His Plans Are Better Than Ours:

Bible Study: 2 Corinthians 10-13 & Numbers 35-36.

DEVOTION : Jeremiah 29:11
1. God Knows the Plans He Has for each one of us.We need to find out his thoughts over our Lives.
2. He says His plans are to Prosper us: God wants us to prosper in all areas of our lives, spiritually, mentally, physically, health wise, in our careers, busineses and ministry.
3. His Plan Are Not To Harm us: God’s plans are safe and are aimed at preserving us and ALLTHINGS around us. Let us put everything under His care.
4. To give us Hope: No matter what you are going through, there is hope for. If Jesus could heal a paralytic man of 38 years at Bethesda, surely there is hope for all of us( John 5:1-14). Finally,
5. God Has A Great Future for us: When men write you off, remember God has a future for you. Even if you have messed up or do not see it, believe Him who created you, there is a better future begining now for you in Jesus name.
Prayers of Thanksgiving
1. Father thank you for today because your mercies are new every morning
2. Father thank you for the great plans you have for me in Jesus name
3. Father thank you for giving me hope and a future in Jesus name
Prayers of Supplication
4. Father renew my strength daily like the morning dew (psalm 110:3)
5. Father show me the great plans you have for me in 2018 in Jesus name
6. Father I ask that you prosper me in everything I do (career, business, works of my hands and ministry in Jesus name).
7. Father I reject every harm around my family , community, work place, my property and destiny in Jesus name
8. Father give me hope and show me the great future you have for me in Jesus name.
9. Thank you Father for answered prayers in Jesus name.

Catch Little Foxes

We have a glorious year before us right now. To fulfil all the prophesies, plans, dreams, aspirations and all goals set for 2018, our strategy must be different from the one we used in 2017. For every child of God, you shall walk in blessings. To do so first arrest all LITTLE FOXES before they spoil our destiny. Such as poor time management, hatrade, lust, greed, selfishness, sexual impurities, drunkenness, strife, failure to evangelise, pray, study the word, abandoning fellowship etc
Songs of Songs 2:15 says that ” Catch for us the LITTLE FOXES that spoil the vine.”
Vine means your labour, career, ministry, marriage, health, finances or livelihood. We must take sin out of our lives if we must make impact and maintain it to the glory of God in Jesus name.
Bible Study: Leviticus 24-26 & Romans 1-3.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
1.Father we return all the glory and praise for every good thing you have showered on us for the first 3 days of 2018.
2.Father in Heaven, thank you for giving us 2018 once again in Jesus name
3. Father we give you thanks for the life, family,ministry,marriage, careers and every blessing you have placed in our hands in Jesus name.
Prayer of Warfare
4. Father in the name of Jesus Christ, write my name in the book of life in Jesus name
5. Father in the name of Jesus, any little fox (mention them) that want to disqualify me to enter Heaven, i flush and reject them in Jesus name.
6. Father this area of my life(mention them), where i saw defeat in 2017, may i overcome in 2018 in Jesus name
7. Jesus you who knew no sin, became sin for me, so i might be made the righteousness of God in Jesus (2 Cor 5:21). From today, Holy Spirt transform and empower me begin a new chapter of righteousness in Jesus name.
8. I disconnect myself, from evil family parterns, habits, traits, associations, friendships and behaviours in Jesus name
9. Begin to appreciate God for answered prayer in Jesus name

Catch Little Foxes

We have a glorious year before us right now. To fulfil all the prophesies, plans, dreams, aspirations and all goals set for 2018, our strategy must be different from the one we used in 2017. For every child of God, you shall walk in blessings. To do so first arrest all LITTLE FOXES before they spoil our destiny. Such as poor time management, hatrade, lust, greed, selfishness, sexual impurities, drunkenness, strife, failure to evangelise, pray, study the word, abandoning fellowship etc
Songs of Songs 2:15 says that ” Catch for us the LITTLE FOXES that spoil the vine.”
Vine means your labour, career, ministry, marriage, health, finances or livelihood. We must take sin out of our lives if we must make impact and maintain it to the glory of God in Jesus name.
Bible Study: Leviticus 24-26 & Romans 1-3.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
1.Father we return all the glory and praise for every good thing you have showered on us for the first 3 days of 2018.
2.Father in Heaven, thank you for giving us 2018 once again in Jesus name
3. Father we give you thanks for the life, family,ministry,marriage, careers and every blessing you have placed in our hands in Jesus name.
Prayer of Warfare
4. Father in the name of Jesus Christ, write my name in the book of life in Jesus name
5. Father in the name of Jesus, any little fox (mention them) that want to disqualify me to enter Heaven, i flush and reject them in Jesus name.
6. Father this area of my life(mention them), where i saw defeat in 2017, may i overcome in 2018 in Jesus name
7. Jesus you who knew no sin, became sin for me, so i might be made the righteousness of God in Jesus (2 Cor 5:21). From today, Holy Spirt transform and empower me begin a new chapter of righteousness in Jesus name.
8. I disconnect myself, from evil family parterns, habits, traits, associations, friendships and behaviours in Jesus name
9. Begin to appreciate God for answered prayer in Jesus name


