9/40 DAY OF Prayer and Fasting Devotion Jeremiah 33:1-3 says Jeremiah “Moreover the word of the Lord came unto Jeremiah the second time, while he was yet shut up in the court of the prison, saying,
2 Thus saith the Lord the maker thereof, the Lord that formed it, to establish it; the Lord is his name;
3 Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.”
1. We must realise that ministry is all about communicating the Word, desires and thoughts of God per time to His People.
2. Only God’s word must be trusted. Because He formed by the same word, He will sustain us by the same word.
3. In the same way, our words must march the thoughts of God over our lives. As Christ is, so are we in this world 1 John 4:17.
Finally, As you call on God in prayer today, may He answer you and show you great and mighty things you do not know in Jesus name.
Prayers of Thanksgiving
1. Father we thank you for your unfailing word in Jesus name
2. Father we thank you because you guarantee to us answer all our prayer in Jesus name
3 Father we thank you for the revelation you will show us today in the word, prayer and fasting in Jesus name.
4. Father send Rhema word to me today in Jesus name
5. Father in Jesus name, answer me today when as I call in Jesus name
6. Father establish me, my life, family, ministry and the church by your word in Jesus name
7. Father in Heaven, show me great and mighty things I do not know in Jesus name
8. Father you said in Joel 2:28 that you will pour your spirit on ALL flesh. Pour out ONE divine idea, revelation, rhema and encounter that will change my life, family, marriage, career, community and generation in Jesus name.
9. Father we thank for always answering our prayers in Jesus name


1. To fear God is a big blessing
2. To fear God is to delight in His commands
3.If we fear God our Children will be mighty in the land.
4. God will fill our houses with wealth and riches in Jesus
5. Even when there is bad news everywhere and calamity, God promises Good news will come to us freely
6. The Lord assures us that we will never be shaken but will be remembered throughout history in Jesus name
BIBLE study : Numbers 14-16 & 1 Cor 1-3.
Prayers of Thanks Giving
1. Father we thank you for this privilege to be counted among those who fear you in Jesus name
2. Father we thank you for your grace to obey and delight in your precious commandments
3. Father we thank you for the grace to fast on this 10th day in Jesus name
Prayers of Supplication
4. Father in the name of Jesus, we receive fresh fire, grace and desire to fear you.
5. Father circumcise my heart to delight in your commandments all my life in Jesus name
6. Father, may our children be mighty men of the gospel, industries, inventions, multi million dollar inventions and discoveries in Jesus name
7. Father may i be a good example to my generation in Jesus name
8. Father fill our houses with wealth and riches in Jesus name
9.Father we thank you for answering our prayers in Jesus name


Devotion Psalm 2:7-10
1. God is saying today I have become your father. You are my son (both genders).
2. Everybody is asking God but only His sons will He give attention and answers.
3. He says ask of me nations not food, clothes, nor cars. He says ask BIGGER Things. May you possession nations in business and ministry in Jesus name
4. He says ONLY ASK. Prayer is key to touching the heart of God. In prayer we pour our hearts to God.
Nations are waiting to hear your voice in Jesus name
Bible Study: Numbers 17-19 & 1 Cor 4-6.
Prayers of Thanksgiving
1. Father who i am that you are mindful of?
2. Father we thank you for qualifying us by grace to be called your sons (both genders) in Jesus name
3. We thank you for apostolic grace to possession nations and to cross boundaries for the gospel in Jesus name
Prayers of Supplication
4. Father write my name in the book of life in Jesus name
5. Father help me in my weaknesses to become your true son in Jesus name
6. Father use us to possess nations for the kingdom business in Jesus name
7.Every Iron gate limiting my Access to the world is breaken in Jesus name
8.Father baptise me with fresh grace to be on fire and fear of you in Jesus name
9. Father we thank you for answering our prayers in Jesus name


Bible Study : Numbers 34, 35 &36 & 2 Corinthians 7-9.
Devotion: Deuteronomy 28:1-13
1. To enjoy the Blessings of God, there are conditions.
2. Obedience to follow ALL his Commandments is the key to God’s unlimited blessings
3. If we obey He promises many blessings
4. He shall set us above ALL nations.we shall be blesses in the city and country, our children will be blessed, our kitchen will never run dry, whereever we go we shall be blessed, God will fight for us, God’s blessings will be evident on all we do, etc FinAlly
5. Secret to all the blessings in life, lies in our OBEDIENCE to God.
Prayers of Thankgiving
1. Father We thank you for blessing us in this beautiful day with life in Jesus name
2. Father in Heaven, we thank you for you have said if we obey, you will bless us in Jesus name
3. Father we thank you for our 3rd day of prayer and fasting in Jesus name.
Prayers of Supplication
4. Father we ask for grace to continuously reverence your Holy name in Jesus name
5. Father By your Holy Spirit, baptise me to fully obey your instructions all the days of my life in Jesus name
6. Father, you said that if I obey your commandments, You will set me above All Nations. Set my life, family, children, works of my hands and ministry above ALL nations in Jesus name
7. Father as I obey you Lord, may all these blessings come upon me (mention them)
8. Father in Jesus name, because my heart is set to fear you, let your blessings rest permanently upon my life in Jesus name.
9. Father thank you for answering our prayers in Jesus name


