Church Registration

  1. The HQ will take full responsibility for the registration of new branches locally and abroad.
  2. Each brand will support by the HQ for a maximum of 6 months, thereafter, the church shall be self sustaining.
  3. Every pastor tasked with managing a new branch locally and abroad must work tirelessly both spiritually and physically to grow the church to a self sustaining level.
  4. In the 8th month, a newly set up church should sent its tithes and other offerings as deemed fit to the HQ on a monthly basis.
  5. A professional consulting firm shall be engaged in this registration process to ensure transparency and avoid of interferences throughout the process
  6. All branches shall be fully owned, registered and operate as MCCCI with monthly Themes as sent by the president for ones and unit of purpose.


  1. This ministry being a part of the Kingdom of God and in line with ISAIAH 9:6-7 shall not be subject to dissolution by members.
  2. Where there is change to the name of this ministry or any part thereof, the President shall notify the Registrar of Societies in the Republic of Zambia and/or responsible authorities internationally.
  3. Notwithstanding the provisions of (1) above, where for any other reason, this ministry is dissolved, the President or any person acting in such capacity shall direct on the disposal of assets and such disposal shall strictly adhere to the followings;
  4. Transfer to s subsequent ministry formed in place of the current one by this ministry as directed by God through the President
  5. Donation to other ministries and/or charities.
  6. Forfeiture to the state for the use in developmental projects so identified.