Bible Study: Numbers 20,21 &22 & 1 Corinthians 7,8&9.
1. There was a rich man (meaning God) who had two sons. Luke 15:12
2. One believed in working hard for the father but he never asked his father for anything.
3. The younger one, asked his father for his share of the estate and his father gave him.
4. We have learned that God wants us to ask HiM for anything we desire.Finally
5. The younger one got his estates as he demanded. Meaning that God will only give us what we demand and not what we desire. Put a demand and be specific in your requests to God.
Prayers of Thanksgiving
1. Father I thank you for the 12th day of prayer and fasting
2. Father I thank you for you always hear me when I call in Jesus.
3. Father I thank you for you giving me the portion that belongs to me in Jesus name
Prayers of Supplication
4. Father in the name of Jesus Christ, give me the portion that falleth unto me in health, marriage, career breakthroughs, business and ministry in Jesus name.
5. Father this year is Tagged “BLESSED IN ALLTHINGS” i demand that you bless me in all things. Mention them
6. In Genesis 24:1Bless me with Long life in Jesus name
7. Father you blessed Abraham and he was rich and wealthy. Father bless the works of my hands and make me rich and wealthy in Jesus name.
8. Father may your blessing be evident on my life, Marriage, children, family, ministry, works of my hands and MCCCI in Jesus name.
9. Thank you Father for answering our prayers in Jesus name.


by Pastor Blessings Mainsa

SCRIPTURE: Deut 28:1-14

What is a foundation?
-The basis or groundwork of anything.
-Deuteronomy 28 lists some of the blessings that God has promised us and if we have to access these blessings, we must build a solid foundation in which they are to stand.
-Architects tell us that no matter how beautiful a building is , its only a matter of time before cracks begins to show if the foundation is weak.
– we can there therefore draw lessons from an architectural building in the building of our godly foundation that qualifies us for God blessings.
1. We define the purpose of our building and like wise must first discover our purpose in life because our blessings are tied to our purpose JER:29:11

2. Clear the land and likewise this means you have clear out the hindrance of sin. Repent if you are a believer and give your life to Christ if you are not Isaiah 59:1-2

3. You start digging according to architect s measurements. This symbolises labour, work. You have to be a hard worker to qualify for God blessings. Prooverbs14:23, prov 12:24, 1st Thessa 4:11-12

4. In the process of digging, sometimes we meet stones, old foundations or tree stamps. We then must root them out, or break them. Likewise there is a place in Christianity where you must root out satanic plantations and deposits, destroy evil foundations and wage war against forces of darkness blocking your blessings. Jer 1:10, Matthew 7:19, 2nd Cor 10:3-5

5. You look at material requirements and come up with a budget. This symbolises planning and sticking to ones plans requires discipline. Failing to plan is planning to fail. We have to be planners and be disciplined for God to entrust us with his blessings. Lk 14:28, prov 25:28,

6. After the budget , all the resources may not be there and we must trust God. Blessed people are people with earth moving faith, for without faith it is impossible to please God. Faith as little as a mustard seed can move mountains. If you have the money you go and buy in the right quantities and this represents organisation, excellence and order. Our God is perfect and orderly and expects the same from us. To do things with excellence 1st cor 14:40. Matt 5:48

7. Materials are mixed in specific quantities in obedience to builders specifications. This is equated to obeying Gods commands . if we break them, there are consequences Deut 28:1
8. You start building which symbolises, building yourself in Gods word. Psal3:6, psalm119:162, Joshua 1:8,

9. You look at the work done and are grateful for the milestone. This is gratitude to God. Gratitude in small things qualifies you for bigger breakthroughs. 1st Sam 17:34-37

10. You pour water for a number if days and this symbolises consistency and focus… You must be focused and consistent in all your spiritual exercises to see Gods blessing, not on fire today and back to old ways tomorrow finish what you start. Phil 3:13-14

10. If you build your foundation correctly, it means you qualify to build the rest of the house…. This symbolises faithfulness! If you are faithful in small things , you can be trusted with big things but can God trust you with his blessings? Lk16:10.

People who have built their lives in the above godly principles are what we call men and women of strong character. Therefore , strong Godly character is a fundamental requirement to qualify for Gods blessings . Some people have been blessed but because their character(foundation)was weak, the blessing destroyed them.

Write Down The Vision Make It Plain

Then the LORD replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.Habakkuk 2:2.
As we come the close of the year 2017, write down your vision clearly in print. Break it down into hourly, daily, weekly and monthly mile stones.

A vision is like a pregancy. You will lose taste for some foods,throw up, nausea etc. During this stage it will not make sense to others apart from yourself. Only you see the end from the beginning others may not see anything but a dreamer and enthusiast in you. Eyes on the ball. Just like no one admires the foundation, do not fall for the trap of gaining approval from people. Many will be happy to see you struggling and on the floor.

The pregnancy only starts making sense in the sixth to nineth months.
Build capacity along the way. Once you have built enough stamina to handle all shocks and stress as it comes, then you will manoeuvre through to make it to the top.

Finally in the end it will speak. While Experience is the best teacher, it does not necessarily mean you reinvent the wheel.Tap into the reservoir of massive talent, experience and abundant knowledge and wisdom for those who have walked down your path. In the end, the vision will speak loud enough for you to hear especially, those who did not see it from the beginning.