Thanksgiving to God carries tremendous power that the kingdom of darkness can not withstand.
The power in thanksgiving is a mystery every believer must tap in.
It can not be explained how a battle is won by just singing praises to God.
In 1 Thessalonians 5:18 we are commanded by God to give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus.
Thanksgiving is the will of God for us! If you want to live in the will of God start giving thanks to God.
The best place you can ever be in life is to be at the center of God’s will for your life .
Thanksgiving is the will of God for you.
1. Guaranteed perfection, Wholeness and completion .
Thanksgiving brings about the completion of God’s blessing for your life. The leper who came to give thanks to Jesus was made complete ,perfect and whole Luke 17:11-19.
God will not end at just giving you a job , He will not end at giving you only a business idea, He still wants to promote you. As you give thanks, your life will be made whole and complete.
2. Thanksgiving expands your capacity to receive more from God.
If you are not thankful, God can not entrust you with more of his power. David was grateful to God for the power God gave him to kill a bear and a lion, in return God helped him to defeat the philistine, more victory and more power 1 sam17:34 -37.
Receive more strength and power to defeat the enemies of your career, health,marriage, children and destiny.
3.Gratitude brings about multiplication, nothing multiplies without thanksgiving
John 6:11-12. May your bread be multiplied as you give thanks in Jesus Name.
4. Thanksgiving breaks the yoke of bondage and opens prison doors Acts 16:25. .are you in bondage? Start glorifying God now and you will be set free.
5. Thanksgiving changes your status in life psalm 28:5.
Be grateful to God and God will beautify your life, He will lift you up from the low place in life.
Remember where you were yesterday, the accidents he saved you from, the mysterious provisions of God and the protection .Go on and thank God for his mercy.

Value and see where you are today and sincerely ask yourself what you did to merit the blessing. Hold dear what God has done for you.
Give thanks to God.


Bible Study: Deuteronomy 1-3 & Galatians 1-3.
Devotion: Job 1:5, 18 & 3:25.
1.In Job 1:5 Job had one fear in his heart. It was that may be his children had sinned cursed God in their hearts. So he took on the role of mediator instead of raising them up in the fear of God.
2. As a father he wanted the best for them. But he missed on training them while they were young to walk in the fear of the Lord according to proverbs 10:26.
3. In verse 18. He got the news he was avoiding to recieve one day. All his children,were partying one day when suddenly a great wind struck the four corners of the house and killed all of them in one day.
4. In Chapter 3:25 Job lamented by saying” For the thing I greatly feared is come upon me. That which i was afraid of is come unto me.” Fear is a cage. It is an illegal tenant occupying space for free while tormenting you.
5. 2 Timothy 1:7 tells us that” For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”
Remove fear of premature death replace it with long life Isaiah 65:20). Remove hatrade replace it with love,replace fear of defeat with power and sound mind.
Whatever you nurse will grow. Both Fear and Faith will produce results but fear will destroy you while faith will build you.
What are you afriad of today? Get rid of it before it gets rid of you by the word of God.
Prayers of Thanksgiving
1. Father Thank you for the spirit of sound mind, power, discipline and love you have given us in Jesus name.
2.Father thank you for faith tbat delivers to us the heavenly blessings
3. Father thank you for today beginning, we shall walk in faith and not in fear in Jesus name.
Prayers of Supplication
4. Father in the name of Jesus Christ, I cast out every spirit of fear out of my life in Jesus name
5. Father I activate the spirit of power, love, discipline and sound mind in Jesus name
6. Father in Heaven, every spirit of fear tormenting my life, family, ministry, career I cast you out in Jesus name.
7. Father this one thing (Mention it) that i fear most and am afraid off all the time, deliver me by your word in Jesus name.
8. Father deliver us from fear of poverty, divorce, premature death, failure in life and examinations, not having children, not getting married, etc in Jesus name
9. Father thank you for answering our prayers in Jesus name.


