Be our guest this sunday as we learn about WALKING IN GOD’S BLESSINGS..JESUS is Lord

Write Down The Vision Make It Plain

Then the LORD replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.Habakkuk 2:2.
As we come the close of the year 2017, write down your vision clearly in print. Break it down into hourly, daily, weekly and monthly mile stones.

A vision is like a pregancy. You will lose taste for some foods,throw up, nausea etc. During this stage it will not make sense to others apart from yourself. Only you see the end from the beginning others may not see anything but a dreamer and enthusiast in you. Eyes on the ball. Just like no one admires the foundation, do not fall for the trap of gaining approval from people. Many will be happy to see you struggling and on the floor.

The pregnancy only starts making sense in the sixth to nineth months.
Build capacity along the way. Once you have built enough stamina to handle all shocks and stress as it comes, then you will manoeuvre through to make it to the top.

Finally in the end it will speak. While Experience is the best teacher, it does not necessarily mean you reinvent the wheel.Tap into the reservoir of massive talent, experience and abundant knowledge and wisdom for those who have walked down your path. In the end, the vision will speak loud enough for you to hear especially, those who did not see it from the beginning.



To fully understand our responsibility and role in giving thanks to God, the “WHY “ factor must be answered adequately. The question we must answer with full understanding is WHY DO WE GIVE THANKS TO GOD? WHAT HAS HE DONE TO DESERVE OUR PRAISE? WHY HIM ALONE SHOULD HE RECEIVE ALL OUR PRAISE?
If we answer these questions, we shall do it from our hearts and not by duty nor obligation.



“9Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever, 10 the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say:
11 “You are worthy, our Lord and God,
to receive glory and honor and power,
for you created all things,
and by your will they were created
and have their being.” Revelation 4:9-11)

 We have been given a picture of what goes on in Heaven every day and night. Praise goes on to the throne of God every second, minute, hour, day, night, week, month and year. God feeds on praise, worship and thanksgiving.
 In beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth (Genesis 1:1-2) The Earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep sea, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the water. What area of your life is formless and empty? Say what you want to see and the Spirit of God will create it and beautify it. God went on to create Light (Genesis 1:3), He went on to create land and gathered water in one place (4), He the created the Sky (9), plants and fruit trees (11),He then created all living creature (20), Finally, God created Man in His Image (26).
 Tell me who else deserves to be praised than our God?
2. God has Made us to be KINGS and PRIESTS:

“You have made us kings and priests to our God; And we shall reign on Earth” Revelation 5:10
 Salvation in Christ Jesus has endowed us royalty. Salvation is not a reduction. It is an elevation to Kingship and Priesthood so that we reign here on earth majestically. Child of God, you must rule in business, ministry, marriage, career and life in on earth. Christianity, should not a burden. The world is waiting for your solutions. Wake up and take your place in Jesus name.
 God has qualified us to serve Him, He is so holy, perfect and righteous, in our own capacity we do not qualify to serve him. Mercy has welcomed us into priesthood. In old times, only the Levites would do so. Jesus has opened us to serving God as Levites by GRACE not by Qualification so that God may shame the wise and those who feel entitled to do so. (1 Corinthians 1:27).
 God deserves our full PRAISE, WORSHIP and THANKSGIVING.
 God is using the UNDERDOGS( unqualified, unrecognized, unexpected) to humiliate the proud, self righteous and our enemies. Psalm 8:2. From today onward, you enjoy what you are not qualified for. You will build, buy a car you did not expect to. God will announce you to your generation in order to silence your accusers in Jesus name
 Therefore, God deserves our PRAISE, WORSHIP and THANKSGIVING.


…………………….DAY and NIGHT they ( living Creatures and 24 elders) never STOP saying
is the Lord God Almighty
Who was and is, and is to come” Revelation 4:8

 Praise, worship and thanksgiving is the song in heaven 24/7/360. If you can not learn to do so here on earth, then in Heaven, you will find it difficulty to adjust.
 God inhabits our praise (Psalm 22: 3). The cheapest way to carry the presence of the Lord is to make praise, worship and thanksgiving our daily routine and our life style.
 I do not know what you are going through; engage in praise to God, He will make your path straight. That seemingly, impossible situation, will crumble before you if you give him thanks.
From today onwards, receive grace to give thanks to God in all situations, circumstances and whatever, comes your way.

