Bauleni Miracle Crusade

Four Reasons Why Only God Deserves Our THANKSGIVING.

1.He Can Not Lie: God is not man, if he has said it, he will perform it (Numbers 23:19.
2. He Will Never Forsake you:God will never abandon you, fail you nor leave you alone, He will accomplish what He has started in you (Deuterony 31:6).
3. He Does Not Change: He says I am the Lord I change not (Malachi 3:6). Only God is dependable and reliable. Man will change to favour himself depending on the situation.
4. He Neither Slumber nor Sleep(Psalm 121:4):The fact that He is so mindful of you, he keeps watching over you day and night. You are special to him.
These among several reasons, entitle God to receive our thanksgiving and oblige us to appreciate Him everyday and night. DECEMBER Our Month of THANKSGIVING.

Prophetic Release For December

Welcome to the brand new month of December, our month of THANKSGIVING. This month is symbolic for FINISHING or ENDING of the year. You will end well. The same God who has seen you from January To November, He will see you through from this December to the next December and beyond in Jesus name;
• The Lord will shield you from harm, premature death, misfortunes, failure, stagnation, delay, loss and disappointments
• The glory of the Lord will rise upon you in every area of your life, career, marriage, children, finances, ministry etc
• Before you call, the Lord will answer you. Where you expect ONE blessing TEN will answer to you, Where you expect TEN, HUNDRED will answer and where you expect a HUNDRED, a THOUSAND will answer in Jesus name.
• The Lord will sustain you to finish strong with you this year in all your endeavors.
• The Lord will defend and deliver you, he will exchange lives for your sake.
Psalm 2:7-9: I will proclaim the Lord`s decree:
He said to me, “You are my son: today I have become your Father, Ask me and I will make the NATIONS your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possessions”

• From today as the Lord remains your FATHER, go and travel the globe
• You are preserved in the air, on land and on water in Jesus name.

Manifestation of Power

Glory to God. We have seen the practicle demonstration of Power of the Holy Spirit in our November month of Manifestation of Power. Many have been healed from divserse sicknesses, oppressions and afflictions by the Healing Power of Jesus Christ. As we end the month we shall look at Walking in Power of the Holy Spirit. You are all invited..God bless.

Holy Spirit Baptism

Holy Spirit Baptism Sunday Service: When you are baptized with the Holy Spirit, you are clothed with the spirit of BOLDNESS Acts 4:29.

DAY 40/40

Bible Study:
Prayer Points
Leviticus 14-17 & Acts 18-21.
1 Our gracious Father in Heaven, we thank you for our 40th day of prayer and fasting in Jesus name.
2. We thank you for changing our levels in life, destiny, power and ministry in Jesus name
3. We thank you for giving us grace to consistently fast and pray from beginning to this day in Jesus name
4. Our Father in Heaven, we thank you for breaking every yoke, bondages, chains, circle and delay in our lives in Jesus mighty name
5. Holy Spirit thank you for clothing us with power to be effective witnesses of the gospel in Jesus name.
6. We thank you Father for the Bauleni miracle crusade we had in Jesus name and 169 souls that were saved in Jesus name.
7. Father we thank you for your word that came during this prayer and fasting in Jesus name
8. Thank you for honouring us with your presence and for accompanying your word with signs and wonders in Jesus name.
9. Father we thank you for giving us the grace to finish this great time of 40 days of prayer and fasting. You have changed our lives.Glory to your name in Jesus name.
Scriptural Reference: Psalm 136


1. POWER: is the ability, capacity, potential, faculty and competence to do something or act in a particular way or influence the behavior of others or the course of events
2. MANIFESTATION: An event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something. The action or fact of showing something synonyms: to display, demonstrate, exhibit, present or illustrate something (Oxford Dictionary).

Manifestation of Power means the ability to display the how big and mighty God is. Symptoms are diverse miracles, Healings, mass salvation of souls signs and wonders. This kind of POWER cannot come by mere human or physical energy, but it is the act of the Holy Spirit (Acts1:8).


1. We must realize that the Holy Spirit is the ONLY Source of POWER for the Kingdom of God.
Jesus told his disciples to wait in Jerusalem till the gift of the Holy Spirit is released upon them. The disciples walked with Jesus for nearly 3. 5 year yet they were not clothed with the POWER from Heaven. Jesus performed many miraculous signs and wonders for this period He resided with them yet He insisted that they should only launch into ministry once clothed with POWER. (Acts 1:2-8)

Classical example is, the great Apostle Peter, in his limited and physical reasoning, vowed to die for and stand with Jesus even to death, but Jesus said before rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will deny me three times that you even know me (John 13:36-38). Indeed to full scripture Peter denied His beloved Master Jesus for three times before even the little girl and high priests servants.

2. To Be Effective Witnesses of the Gospel, We need the Power of The Holy Spirit:
The same Peter who denied Jesus three times before the High Priest, after been filled with the Holy Spirit, he became another man who preached the gospel full of boldness with miraculous signs and wonders validating the presence of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:1-2. 14-41. The once coward Peter, stood to preach the resurrected Jesus to those same people, who killed Jesus. His words pierced their hearts and they asked what shall we do brethren? Peter responded by telling them to repent of their sins and be baptized. Then they too would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. That same day, Peter became the first Apostle to win 3,000 souls in one meeting (Acts 2:41).

In Conclusion, if the great apostle Peter who denied Jesus three time, became a great witness after receiving the Power of the Holy Spirit, how much more do you and I who have never seen Jesus face to face need His POWER? This gift is for whoever repents of their sins, is Baptised and are born again. Therefore, every believer needs the Holy Spirit to function. With out him you are merely a religious person. I pray you to day, that you will make yourself available to receive this great and free gift from God. That is what Manifestation of POWER means.

Prayer Points:
1. Father I repent of all my sins and receive Jesus as my Lord and savior.
2. Holy Spirit I receive you in my life. Fill me with your POWER in Jesus name
3. Holy Spirit you are here to empower us believers, make me an effective soul winner and witness of the Gospel in Jesus name.

Month of Wisdom

September is our month of Wisdom. This month may Heaven give you multi million dollar ideas, inventions, copyrights and patents. This months lack and want will not be your portion in Jesus name. I have the wisdom of God.