Bible Study: Joshua 4-6 & 2 Thessalonians 1-3.
Devotion: Genesis 32:24-28.
1. Jacob Was Left Alone: Oftentimes we face challenges alone. Jacob wrestled with an agel of the Lord all night.
2. He was tired of his position of swindling people and living in hiding. He wanted his story to be re rewritten for good this time around.
3.When the angel saw that he was not winning, he dislocated Jacobs hip out of the socket. Jacob never gave up but put up a galant fight to defeat the angel in order to get the blessings he needed so much.
To move from where you are to where God wants you to be, you need to fight a good fight both in the body, spirit and faith.
4. I will not let you Go: Until Jacob received his blessing he was ready to fight. Do not give up too early. Fight until you get what you want in life. Finally,
5.What is You Name: The problem Jacob had was in his name. What is your name? Names give us identity and influence our behaviour. If your name has a negative meaning, change it. Jacob had his name changes to Isreal(chosen one). God does not bless groups but our individual inputs will be rewarded by Him. Receive God’s grace to fight alone in order to get your expectations in life in Jesus name.
Prayers of Thanksgiving
1. Heavenly Father we thank for your loving kindness, grace and mercy in Jesus name
2. Thank you for renewing our strength to work, pray and fast like the morning dew in Jesus name.
3. Father thank you for our 37th day of prayer and fasting in Jesus name.
Prayers of Supplication
4. Father in heaven, give us grace to walk and fight alone for our blessing in Jesus name
5. Father in Heaven, we ask that may you change every negative identity in our lives that is responsible for our inability to receive blessings from you in Jesus name.
6. Father I receive the spirit of strength, boldness and courage to fight for what belongs to me in redemption in Jesus name.
7. Father every blessing that is mine been diverted from me, i recollect by force in Jesus name.
8. Father the same way you blessed Jacob and changed his story, as we conclude our prayer and fasting, bless me and change my story in Jesus name.
9. Father thank you for answering our prayers in Jesus name.


Bible Study: Deuteronomy 31-34 & 1 Thessalonians 1-3.
Devotion: Matthew 25:1-13.
–1. We are told of the story of ten bridesmaids. Five wise ones took the lamps with oil and the other five ones did not take any oil in their lamps.
-It is an error for a christian to start a day, new job, any project, get married, or do anything without the anointing.
-What made the difference between the two groups was the OIL. Oil signifies the ANOINTING.
–2. At Midnight, they all slept. We can all do the same work but our results will not be the same. What makes the difference is the ANOINTING.
–3. The Groom came at unexpected hour: Challenges and opportunities of life will present them in an expected manner and times. What makes us to respond and stay on top of things is the Anointing.
–4. You do not secure the anointing in the challenging moment, we must ensure our ANOINTING levels are full and intacked daily before events happen to us.
–5. Buy for yourself: The anointing is free but not cheap. Meaning it is open to everyone who needs it.However, It has demands and there is a price for it. It will demand righteousness, prayer and fasting, soaking in the word and also facing challenges head on.
–6. I Know You Not: The anointing releases a sweet smelling fragrance of ACCEPTANCE. When you have the anointing, things will work for you.
-Where others are falling and failing, you will succeed by the ANOINTING.
-What makes the difference between those making it and those not in all areas of life, is the Anointing.
-Anointing gives you speed and makes you a preferred choice.
-Receive Grace to keep the anointing running daily, in Jesus name.
Prayers of Thanksgiving
1. Father thank you for the second day of February in Jesus name.
2. Father thank you for the anointing to break new grounds from today in Jesus name.
3. Father thank you for our 33rd day of prayer and fasting in Jesus name.
Prayers of Supplication
4. Father renew our strength with anointing this morning in Jesus name
5. Father we ask for fresh anointing to break new grounds this morning in Jesus name
6. Father by this anointing may we excel and provide solutions to the challenges of life in Jesus name.
7. Father by your anointing we receive acceptance in everything we do and everywhere we go in Jesus name.
8.Father by your anointing give me speed and grace to maintain it in Jesus name.
9.Father thank you for answered prayers in Jesus name.



