Catch Little Foxes

We have a glorious year before us right now. To fulfil all the prophesies, plans, dreams, aspirations and all goals set for 2018, our strategy must be different from the one we used in 2017. For every child of God, you shall walk in blessings. To do so first arrest all LITTLE FOXES before they spoil our destiny. Such as poor time management, hatrade, lust, greed, selfishness, sexual impurities, drunkenness, strife, failure to evangelise, pray, study the word, abandoning fellowship etc
Songs of Songs 2:15 says that ” Catch for us the LITTLE FOXES that spoil the vine.”
Vine means your labour, career, ministry, marriage, health, finances or livelihood. We must take sin out of our lives if we must make impact and maintain it to the glory of God in Jesus name.
Bible Study: Leviticus 24-26 & Romans 1-3.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
1.Father we return all the glory and praise for every good thing you have showered on us for the first 3 days of 2018.
2.Father in Heaven, thank you for giving us 2018 once again in Jesus name
3. Father we give you thanks for the life, family,ministry,marriage, careers and every blessing you have placed in our hands in Jesus name.
Prayer of Warfare
4. Father in the name of Jesus Christ, write my name in the book of life in Jesus name
5. Father in the name of Jesus, any little fox (mention them) that want to disqualify me to enter Heaven, i flush and reject them in Jesus name.
6. Father this area of my life(mention them), where i saw defeat in 2017, may i overcome in 2018 in Jesus name
7. Jesus you who knew no sin, became sin for me, so i might be made the righteousness of God in Jesus (2 Cor 5:21). From today, Holy Spirt transform and empower me begin a new chapter of righteousness in Jesus name.
8. I disconnect myself, from evil family parterns, habits, traits, associations, friendships and behaviours in Jesus name
9. Begin to appreciate God for answered prayer in Jesus name

Catch Little Foxes

We have a glorious year before us right now. To fulfil all the prophesies, plans, dreams, aspirations and all goals set for 2018, our strategy must be different from the one we used in 2017. For every child of God, you shall walk in blessings. To do so first arrest all LITTLE FOXES before they spoil our destiny. Such as poor time management, hatrade, lust, greed, selfishness, sexual impurities, drunkenness, strife, failure to evangelise, pray, study the word, abandoning fellowship etc
Songs of Songs 2:15 says that ” Catch for us the LITTLE FOXES that spoil the vine.”
Vine means your labour, career, ministry, marriage, health, finances or livelihood. We must take sin out of our lives if we must make impact and maintain it to the glory of God in Jesus name.
Bible Study: Leviticus 24-26 & Romans 1-3.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
1.Father we return all the glory and praise for every good thing you have showered on us for the first 3 days of 2018.
2.Father in Heaven, thank you for giving us 2018 once again in Jesus name
3. Father we give you thanks for the life, family,ministry,marriage, careers and every blessing you have placed in our hands in Jesus name.
Prayer of Warfare
4. Father in the name of Jesus Christ, write my name in the book of life in Jesus name
5. Father in the name of Jesus, any little fox (mention them) that want to disqualify me to enter Heaven, i flush and reject them in Jesus name.
6. Father this area of my life(mention them), where i saw defeat in 2017, may i overcome in 2018 in Jesus name
7. Jesus you who knew no sin, became sin for me, so i might be made the righteousness of God in Jesus (2 Cor 5:21). From today, Holy Spirt transform and empower me begin a new chapter of righteousness in Jesus name.
8. I disconnect myself, from evil family parterns, habits, traits, associations, friendships and behaviours in Jesus name
9. Begin to appreciate God for answered prayer in Jesus name


Number 23:19 says that :God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?” For everyone participating in this 40 days of Prayers and Fasting, you are Blessed in ALLTHINGS in Jesus name



4/40 DAY OF PRAYER AND FASTING. Devotion: Psalm 81:10 says that “I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.” We must realise that we serve a mighty God. He is the one who brought the Children of Isreal out of Egypt. Spiritually, Egypt was a place of restoration for Jacob and his Descendants during famine in the times of Joseph. Later on Another King who knew nothing about Joseph ruled Egypt and for the next 400+ years Egypt became a place of Terror, affliction, slavery and operation for Isreal(Genesis 46 and Exodus 1:1-18).Then They cried out to the Lord and He sent Moses to deliver them. This entire process seemed like a dream, an impossible task but God did it. Because they cried out to the Lord. What situation are you facing? Today open your mouth wide cry out to the Lord in faith and see how the Lord will perform as you call on Him in Jesus name.
Bible Study: Numbers 1-3 & Romans 4-6.
Prayers of Thanksgiving
1. Father in Heaven, I thank you for this today our 4th day in the new year
2. Father we thank you for your grace upon our lives in Jesus name
3. Father we thank you for you are not man that you should lie. Thank you for guaranteeing to answer all our prayers in Jesus name
Prayers of Supplications
4. Father in the name of Jesus, deliver me from every oppression my life, family, career, finances and destiny
5. Father every evil word spoken against my marriage, spouse, children, ministry and works of my hands, i cancel in Jesus name
6. I speak to the works of my hands. May I eat the Good of the land in Jesus name
7. Father we pray for those oppressed by the devil in health, finances, career, marriage, ministry and destiny, to be deliveres in Jesus name
8. Father we speak life to my family,MCCCI family, the church and body of Christ. Lord let your word spread and souls saved in Jesus name
9. Father we thank You for answered prayers in Jesus name