Prayer Points
1. Father thank you for who are you , what you have done and what you will never do in Jesus name
2. Father thank you for qualifying me to be a king and priest for your kingdom in Jesus name
3. Father baptize me, with unction for continuous praise, worship and thanksgiving lifestyle in Jesus name.

Christmas Service

Christmas is the birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ the reason for this season. We shall have a service, lunch ( a lot of food & drinks), mingling, departmental strategic planning and relating. All are welcome to share with us.

Four Reasons Why Only God Deserves Our THANKSGIVING.

1.He Can Not Lie: God is not man, if he has said it, he will perform it (Numbers 23:19.
2. He Will Never Forsake you:God will never abandon you, fail you nor leave you alone, He will accomplish what He has started in you (Deuterony 31:6).
3. He Does Not Change: He says I am the Lord I change not (Malachi 3:6). Only God is dependable and reliable. Man will change to favour himself depending on the situation.
4. He Neither Slumber nor Sleep(Psalm 121:4):The fact that He is so mindful of you, he keeps watching over you day and night. You are special to him.
These among several reasons, entitle God to receive our thanksgiving and oblige us to appreciate Him everyday and night. DECEMBER Our Month of THANKSGIVING.

Prophetic Release For December

Welcome to the brand new month of December, our month of THANKSGIVING. This month is symbolic for FINISHING or ENDING of the year. You will end well. The same God who has seen you from January To November, He will see you through from this December to the next December and beyond in Jesus name;
• The Lord will shield you from harm, premature death, misfortunes, failure, stagnation, delay, loss and disappointments
• The glory of the Lord will rise upon you in every area of your life, career, marriage, children, finances, ministry etc
• Before you call, the Lord will answer you. Where you expect ONE blessing TEN will answer to you, Where you expect TEN, HUNDRED will answer and where you expect a HUNDRED, a THOUSAND will answer in Jesus name.
• The Lord will sustain you to finish strong with you this year in all your endeavors.
• The Lord will defend and deliver you, he will exchange lives for your sake.
Psalm 2:7-9: I will proclaim the Lord`s decree:
He said to me, “You are my son: today I have become your Father, Ask me and I will make the NATIONS your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possessions”

• From today as the Lord remains your FATHER, go and travel the globe
• You are preserved in the air, on land and on water in Jesus name.


We have seen the faithfulness of God from January to Date. December wraps up the year with jubilation, celebration and Thanks giving. “Psalm 136 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His faithfulness endures foever.” Join us this sunday we switch into THANKS GIVING.


Manifestation of Power

Glory to God. We have seen the practicle demonstration of Power of the Holy Spirit in our November month of Manifestation of Power. Many have been healed from divserse sicknesses, oppressions and afflictions by the Healing Power of Jesus Christ. As we end the month we shall look at Walking in Power of the Holy Spirit. You are all invited..God bless.

Prayer and Fasting.

Scientists and nutritionists say “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” Very Very true. Jesus said you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. Acts 1:8. He went on to say this kind (whatever is oppressing you) goeth not but by prayer and fasting(Matthew 17:21).You will need an upgrade in your power level to breakthrough from where you are to where you must be in according to the plan of God. Power is the ability to perform or accomplish something. So if your ability is small scale it up via Prayer and Fasting.



DAY 40/40

Bible Study:
Prayer Points
Leviticus 14-17 & Acts 18-21.
1 Our gracious Father in Heaven, we thank you for our 40th day of prayer and fasting in Jesus name.
2. We thank you for changing our levels in life, destiny, power and ministry in Jesus name
3. We thank you for giving us grace to consistently fast and pray from beginning to this day in Jesus name
4. Our Father in Heaven, we thank you for breaking every yoke, bondages, chains, circle and delay in our lives in Jesus mighty name
5. Holy Spirit thank you for clothing us with power to be effective witnesses of the gospel in Jesus name.
6. We thank you Father for the Bauleni miracle crusade we had in Jesus name and 169 souls that were saved in Jesus name.
7. Father we thank you for your word that came during this prayer and fasting in Jesus name
8. Thank you for honouring us with your presence and for accompanying your word with signs and wonders in Jesus name.
9. Father we thank you for giving us the grace to finish this great time of 40 days of prayer and fasting. You have changed our lives.Glory to your name in Jesus name.
Scriptural Reference: Psalm 136