 Breaking new grounds, advancing and making progress in everything you do is the will of God. He hates stagnation, complacence, staying long enough in comfort zones and maintaining a status quo.
 Horeb at Mount Sinai was a place of comfort. It provided security, rest, satisfaction and assurance to Moses and the Israelites to an extent where they all forgot about their destination Canaan. Never feel like you have arrived.
 What is it that is giving you comfort? It is a job, one contract, certificate etc? Remember GOOD is the worst enemy of the BEST. No matter your level in this life, there is a better place ahead of you, than where you are. Keep moving forward and pushing.
There are three major meaning and definitions we shall consider.
 Coming out of Stagnation: Stagnation is simply remaining in the same position for longer that expected. Been stationed without moving nor making progress in life, career, family, finances, business, ministry etc
 Dismantling Mediocre and Unprofitable Allies, Friendships and Camps:At Horeb everyone including Moses accepted mediocrity, and status quo to a level where they forgot about their mission God gave them. Prune allies, friendships and camps that will not help you to get to your destination.
 Progress and Advancement: breaking new grounds means advancing in un known territories, all areas of life, career, ministry and destiny. God wants you to get married, have children, get that good job, qualifications and business breakthroughs. Life makes sense when you face challenges and overcome them, not challenges weighing you down. Receive grace for advancement in Jesus name.
 To break new grounds you need to apply force (Matthew 11:12)

 Life has got times and season. Summer/Hot season, Winter/Cold season, and spring/rain season.
 Each season has a time frame, when that time is up, automatically the season ends after accomplishing its purpose.
 In life there are times and season, time to sow and harvest. Therefore, no one season must last forever. If you observe a long season of drought, disfavor, no progress and everything stops moving and you are sick and tired of your current situation, then it is the perfect season to break new grounds.
 Even in school each grade, level, program and degree has a season and time frame. Check your life where you have over stayed, and push for a new level and ground in Jesus name.

2. BE READY TO WALK AND FIGHT ALONE: (Genesis 32:24:28.)

 In life you cannot succeed in groups. You must write an exam alone. Blessings come on individual basis.
 Breaking new grounds will demand for a strong fight of faith. Actions and hard work with no short cuts involved.
 You can not break grounds in comfort, it will demand your fight, walking along many times and confronting your fears head on.

 Moses died without handover notes to Joshua so it had to take God himself to instruct Joshua to be STRONG and COURAGEOUS.
 To be Strong means to have might, power and strength to fulfill your assignment.
 To be Courageous does not mean, we are not afraid. It means risking our lives even when we are afraid, by confronting and taking on bold steps in life towards our goals and assignments.
 Receive strength and courage to confront and bring to delivery the assignment you have been given in Jesus name.

1. Father in heaven, I receive the anointing I need to break new grounds in every area of my life in Jesus
2. Father open my eyes to see and understand times and seasons in Jesus name
3. Father I ask for grace to walk along and fight for my break though and new level in Jesus name
4. Father, baptize me with fresh strength and courage to break new grounds in Jesus.


Bible Study: Joshua 1-3 & Thessalonians 4-5.
Devotion:Isaiah 55:10-11.
1. Rains and snow have their times and seasons. Their purpose is to water the earth. When the earth is watered, it will produce bread for the eater and seed for the sower.
2. Every season does not stay forever, today your season of breaking new grounds begins in Jesus name. Take steps and come out of every stagnation, delay and frustrations in Jesus name.
3.Every word of God over your life this year must begin to flourish from now in Jesus name.
4. Do a self check, areas where your season have delayed to come or over stayed, begin to come and break record.
Times and seasons do not stay forever. From today break new grounds, new levels, go and build, go and get your degrees, enjoy life and go and be fruitful in all areas of life, because the word of God will accomplish allthings and prosper everywhere in Jesus name.
Prayers of Thanksgiving
1. Father thank you for your grace and mercy to come before your presence today in Jesus name.
2. Father thank you for renewing our strength throughtout our 36 days of prayer and fasting.
3. Father thank you for this time and season to break new grounds in Jesus name.
Prayer of Supplication
4. Father we ask for the strength and grace to understand and maximise times and seasons in Jesus name.
5. Father may we see the purpose of new times and seasons fulfilled in our lives from today in Jesus name.
6. Father, may your word produce and prosper in every area of our lives and everywhere you send us in Jesus name.
7. Father from today, we receive the anointing to successfully break new grounds in every aspect of our lives, family, ministry, careers, marriages and destinies.
8. Father we ask for wisdom and power to discern and understand times and season in order to make great impact in life in Jesus name.
9. Father thank you for answered prayers.


