.”


Philip was another disciple who enjoyed speed in his ministry by the power of the Holy Spirit. There are many ways to move; one can walk, run, cycle, use motorbike, vehicle, boat, train and plane. The plane (air-travel) is the fastest of all modes of transportation.


From today, what take others 5 years, may you get in five days in Jesus name. Enjoy the speed of the Lord in everything your hands touch in Jesus name.




In Acts 19:11-12;God anointed Apostle Paul a former murderer with POWER to perform never seen before and strange MIRACLES. The dead came back to life, evil spirits were expelled, diverse diseases were instantly healed, when handkerchiefs and aprons that had mere touched his SKIN, were placed on them. Grace is better than labor. We must realize that the one who anoints is God. From today, I break permanently the spirit of struggle, hindering your evidence in Jesus name.


In Acts 10:38, How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with POWER; who went about doing good, healing all that were oppressed of the devil; FOR GOD WAS WITH HIM. You need God to see extra ordinary results in your life.  God is all you need. With you and God working together, are enough to shake your business world, ministry, life and career.





  1. Father I believe in your grace to fight a good fight and finish well in Jesus name
  2. Father I Ignite the grace for SPEED in all areas of my life, career, family, business and ministry in Jesus name
  3. Father I refuse to be under pressure but agree to move with your clock for my life in Jesus name
  4. Father validate my call, talents, ministry, career and family with undeniable proofs, signs and wonders in Jesus name
  5. Father I give full room to you. May I keep my faith in you gracefully to the very end in Jesus name.


The major motivation to pray is in the confidence we have that our request will be received and answers dispatched. There is prayer bank in heaven, there are only direct lines, which receive our prayers and dispatched our answers.

As we wrap up our series of Prayer that Works, we have learned several types of prayers, what prayer is, how to pray correctly and now we shall conclude our series on mastering, understanding and knowing the requirements for our prayers to work and receive instant answers from God.

We shall look at five Keys that will make our prayers work more effectively
1. Faith
2. Angelic Ministration
3. Watch and Pray
4. Understanding the Will of God
5. Praying in the Spirit

Faith is absolute trust in God and his ability to perform. Mark 11:24, “WHATEVER You ask for in PRAYER, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours”

Whatever is anything that is goodly and godly, if we ask and we believe, then it is ours.
2 Peter 1:3 “According to his Power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that has called us to glory and virtue.”
– The Anointing enables us to get all things we need to enjoy life and function to our optimal level both in spiritual and physical matters.
– God has already given us all things (cars, houses, marriage, children, education, career, good heritage, wealth, health, influence, long life etc.)
– For us to access these blessings, there is need for us to have the KNOWLEDGE God through Jesus. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17)
– God has called all of us believer to a glory (honour, great beauty) and virtue (high moral standing).
In Romans 4:20-21 Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through UNBELIEF. But was strong in faith, giving glory to God. And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able to also perform.

Faith in God means you have not alternative, no question doubt and unbelief. At the promise of God. Instead, we must be strong in the faith of whatever we are believing God for by giving Him glory even before we receive our expectations.
We must be fully convinced that is a promise keeper. What has God promised you? What are you trusting and believing God for ?
Remain focused and his ability to perform and you will testify in Jesus name.

Our prayers affect both the angels and demons. Ephesians 6:12 says that “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, and against the rulers of darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the Heavenly places. There are three heavens spoken about:

1. The Air or atmosphere above us and around us (Satan has his throne)
2. The Heavens where planets and stars are
3. The Third Heavens where God has his throne
Every time we pray the devil and his demons try to stop us.
Every time we pray in the spirit (tongues) angels are charged and dominate the demons to our advantage

Daniel Chapter 10:12 to 13, Since the first day you began to pray, your request was heard in Heaven, But for twenty one days the spirit of the Kingdom of Persia BLOCKED my way (Angel Gabriel Messenger of Good news). Daniel prayed and immediately his answers were dispatched. But the demons stopped Angel Gabriel until angel Micheal came to the rescue.

We must engage our angels to expressly deliver our answers. Angels are on stand by to do whatever we say (Psalm 103:20). Let us put them to good use.

3.Watch and Pray
in 1 Kings 3:16-28 Two women who were prostitutes stayed in the same house, the first one delivered and the other one three days later, there were no strangers in the house.
– All wickedness, witchcraft, afflictions are within our family lines, close relations and not strangers. (18). A man`s enemies will be his own household (Matthew 10:36).

The other woman slept on her child and died at night. She rose at midnight and took my son from besides me. (18-20) Wickedness is real.
– There are people who are busy looking for how they can take over your career, life, destiny, marriage and all the blessings of God on your life. Whenever, we become prayer less, the enemy finds it easy to steal, kill, and destroy what we have. You cannot afford to be slothful and prayer less as a believer.
– All the evil happens at night when men are sleeping. When you sleep let your spirit be alive and awake to keep watching.
In the morning when she rose to give suck to her child, the child was dead. But when I considered it in the morning it was not my son.(21)
– A lot of people have been robbed yet they can not discern and differentiate what is theirs and what is not.
– Anything that is not good is not yours give it back to the owner in warfare prayers.
– I pity Christians who are not ready to fight for what is rightfully theirs but in the hands of the wicked ones. Stop crying it is time to FIGHT a good fight of faith.
– There can never be recovery without confrontation.
– Christianity is a fight not a club.
– Finally this woman got her child back in verse 27.
Jesus said WATCH and PRAY (26:41). Many are busy PRAYING without WATCHING. Whenever you see a job opening Watch and Pray, in Life Watch and Pray.

The word of God is the will of God for his children. Therefore, we can only know his will when we read what he has said in the bible.

Jeremiah 29:11, I know the PLANS I have for you, plans to prosper you not to harm you but to give you a hope and future.
– God`s plans a great, prosperous and will never harm us.
– His plans are greater than our thoughts and no eye has seen, nor ear heard what God has in store for us who love him (1 Corinthians 2:9)
– When others are losing it, God is set to add more to every kingdom minded person (Matthew 6:33)
We must confess the word of God and it will come to pass in our lives.

1 Corinthians 2:10 the spirit searches ALL THINGS, even the deep things of God.
– There are many things our optical eyes can never see, especially what happens in the spiritual realm. We need the Holy Spirit to open our spiritual eyes.
– Often times, people we love so much, call our friends are often times are close and dangerous enemies. We confide in them, they know our next moves and use that against us.
– May God open our spiritual eyes of understanding?
Romans 8:26-27, in the same way the Holy Spirit helps us in our weaknesses, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.
– We all have weaknesses because we are flesh and blood. In our own power, we can not over come those weaknesses, we need the help of the Holy Spirit.
– There are time we do not know how to and what to pray for, but the Holy Spirit intercedes for us.
– The Spirit will only intercede for us according to the will of God
– We must be word full to enjoy the ministry of the Spirit.
– Pray in tongues/ Spirit will boast our faith and answers come speedily.
– Angels get instructions when we pray in the spirit and demons can not understand this language.
– Praying in tongues, gives you an upper hand in warfare. No wonder the church is attacked on this matter as well.

1. Father I believe every word, promise and prophecy you have said over my life in Jesus name
2. Father in the name of Jesus, I activate the ministry of angels over every affairs of my life in Jesus name
3. Father I refuse to take less than what is originally mine according to my redemption package in Jesus name
4. Father it is settled in my spirit, soul and mind, that your will and plan for my life is to prosper me and make me a blessings to my generation in Jesus name
5. Father help my by your spirit to be awake in my spirit in Jesus name