I will pour out my spirit on all people. Sons and daughters will prophesy. Old men will dream dreams.young men will see visions.
Devotion Joel 2:28.
1. The Lord is pouring out the SPIRIT on all people who are ready and willing.
2. The Holy Spirit will transform our lives to function to our full capacity. I do not know what status you in currently, you will be transformed to function to your fullest in Jesus name.
3. Age not withstanding, you are annointed to serve God as a mouth piece of peace, love, reconciliation and to spread the gospel
4. Even old men will not be left out they will dream dreams.
Finally, God is raising the energetic young men to see visions into the future. God will raise young men with divine ideas,inventions, discoveries and multi million corporations. I congratulate you for receiving the Spirit of the Lord in Jesus name.
Bible Study: Numbers 4-6 & Romans 7-10.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
1. Father I thank you for this end time out pouring of your Spirit in Jesus nane
in Jesus name
2. Father we thank you for qualifying us by grace not qualification to partake of this great dispensation of your Spirit in Jesus name.
3. Father thank you for our 5th day of prayer and fasting
Prayers of Supplication
4. Our Father in Heaven, remove every heart of stone and give us a heart of flesh in our lives in Jesus name
5. Father anything that will hinder me from receiving the free gift of your Spirit, remove it in Jesus name
6. You said that sons and daughters will prophesy. Use me Holy Spirit as a mouth piece of restoration, blessings, peace and to preach the Gospel in Jesus name
7. You said old men shall dream dreams. Cause our fathers to dream and pioneer the way we should follow in Jesus name
8. You also said that young men will see visions. Cause us and our children to generate ideas, inventions, solutions and answers to the challenges of the world today and tomorrow in Jesus name.
9. Thank you Father for answering our prayers in Jesus name


8th January 2018

DEVOTION: Matthew 6:33 says “But Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

1. We have been urged to seek First the Kingdom. His Kingdom means putting God`s interest as our priority above our own interest. His interest Includes: Walking in Love, Winning Souls for Jesus, Fellowship one with another, giving to the needy and serving God with our lives, marriages, careers, homes and everything about us.
2. His Righteousness: means to seek his way of doing things, not following after our own fleshly dictates. Only obedience to His world through Jesus Christ will make us to walk in his righteousness.
3. Finally, God will reward us with ALLTHINGs (houses, jobs, health, wealth, blessings, finances, marriage, children, and we want in life) as additionals for seeking him first.
The Key to having ALLTHINGS is to seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness.


1. Father we thank you for qualifying us to be part of your glorious Kingdom in Jesus name
2. Father you have also elected and destined us for righteousness in Christ Jesus name
3. Father thank you Lord that you are not man that you should lie (Numbers 23:19). As we seek your Kingdom and righteousness, we thank you that all these things we need will be added to us in Jesus name


4. Father in the name of Jesus Christ, I put my own interest aside for the sake of your kingdom in Jesus name.
5. Father in Heaven, beginning today, I set my heart, soul, body and mind to seek after your Kingdom in Jesus name
6. Father in the name of Jesus Christ, I make a fresh commitment to start a new life to walk in the fullness of your righteousness from today in Jesus name
7. Father, anything set to disqualify me from entering your kingdom and heaven, I drop it in Jesus name.
8. Father you have said that all these things will be added to me, If I seek your kingdom and your righteousness FIRST. I ask that you decorate my life with the finest of Life in Jesus name.
9. Father thank you for answering our prayers in Jesus name.