The Blessing of Serving God

Scriptures: Psalm 112:1:1-10 and Jobs 1:1-10
Serving God is not a reduction. Instead it is promotion and elevation in life.
From Psalm 112:1-10 the following blessings are laid down for everyone who serves God;
1. Fearing God and obeying his commandments brings joy
2. Our children will be mighty and successful everywhere
3. Wealth and riches are suppose to be in our houses
4. Even in darkness light will dawn for the upright
5. Good will come to us when we lend generously
6. The righteous will never be shaken
7. Bad news will not make us afraid
8. Confidence is ours as we rest our hope in the Lord
9. We shall be remembered forever because we are a blessing to the needy
10. Our enemies will be defeated before our very eyes

Now let us look at a man called Job that God blessed in Job 1:1-10.
1. We are told he was Blameless and upright: He conducted his affairs without corruption
2. He feared God and shunned evil
3. He had seven sons and three daughters
4. He had a lot of possessions or wealth
– 7000 sheep ( He was into textile industry)
– 3000 camels (camels carried heavy duty goods. Today we can say he had 3000 trucks carrying heavy goods so he monopolized Transport sector)
– 500 Yoke of Oxen (Oxen was used for ploughing. Meaning he was a commercial farmer of his time)
– 500 female donkeys (female donkeys are used for transportation. In today’s terms, you can talk of a fleet of land cruisers, range rovers, Mercedes Benz etc)
– Also he had a huge household so he had mansions
– Finally he was the greatest in the east.
5. God was proud of Jobs to an extent where he bragged about him to Satan (8)
6. Also God had put a hedge of protection around his life, family and around all he had (10)
7. God blessed the works of his hands and his possession increased greatly.
As a matter of fact, we can see that serving God is neither a loss nor waste of time but has blessings attached and all of them have been highlighted above. May you serve God with joy in Jesus name.

Lord I Need a Second Touch

Bible Study: Deuteronomy 4-7 & Galatians 3-6.
DEVOTION: Mark 8:22-25.
1. One day Some people brought a blind man to Jesus
2. For some reason Jesus took him outside the village to heal him.
3. This time he used a very strange fomular. He had spit on the man’s eyes and put his hands on him.
4. He asked him if he saw anything. His response was i see people but they look like trees. Jesus knew something was still not right within the man.
5. So he touched him a Second time. This time his eyes were opened and his sight was restored. He saw everything clearly.
6. Finally, one touch, one breakthrough, one house, one miracle and healing may not be enough. We need a second touch for perfection and making our miracle permanent.
This man saw people as trees. If he was not perfectly healed, he would have been the most famous serial killer in history. Then Jesus realised he needed to be fully restored for him to be able to fulfill destiny. How far you go in life depends on what you see out of life. If your eyes are good you will see good. If they are bad you will see bad. Receive your second touch to make your miracle permanent in Jesus name.
Prayers of Thanksgiving
1. Father I thank you for you mercies that are new this morning
2. Father thank you for the second touch that is available to perfect our miracles today
3. Father thank you for the blessing you have in store for us your children today in Jesus name
Prayers of Supplication
4. Father i ask that you renew my strength today like the morning dew in Jesus name (Psalm 110:3)
5. Father perfect my eyes today so I may be able to see very clearly in life in Jesus name
6. Father I need a second touch over my career, ministry, works of my hands, marriage, children and destiny in Jesus name
7. Father restore my sight fully so that i may be a solution provider and not a problem maker to my society in Jesus name
8. Father open my eyes to see clearly opportunities as they come and respond by providing solutions in Jesus name.
9. Father I thank you for answering our prayers in Jesus name.


Number 23:19 says that :God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?” For everyone participating in this 40 days of Prayers and Fasting, you are Blessed in ALLTHINGS in Jesus name