Be our guest this sunday as we learn about WALKING IN GOD’S BLESSINGS..JESUS is Lord

Write Down The Vision Make It Plain

Then the LORD replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.Habakkuk 2:2.
As we come the close of the year 2017, write down your vision clearly in print. Break it down into hourly, daily, weekly and monthly mile stones.

A vision is like a pregancy. You will lose taste for some foods,throw up, nausea etc. During this stage it will not make sense to others apart from yourself. Only you see the end from the beginning others may not see anything but a dreamer and enthusiast in you. Eyes on the ball. Just like no one admires the foundation, do not fall for the trap of gaining approval from people. Many will be happy to see you struggling and on the floor.

The pregnancy only starts making sense in the sixth to nineth months.
Build capacity along the way. Once you have built enough stamina to handle all shocks and stress as it comes, then you will manoeuvre through to make it to the top.

Finally in the end it will speak. While Experience is the best teacher, it does not necessarily mean you reinvent the wheel.Tap into the reservoir of massive talent, experience and abundant knowledge and wisdom for those who have walked down your path. In the end, the vision will speak loud enough for you to hear especially, those who did not see it from the beginning.



To fully understand our responsibility and role in giving thanks to God, the “WHY “ factor must be answered adequately. The question we must answer with full understanding is WHY DO WE GIVE THANKS TO GOD? WHAT HAS HE DONE TO DESERVE OUR PRAISE? WHY HIM ALONE SHOULD HE RECEIVE ALL OUR PRAISE?
If we answer these questions, we shall do it from our hearts and not by duty nor obligation.



“9Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever, 10 the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say:
11 “You are worthy, our Lord and God,
to receive glory and honor and power,
for you created all things,
and by your will they were created
and have their being.” Revelation 4:9-11)

 We have been given a picture of what goes on in Heaven every day and night. Praise goes on to the throne of God every second, minute, hour, day, night, week, month and year. God feeds on praise, worship and thanksgiving.
 In beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth (Genesis 1:1-2) The Earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep sea, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the water. What area of your life is formless and empty? Say what you want to see and the Spirit of God will create it and beautify it. God went on to create Light (Genesis 1:3), He went on to create land and gathered water in one place (4), He the created the Sky (9), plants and fruit trees (11),He then created all living creature (20), Finally, God created Man in His Image (26).
 Tell me who else deserves to be praised than our God?
2. God has Made us to be KINGS and PRIESTS:

“You have made us kings and priests to our God; And we shall reign on Earth” Revelation 5:10
 Salvation in Christ Jesus has endowed us royalty. Salvation is not a reduction. It is an elevation to Kingship and Priesthood so that we reign here on earth majestically. Child of God, you must rule in business, ministry, marriage, career and life in on earth. Christianity, should not a burden. The world is waiting for your solutions. Wake up and take your place in Jesus name.
 God has qualified us to serve Him, He is so holy, perfect and righteous, in our own capacity we do not qualify to serve him. Mercy has welcomed us into priesthood. In old times, only the Levites would do so. Jesus has opened us to serving God as Levites by GRACE not by Qualification so that God may shame the wise and those who feel entitled to do so. (1 Corinthians 1:27).
 God deserves our full PRAISE, WORSHIP and THANKSGIVING.
 God is using the UNDERDOGS( unqualified, unrecognized, unexpected) to humiliate the proud, self righteous and our enemies. Psalm 8:2. From today onward, you enjoy what you are not qualified for. You will build, buy a car you did not expect to. God will announce you to your generation in order to silence your accusers in Jesus name
 Therefore, God deserves our PRAISE, WORSHIP and THANKSGIVING.


…………………….DAY and NIGHT they ( living Creatures and 24 elders) never STOP saying
is the Lord God Almighty
Who was and is, and is to come” Revelation 4:8

 Praise, worship and thanksgiving is the song in heaven 24/7/360. If you can not learn to do so here on earth, then in Heaven, you will find it difficulty to adjust.
 God inhabits our praise (Psalm 22: 3). The cheapest way to carry the presence of the Lord is to make praise, worship and thanksgiving our daily routine and our life style.
 I do not know what you are going through; engage in praise to God, He will make your path straight. That seemingly, impossible situation, will crumble before you if you give him thanks.
From today onwards, receive grace to give thanks to God in all situations, circumstances and whatever, comes your way.

Prayer Points
1. Father thank you for who are you , what you have done and what you will never do in Jesus name
2. Father thank you for qualifying me to be a king and priest for your kingdom in Jesus name
3. Father baptize me, with unction for continuous praise, worship and thanksgiving lifestyle in Jesus name.

Christmas Service

Christmas is the birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ the reason for this season. We shall have a service, lunch ( a lot of food & drinks), mingling, departmental strategic planning and relating. All are welcome to share with us.