
The following shall be the known and accepted ordinances the ministry shall observe in

Water Baptism

The water baptism is the declaration of a born again Christian to the about his/her acceptance, death and resurrection with the Lord Jesus (mark 16;16, Acts 2:37-38).

Holy Communion

We believe the Holy Communion symbolises the body and blood of our Lord Jesus. The body was free of sickness and diseases. The blood was shed for the remission of our sins. We shall break the bread and drink of the blood as often as possible. (Mark 26:26-28, I Corinthian 11:26-28).

Feet Washing

We believe that ministry calls for humble servant hood and that we are called to serve God`s people not to burden them but to bless them with the word of God.

He that must lead must be a servant (John 13:1-17).

We believe also that the feet of believers must be positioned for dominion (Joshua 1:3)

Ministration of Olive oil (Anointed Oil)

We believe that the olive oil when prayed for carries the power of the Holy Spirit as a medium not the healer (Mark 6:12-13)

After prayer for the sick the oil must be administered (James 5:14)

Dedication of Leaders.

Leaders shall be dedicated for service by the Pastor in charge at the Mission Centre.

Dedication of the Children.

Children shall be dedicated, upon the faith of their parents at age eight days to one month the baby can be named and dedicated in Church (Luke2:12) by the Pastor with a seed according to their ability. 2 Corinthians 9:7-8.

Dedication of Property

Every member will enjoy the right to have their property i.e cars, houses, land, buildings etc. The church committee will do advance verifications on the ownership of the property to be dedicated. They shall present a seed to the Lord according their ability. 2 Corinthians 9:7-8.

Burial of the dead

Members of the Commission shall be accorded a funeral service upon their demise and the body shall be committed to the ground by a leader appointed for the purpose. In cases where a close relation to a member passes on, the church will offer financial and moral support to the bereaved family. Unless otherwise, upon the request from the family, only then would the church conduct the funeral procession.


  1. Marriage is Divine and Holy Matrimony. It shall be entered into seriously. It is an institution which God ordained that it is instituted between one man (male) and one woman not of the same gender (female) Genesis 1:27.
  2. Speaking in Tongues.

Speaking in tongues is an enablement by the Holy Spirit to empower every Christian to serve God effectively. For the sake of order in church, members are free to pray in any tongues during prayer, praise and worship (Acts 2:1-4.