4/40 DAY OF PRAYER AND FASTING. Devotion: Psalm 81:10 says that “I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.” We must realise that we serve a mighty God. He is the one who brought the Children of Isreal out of Egypt. Spiritually, Egypt was a place of restoration for Jacob and his Descendants during famine in the times of Joseph. Later on Another King who knew nothing about Joseph ruled Egypt and for the next 400+ years Egypt became a place of Terror, affliction, slavery and operation for Isreal(Genesis 46 and Exodus 1:1-18).Then They cried out to the Lord and He sent Moses to deliver them. This entire process seemed like a dream, an impossible task but God did it. Because they cried out to the Lord. What situation are you facing? Today open your mouth wide cry out to the Lord in faith and see how the Lord will perform as you call on Him in Jesus name.
Bible Study: Numbers 1-3 & Romans 4-6.
Prayers of Thanksgiving
1. Father in Heaven, I thank you for this today our 4th day in the new year
2. Father we thank you for your grace upon our lives in Jesus name
3. Father we thank you for you are not man that you should lie. Thank you for guaranteeing to answer all our prayers in Jesus name
Prayers of Supplications
4. Father in the name of Jesus, deliver me from every oppression my life, family, career, finances and destiny
5. Father every evil word spoken against my marriage, spouse, children, ministry and works of my hands, i cancel in Jesus name
6. I speak to the works of my hands. May I eat the Good of the land in Jesus name
7. Father we pray for those oppressed by the devil in health, finances, career, marriage, ministry and destiny, to be deliveres in Jesus name
8. Father we speak life to my family,MCCCI family, the church and body of Christ. Lord let your word spread and souls saved in Jesus name
9. Father we thank You for answered prayers in Jesus name


I will pour out my spirit on all people. Sons and daughters will prophesy. Old men will dream dreams.young men will see visions.
Devotion Joel 2:28.
1. The Lord is pouring out the SPIRIT on all people who are ready and willing.
2. The Holy Spirit will transform our lives to function to our full capacity. I do not know what status you in currently, you will be transformed to function to your fullest in Jesus name.
3. Age not withstanding, you are annointed to serve God as a mouth piece of peace, love, reconciliation and to spread the gospel
4. Even old men will not be left out they will dream dreams.
Finally, God is raising the energetic young men to see visions into the future. God will raise young men with divine ideas,inventions, discoveries and multi million corporations. I congratulate you for receiving the Spirit of the Lord in Jesus name.
Bible Study: Numbers 4-6 & Romans 7-10.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
1. Father I thank you for this end time out pouring of your Spirit in Jesus nane
in Jesus name
2. Father we thank you for qualifying us by grace not qualification to partake of this great dispensation of your Spirit in Jesus name.
3. Father thank you for our 5th day of prayer and fasting
Prayers of Supplication
4. Our Father in Heaven, remove every heart of stone and give us a heart of flesh in our lives in Jesus name
5. Father anything that will hinder me from receiving the free gift of your Spirit, remove it in Jesus name
6. You said that sons and daughters will prophesy. Use me Holy Spirit as a mouth piece of restoration, blessings, peace and to preach the Gospel in Jesus name
7. You said old men shall dream dreams. Cause our fathers to dream and pioneer the way we should follow in Jesus name
8. You also said that young men will see visions. Cause us and our children to generate ideas, inventions, solutions and answers to the challenges of the world today and tomorrow in Jesus name.
9. Thank you Father for answering our prayers in Jesus name


8th January 2018

DEVOTION: Matthew 6:33 says “But Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

1. We have been urged to seek First the Kingdom. His Kingdom means putting God`s interest as our priority above our own interest. His interest Includes: Walking in Love, Winning Souls for Jesus, Fellowship one with another, giving to the needy and serving God with our lives, marriages, careers, homes and everything about us.
2. His Righteousness: means to seek his way of doing things, not following after our own fleshly dictates. Only obedience to His world through Jesus Christ will make us to walk in his righteousness.
3. Finally, God will reward us with ALLTHINGs (houses, jobs, health, wealth, blessings, finances, marriage, children, and we want in life) as additionals for seeking him first.
The Key to having ALLTHINGS is to seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness.


1. Father we thank you for qualifying us to be part of your glorious Kingdom in Jesus name
2. Father you have also elected and destined us for righteousness in Christ Jesus name
3. Father thank you Lord that you are not man that you should lie (Numbers 23:19). As we seek your Kingdom and righteousness, we thank you that all these things we need will be added to us in Jesus name


4. Father in the name of Jesus Christ, I put my own interest aside for the sake of your kingdom in Jesus name.
5. Father in Heaven, beginning today, I set my heart, soul, body and mind to seek after your Kingdom in Jesus name
6. Father in the name of Jesus Christ, I make a fresh commitment to start a new life to walk in the fullness of your righteousness from today in Jesus name
7. Father, anything set to disqualify me from entering your kingdom and heaven, I drop it in Jesus name.
8. Father you have said that all these things will be added to me, If I seek your kingdom and your righteousness FIRST. I ask that you decorate my life with the finest of Life in Jesus name.
9. Father thank you for answering our prayers in Jesus name.