Director of finance and investments.

  1. Shall collaborate with the Executive Director and the board in the drafting and implementation of the Finance and Investment Policy.
  2. Shall be responsible for the implementation and execution of the dictates of the Finance and Investment Policy.
  3. Shall ensure all Sunday offerings and church attendance are well recorded, documented, filed and reported to the Executive Director`s office and President in copy every Monday of the week with attached bank deposits for easy administration and prudent financial management.
  4. Shall collaborate with the Executive Director and the Board in spearheading the formation of companies and businesses under this ministry.
  5. Shall generate and maintain records of all financial transactions of the ministry.
  6. Shall manage all bank accounts and related matters.
  7. Shall administer the payroll for members of staff or executive members whenever payments of salaries, wages and allowances when ever required.
  8. Shall be the signatory to all financial matters.
  9. Shall oversee the appointment of special finance and project management teams and any other committees and their respective heads in consultation with the board.
  10. Shall be the chief analyst of the global economic indicators and apply them to business opportunities or challenges.
  11. Shall work with other departments to ensure the observance of biblical finance and economic principles in the acquisition and administration of wealth and finances.
  12. Shall ensure the observance of statutory obligations where such apply.