9/40 DAY OF Prayer and Fasting Devotion Jeremiah 33:1-3 says Jeremiah “Moreover the word of the Lord came unto Jeremiah the second time, while he was yet shut up in the court of the prison, saying,
2 Thus saith the Lord the maker thereof, the Lord that formed it, to establish it; the Lord is his name;
3 Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.”
1. We must realise that ministry is all about communicating the Word, desires and thoughts of God per time to His People.
2. Only God’s word must be trusted. Because He formed by the same word, He will sustain us by the same word.
3. In the same way, our words must march the thoughts of God over our lives. As Christ is, so are we in this world 1 John 4:17.
Finally, As you call on God in prayer today, may He answer you and show you great and mighty things you do not know in Jesus name.
Prayers of Thanksgiving
1. Father we thank you for your unfailing word in Jesus name
2. Father we thank you because you guarantee to us answer all our prayer in Jesus name
3 Father we thank you for the revelation you will show us today in the word, prayer and fasting in Jesus name.
4. Father send Rhema word to me today in Jesus name
5. Father in Jesus name, answer me today when as I call in Jesus name
6. Father establish me, my life, family, ministry and the church by your word in Jesus name
7. Father in Heaven, show me great and mighty things I do not know in Jesus name
8. Father you said in Joel 2:28 that you will pour your spirit on ALL flesh. Pour out ONE divine idea, revelation, rhema and encounter that will change my life, family, marriage, career, community and generation in Jesus name.
9. Father we thank for always answering our prayers in Jesus name


1. To fear God is a big blessing
2. To fear God is to delight in His commands
3.If we fear God our Children will be mighty in the land.
4. God will fill our houses with wealth and riches in Jesus
5. Even when there is bad news everywhere and calamity, God promises Good news will come to us freely
6. The Lord assures us that we will never be shaken but will be remembered throughout history in Jesus name
BIBLE study : Numbers 14-16 & 1 Cor 1-3.
Prayers of Thanks Giving
1. Father we thank you for this privilege to be counted among those who fear you in Jesus name
2. Father we thank you for your grace to obey and delight in your precious commandments
3. Father we thank you for the grace to fast on this 10th day in Jesus name
Prayers of Supplication
4. Father in the name of Jesus, we receive fresh fire, grace and desire to fear you.
5. Father circumcise my heart to delight in your commandments all my life in Jesus name
6. Father, may our children be mighty men of the gospel, industries, inventions, multi million dollar inventions and discoveries in Jesus name
7. Father may i be a good example to my generation in Jesus name
8. Father fill our houses with wealth and riches in Jesus name
9.Father we thank you for answering our prayers in Jesus name


Devotion Psalm 2:7-10
1. God is saying today I have become your father. You are my son (both genders).
2. Everybody is asking God but only His sons will He give attention and answers.
3. He says ask of me nations not food, clothes, nor cars. He says ask BIGGER Things. May you possession nations in business and ministry in Jesus name
4. He says ONLY ASK. Prayer is key to touching the heart of God. In prayer we pour our hearts to God.
Nations are waiting to hear your voice in Jesus name
Bible Study: Numbers 17-19 & 1 Cor 4-6.
Prayers of Thanksgiving
1. Father who i am that you are mindful of?
2. Father we thank you for qualifying us by grace to be called your sons (both genders) in Jesus name
3. We thank you for apostolic grace to possession nations and to cross boundaries for the gospel in Jesus name
Prayers of Supplication
4. Father write my name in the book of life in Jesus name
5. Father help me in my weaknesses to become your true son in Jesus name
6. Father use us to possess nations for the kingdom business in Jesus name
7.Every Iron gate limiting my Access to the world is breaken in Jesus name
8.Father baptise me with fresh grace to be on fire and fear of you in Jesus name
9. Father we thank you for answering our prayers in Jesus name


Bible Study: Numbers 20,21 &22 & 1 Corinthians 7,8&9.
1. There was a rich man (meaning God) who had two sons. Luke 15:12
2. One believed in working hard for the father but he never asked his father for anything.
3. The younger one, asked his father for his share of the estate and his father gave him.
4. We have learned that God wants us to ask HiM for anything we desire.Finally
5. The younger one got his estates as he demanded. Meaning that God will only give us what we demand and not what we desire. Put a demand and be specific in your requests to God.
Prayers of Thanksgiving
1. Father I thank you for the 12th day of prayer and fasting
2. Father I thank you for you always hear me when I call in Jesus.
3. Father I thank you for you giving me the portion that belongs to me in Jesus name
Prayers of Supplication
4. Father in the name of Jesus Christ, give me the portion that falleth unto me in health, marriage, career breakthroughs, business and ministry in Jesus name.
5. Father this year is Tagged “BLESSED IN ALLTHINGS” i demand that you bless me in all things. Mention them
6. In Genesis 24:1Bless me with Long life in Jesus name
7. Father you blessed Abraham and he was rich and wealthy. Father bless the works of my hands and make me rich and wealthy in Jesus name.
8. Father may your blessing be evident on my life, Marriage, children, family, ministry, works of my hands and MCCCI in Jesus name.
9. Thank you Father for answering our prayers in Jesus name.